Initial import of goggles v2
authorJustin Mitchell <>
Wed, 27 Aug 2014 16:54:55 +0000 (17:54 +0100)
committerJustin Mitchell <>
Wed, 27 Aug 2014 16:54:55 +0000 (17:54 +0100)
27 files changed:
Makefile [new file with mode: 0644]
configuration_bits.c [new file with mode: 0644]
disassembly/listing.disasm [new file with mode: 0644]
funclist [new file with mode: 0644]
getting_started.txt [new file with mode: 0644]
helper.asm [new file with mode: 0644]
legal_disclaimer.txt [new file with mode: 0644]
main.c [new file with mode: 0644]
nbproject/ [new file with mode: 0644]
nbproject/ [new file with mode: 0644]
nbproject/ [new file with mode: 0644]
nbproject/ [new file with mode: 0644]
nbproject/ [new file with mode: 0644]
nbproject/Package-XC8_PIC12F1840.bash [new file with mode: 0644]
nbproject/configurations.xml [new file with mode: 0644]
nbproject/private/ [new file with mode: 0644]
nbproject/private/configurations.xml [new file with mode: 0644]
nbproject/private/private.xml [new file with mode: 0644]
nbproject/ [new file with mode: 0644]
nbproject/project.xml [new file with mode: 0644]
project_information.txt [new file with mode: 0644]
serial.c [new file with mode: 0644]
serial.h [new file with mode: 0644]
user.c [new file with mode: 0644]
user.h [new file with mode: 0644]
ws2811.c [new file with mode: 0644]
ws2811.h [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..05a3fb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+#  There exist several targets which are by default empty and which can be 
+#  used for execution of your targets. These targets are usually executed 
+#  before and after some main targets. They are: 
+#     .build-pre:              called before 'build' target
+#     .build-post:             called after 'build' target
+#     .clean-pre:              called before 'clean' target
+#     .clean-post:             called after 'clean' target
+#     .clobber-pre:            called before 'clobber' target
+#     .clobber-post:           called after 'clobber' target
+#     .all-pre:                called before 'all' target
+#     .all-post:               called after 'all' target
+#     .help-pre:               called before 'help' target
+#     .help-post:              called after 'help' target
+#  Targets beginning with '.' are not intended to be called on their own.
+#  Main targets can be executed directly, and they are:
+#     build                    build a specific configuration
+#     clean                    remove built files from a configuration
+#     clobber                  remove all built files
+#     all                      build all configurations
+#     help                     print help mesage
+#  Targets .build-impl, .clean-impl, .clobber-impl, .all-impl, and
+#  .help-impl are implemented in nbproject/
+#  Available make variables:
+#     CND_BASEDIR                base directory for relative paths
+#     CND_DISTDIR                default top distribution directory (build artifacts)
+#     CND_BUILDDIR               default top build directory (object files, ...)
+#     CONF                       name of current configuration
+#     CND_ARTIFACT_DIR_${CONF}   directory of build artifact (current configuration)
+#     CND_ARTIFACT_NAME_${CONF}  name of build artifact (current configuration)
+#     CND_ARTIFACT_PATH_${CONF}  path to build artifact (current configuration)
+#     CND_PACKAGE_DIR_${CONF}    directory of package (current configuration)
+#     CND_PACKAGE_NAME_${CONF}   name of package (current configuration)
+#     CND_PACKAGE_PATH_${CONF}   path to package (current configuration)
+# Environment 
+# build
+build: .build-post
+# Add your pre 'build' code here...
+ .build-impl
+# Add your post 'build' code here...
+# clean
+clean: .clean-post
+# Add your pre 'clean' code here...
+.clean-post: .clean-impl
+# Add your post 'clean' code here...
+# clobber
+clobber: .clobber-post
+# Add your pre 'clobber' code here...
+.clobber-post: .clobber-impl
+# Add your post 'clobber' code here...
+# all
+all: .all-post
+# Add your pre 'all' code here...
+.all-post: .all-impl
+# Add your post 'all' code here...
+# help
+help: .help-post
+# Add your pre 'help' code here...
+ .help-impl
+# Add your post 'help' code here...
+# include project implementation makefile
+include nbproject/
+# include project make variables
+include nbproject/
diff --git a/configuration_bits.c b/configuration_bits.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..ea3361c
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+/* Main Files to Include                                                      */
+#if defined(__XC)
+    #include <xc.h>         /* XC8 General Include File */
+#elif defined(HI_TECH_C)
+    #include <htc.h>        /* HiTech General Include File */
+/* Configuration Bits                                                         */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* Refer to your Hi-Tech User Manual in the PICC installation directory       */
+/* /doc folder for more information on filling in configuration bits.         */
+/* In addition, configuration bit mnemonics can be found in your              */
+/* PICC\version\include\<processor name>.h file for your device.  The XC8     */
+/* compiler contains documentation on the configuration bit macros within     */
+/* the compiler installation /docs folder in a file called                    */
+/* pic18_chipinfo.html.                                                       */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* For additional information