Initial import of goggles v2
[goggles] / disassembly / listing.disasm
1 Disassembly Listing for led_test
2 Generated From:
3 /home/justin/MPLABXProjects/led_test.X/dist/XC8_PIC12F1840/debug/led_test.X.debug.cof
4 14-Jun-2013 12:31:18
6 ---  /home/justin/MPLABXProjects/led_test.X/ws2811.c  ---------------------------------------------------
7 1:             #include <stdint.h>
8 2:             #include <stdbool.h>
9 3:             
10 4:             #include "system.h"
11 5:             #include "user.h"
12 6:             
13 7:             #include "ws2811.h"
14 8:             
15 9:             // how many LEDs are there
16 10:            #define LED_COUNT 8
17 11:            
18 12:            #define RGB_COUNT (LED_COUNT*3)
19 13:            
20 14:            #define SEND_ONE  0b11111000
21 15:            #define SEND_ZERO 0b11000000
22 16:            
23 17:            unsigned rgbdata[RGB_COUNT];
24 18:            
25 19:            volatile uint8_t rgb_sample = 0;
26 20:            volatile int8_t rgb_byte = 0;
27 21:            volatile int8_t rgb_bit  = 0;
28 22:            
29 23:            #if 0
30 24:            /* interupt handling routine:
31 25:             * aka: send next bit
32 26:             */
33 27:            #pragma interrupt_level 1
34 28:            void ws2811_int(void)
35 29:            {
36 30:                //if (rgb_byte == 0) return;
37 31:            
38 32:                /*
39 33:                rgb_sample <<= 1;
40 34:            
41 35:                if ( rgb_sample & 0x80 )
42 36:                    SSP1BUF = SEND_ONE;
43 37:                else
44 38:                    SSP1BUF = SEND_ZERO;
45 39:                */
46 40:            
47 41:                asm("MOVLW 0xC0");
48 42:                asm("RLF _rgb_sample,f");
49 43:                //asm("BTFSC CARRY");
50 44:                asm("BTFSC STATUS,0");
51 45:                asm("MOVLW 0xF8");
52 46:                asm("BANKSEL (SSP1BUF)");
53 47:                asm("MOVWF SSP1BUF & 0x7F");
54 48:            
55 49:                asm("DECFSZ _rgb_bit,f");
56 50:                asm("RETURN");
57 51:            
58 52:                /* next byte */
59 53:            
60 54:                asm("MOVLW 8");
61 55:                asm("MOVWF _rgb_bit");
62 56:                asm("DECFSZ _rgb_byte");
63 57:                asm("BRA ws2811_loadnext");
64 58:            
65 59:                /* count is zero, were all done */
66 60:                asm("BANKSEL (PIE1)");
67 61:                //asm("BCF SSP1IE");
68 62:                asm("BCF PIE1 & 0x7F,3");
69 63:                asm("RETURN");
70 64:            
71 65:            asm("ws2811_loadnext:");
72 66:                    if (rgb_byte)
73 67:                        rgb_sample = rgbdata[rgb_byte-1];
74 68:                    else
75 69:                        PIE1bits.SSP1IE = 0;
76 70:            
77 71:            }
78 72:            #endif
79 73:            
80 74:            void ws2811_start(void)
81 75:            {
82 76:                rgb_byte = RGB_COUNT;
83 0760  3018     MOVLW 0x18
84 0761  00F1     MOVWF 0x71
85 0762  0871     MOVF 0x71, W
86 0763  00F8     MOVWF rgb_byte
87 77:                ws2811_send(); // send the first bit
88 0764  3180     MOVLP 0x0
89 0765  2000     CALL 0x0
90 0766  3187     MOVLP 0x7
91 78:            }
92 0767  0008     RETURN
93 79:            
94 80:            bool ws2811_running(void)
95 81:            {
96 82:                if (rgb_byte) return true;
97 83:                return false;
98 84:            }
99 ---  /home/justin/MPLABXProjects/led_test.X/user.c  -----------------------------------------------------
100 1:             /******************************************************************************/
101 2:             /* Files to Include                                                           */
102 3:             /******************************************************************************/
103 4:             
104 5:             #if defined(__XC)
105 6:                 #include <xc.h>         /* XC8 General Include File */
106 7:             #elif defined(HI_TECH_C)
107 8:                 #include <htc.h>        /* HiTech General Include File */
108 9:             #endif
109 10:            
110 11:            #include <stdint.h>         /* For uint8_t definition */
111 12:            #include <stdbool.h>        /* For true/false definition */
112 13:            
113 14:            #include "user.h"
114 15:            
115 16:            /******************************************************************************/
116 17:            /* User Functions                                                             */
117 18:            /******************************************************************************/
118 19:            
119 20:            /* <Initialize variables in user.h and insert code for user algorithms.> */
120 21:            
121 22:            void InitApp(void)
122 23:            {
123 24:                /* TODO Initialize User Ports/Peripherals/Project here */
124 25:            
125 26:                /* Setup analog functionality and port direction */
126 27:            
127 28:                /* Initialize peripherals */
128 29:            
129 30:                /* Enable interrupts */
130 31:            
131 32:                // SPI MASTER mode div4 t-to-h
132 33:                SSP1CON1bits.SSPEN = 1; // enable MSSP
133 0771  0024     MOVLB 0x4
134 0772  1695     BSF TMR0, 0x5
135 34:                TRISAbits.TRISA0 = 0; // SDO is RA0
136 0773  0021     MOVLB 0x1
137 0774  100C     BCF PORTA, 0x0
138 35:                ANSELAbits.ANSA0 = 0; // not analog
139 0775  0023     MOVLB 0x3
140 0776  100C     BCF PORTA, 0x0
141 36:                
142 37:                // SCK (SPI Clock) is RA1
143 38:                // SDI (SPI In) is RA2
144 39:                APFCONbits.SDOSEL = 0; // use RA0 not RA4 for output
145 0777  0022     MOVLB 0x2
146 0778  131D     BCF 0x1D, 0x6
147 40:            
148 41:                // at 8MHz Tclk   0 = 2 bits, 1 = 6 bits.
149 42:                // write to SSP1BUF
150 43:                SSP1CON1bits.SSPM = 0b0000; // SPI Master Fosc/4
151 0779  30F0     MOVLW 0xF0
152 077A  0024     MOVLB 0x4
153 077B  0595     ANDWF TMR0, F
154 44:            
155 45:                // enable SPI interupts
156 46:              //  PIE1bits.SSP1IE = 1; // SPI interupt enable
157 47:              //  INTCONbits.PEIE = 1; // peripheral int enable
158 48:              //  INTCONbits.GIE = 1; // master int enable
159 49:            
160 50:            }
161 077C  0008     RETURN
162 51:            
163 52:            
164 ---  /home/justin/MPLABXProjects/led_test.X/system.c  ---------------------------------------------------
165 1:             /******************************************************************************/
166 2:             /* Files to Include                                                           */
167 3:             /******************************************************************************/
168 4:             
169 5:             #if defined(__XC)
170 6:                 #include <xc.h>         /* XC8 General Include File */
171 7:             #elif defined(HI_TECH_C)
172 8:                 #include <htc.h>        /* HiTech General Include File */
173 9:             #endif
174 10:            
175 11:            #include <stdint.h>        /* For uint8_t definition */
176 12:            #include <stdbool.h>       /* For true/false definition */
177 13:            
178 14:            #include "system.h"
179 15:            
180 16:            /* Refer to the device datasheet for information about available
181 17:            oscillator configurations and to compiler documentation for macro details. */
182 18:            void ConfigureOscillator(void)
183 19:            {
184 20:            
185 21:                /*If the PIC12 device has an OSCCAL value, the HiTech Compiler provides
186 22:                a macro called _READ_OSCCAL_DATA which can be loaded using this: */
187 23:            
188 24:                /* TODO Configure OSCCAL if the device has an OSCCAL register */
189 25:            
190 26:            #if 0
191 27:            
192 28:                OSCCAL=_READ_OSCCAL_DATA(); /* _READ_OSCCAL_DATA macro unloads cal memory */
193 29:            
194 30:            #endif
195 31:            
196 32:                /*Not all PIC12 devices require this.
197 33:            
198 34:                /* TODO Add clock switching code if appropriate.  */
199 35:            
200 36:                /* Typical actions in this function are to tweak the oscillator tuning
201 37:                register, select new clock sources, and to wait until new clock sources
202 38:                are stable before resuming execution of the main project. */
203 39:            
204 40:                // Enable 32MHz internal clock
205 41:                OSCCONbits.SCS = 0b00;
206 0768  30FC     MOVLW 0xFC
207 0769  0021     MOVLB 0x1
208 076A  0599     ANDWF T1GCON, F
209 42:                OSCCONbits.IRCF = 0b1110;
210 076B  0819     MOVF T1GCON, W
211 076C  3987     ANDLW 0x87
212 076D  3870     IORLW 0x70
213 076E  0099     MOVWF T1GCON
214 43:                OSCCONbits.SPLLEN = 1;
215 076F  1799     BSF T1GCON, 0x7
216 44:            
217 45:            
218 46:            }
219 0770  0008     RETURN
220 ---  /home/justin/MPLABXProjects/led_test.X/main.c  -----------------------------------------------------
221 1:             /******************************************************************************/
222 2:             /* Files to Include                                                           */
223 3:             /******************************************************************************/
224 4:             
225 5:             #if defined(__XC)
226 6:                 #include <xc.h>         /* XC8 General Include File */
227 7:             #elif defined(HI_TECH_C)
228 8:                 #include <htc.h>        /* HiTech General Include File */
229 9:             #endif
230 10:            
231 11:            #include <stdint.h>        /* For uint8_t definition */
232 12:            #include <stdbool.h>       /* For true/false definition */
233 13:            
234 14:            #include "system.h"        /* System funct/params, like osc/peripheral config */
235 15:            #include "user.h"          /* User funct/params, such as InitApp */
236 16:            
237 17:            #include "ws2811.h"
238 18:            
239 19:            /******************************************************************************/
240 20:            /* User Global Variable Declaration                                           */
241 21:            /******************************************************************************/
242 22:            
243 23:            /* i.e. uint8_t <variable_name>; */
244 24:            
245 25:            /******************************************************************************/
246 26:            /* Main Program                                                               */
247 27:            /******************************************************************************/
248 28:            
249 29:            void main(void)
250 30:            {
251 31:                /* Configure the oscillator for the device */
252 32:                ConfigureOscillator();
253 078B  3187     MOVLP 0x7
254 078C  2768     CALL 0x768
255 078D  3187     MOVLP 0x7
256 33:            
257 34:                /* Initialize I/O and Peripherals for application */
258 35:                InitApp();
259 078E  3187     MOVLP 0x7
260 078F  2771     CALL 0x771
261 0790  3187     MOVLP 0x7
262 36:            
263 37:                for (int j=0; j<RGB_COUNT; j+=3) {
264 0791  01F5     CLRF j
265 0792  01F6     CLRF 0x76
266 0793  0876     MOVF 0x76, W
267 0794  3A80     XORLW 0x80
268 0795  00FF     MOVWF 0x7F
269 0796  3080     MOVLW 0x80
270 0797  027F     SUBWF 0x7F, W
271 0798  1D03     BTFSS STATUS, 0x2
272 0799  2F9C     GOTO 0x79C
273 079A  3018     MOVLW 0x18
274 079B  0275     SUBWF j, W
275 079C  1C03     BTFSS STATUS, 0x0
276 079D  2F9F     GOTO 0x79F
277 079E  2FA0     GOTO 0x7A0
278 079F  2FA2     GOTO 0x7A2
279 07A0  2FD2     GOTO 0x7D2
280 07A1  2FD2     GOTO 0x7D2
281 07BF  3003     MOVLW 0x3
282 07C0  07F5     ADDWF j, F
283 07C1  3000     MOVLW 0x0
284 07C2  3DF6     ADDWFC 0x76, F
285 07C3  0876     MOVF 0x76, W
286 07C4  3A80     XORLW 0x80
287 07C5  00FF     MOVWF 0x7F
288 07C6  3080     MOVLW 0x80
289 07C7  027F     SUBWF 0x7F, W
290 07C8  1D03     BTFSS STATUS, 0x2
291 07C9  2FCC     GOTO 0x7CC
292 07CA  3018     MOVLW 0x18
293 07CB  0275     SUBWF j, W
294 07CC  1C03     BTFSS STATUS, 0x0
295 07CD  2FCF     GOTO 0x7CF
296 07CE  2FD0     GOTO 0x7D0
297 07CF  2FA2     GOTO 0x7A2
298 07D0  2FD2     GOTO 0x7D2
299 07D1  2FD2     GOTO 0x7D2
300 38:                    rgbdata[j+0] = 0x20; // R
301 07A2  0875     MOVF j, W
302 07A3  0709     ADDWF WREG, W
303 07A4  3E20     ADDLW 0x20
304 07A5  0086     MOVWF FSR1L
305 07A6  0187     CLRF FSR1H
306 07A7  3020     MOVLW 0x20
307 07A8  3FC0     MOVWI [0]FSR1
308 07A9  3000     MOVLW 0x0
309 07AA  3FC1     MOVWI [1]FSR1
310 39:                    rgbdata[j+1] = 0x20; // G
311 07AB  0875     MOVF j, W
312 07AC  0709     ADDWF WREG, W
313 07AD  3E02     ADDLW 0x2
314 07AE  3E20     ADDLW 0x20
315 07AF  0086     MOVWF FSR1L
316 07B0  0187     CLRF FSR1H
317 07B1  3020     MOVLW 0x20
318 07B2  3FC0     MOVWI [0]FSR1
319 07B3  3000     MOVLW 0x0
320 07B4  3FC1     MOVWI [1]FSR1
321 40:                    rgbdata[j+2] = 0x00; // B
322 07B5  0875     MOVF j, W
323 07B6  0709     ADDWF WREG, W
324 07B7  3E04     ADDLW 0x4
325 07B8  3E20     ADDLW 0x20
326 07B9  0086     MOVWF FSR1L
327 07BA  0187     CLRF FSR1H
328 07BB  3000     MOVLW 0x0
329 07BC  3FC0     MOVWI [0]FSR1
330 07BD  3000     MOVLW 0x0
331 07BE  3FC1     MOVWI [1]FSR1
332 41:                }
333 42:                
334 43:                while(1)
335 07FD  2FD2     GOTO 0x7D2
336 44:                {
337 45:                    ws2811_start();
338 07D2  3187     MOVLP 0x7
339 07D3  2760     CALL 0x760
340 07D4  3187     MOVLP 0x7
341 46:                    
342 47:                    for (int j=0; j<10; j++)
343 07D5  01F3     CLRF j_41
344 07D6  01F4     CLRF 0x74
345 07D7  0874     MOVF 0x74, W
346 07D8  3A80     XORLW 0x80
347 07D9  00FF     MOVWF 0x7F
348 07DA  3080     MOVLW 0x80
349 07DB  027F     SUBWF 0x7F, W
350 07DC  1D03     BTFSS STATUS, 0x2
351 07DD  2FE0     GOTO 0x7E0
352 07DE  300A     MOVLW 0xA
353 07DF  0273     SUBWF j_41, W
354 07E0  1C03     BTFSS STATUS, 0x0
355 07E1  2FE3     GOTO 0x7E3
356 07E2  2FE4     GOTO 0x7E4
357 07E3  2FE6     GOTO 0x7E6
358 07E4  2FD2     GOTO 0x7D2
359 07E5  2FD2     GOTO 0x7D2
360 07EA  3001     MOVLW 0x1
361 07EB  07F3     ADDWF j_41, F
362 07EC  3000     MOVLW 0x0
363 07ED  3DF4     ADDWFC 0x74, F
364 07EE  0874     MOVF 0x74, W
365 07EF  3A80     XORLW 0x80
366 07F0  00FF     MOVWF 0x7F
367 07F1  3080     MOVLW 0x80
368 07F2  027F     SUBWF 0x7F, W
369 07F3  1D03     BTFSS STATUS, 0x2
370 07F4  2FF7     GOTO 0x7F7
371 07F5  300A     MOVLW 0xA
372 07F6  0273     SUBWF j_41, W
373 07F7  1C03     BTFSS STATUS, 0x0
374 07F8  2FFA     GOTO 0x7FA
375 07F9  2FFB     GOTO 0x7FB
376 07FA  2FE6     GOTO 0x7E6
377 07FB  2FD2     GOTO 0x7D2
378 07FC  2FD2     GOTO 0x7D2
379 48:                        DelayMs(100);
380 07E6  30B1     MOVLW 0xB1
381 07E7  00F2     MOVWF 0x72
382 07E8  0BF2     DECFSZ 0x72, F
383 07E9  2FE8     GOTO 0x7E8
384 49:                
385 50:                }
386 51:            }
387 07FE  3180     MOVLP 0x0
388 52:            
389 ---  /home/justin/MPLABXProjects/led_test.X/interrupts.c  -----------------------------------------------
390 1:             /******************************************************************************/
391 2:             /*Files to Include                                                            */
392 3:             /******************************************************************************/
393 4:             
394 5:             #if defined(__XC)
395 6:                 #include <xc.h>         /* XC8 General Include File */
396 7:             #elif defined(HI_TECH_C)
397 8:                 #include <htc.h>        /* HiTech General Include File */
398 9:             #endif
399 10:            
400 11:            #include <stdint.h>         /* For uint8_t definition */
401 12:            #include <stdbool.h>        /* For true/false definition */
402 13:            
403 14:            #include "ws2811.h"
404 15:            
405 16:            /******************************************************************************/
406 17:            /* Interrupt Routines                                                         */
407 18:            /******************************************************************************/
408 19:            
409 20:            /* Baseline devices don't have interrupts. Unfortunately the baseline detection 
410 21:             * macro is named _PIC12 */
411 22:            
412 23:            
413 24:            
414 25:            void interrupt isr(void)
415 26:            {
416 0004  3180     MOVLP 0x0
417 27:                /* This code stub shows general interrupt handling.  Note that these
418 28:                conditional statements are not handled within 3 seperate if blocks.
419 29:                Do not use a seperate if block for each interrupt flag to avoid run
420 30:                time errors. */
421 31:            
422 32:            #if 0
423 33:                if (PIR1bits.SSP1IF) {
424 34:                    ws2811_int();
425 35:                }
426 36:            #endif
427 37:            }
428 0008  0870     MOVF 0x70, W
429 38:            
430 39: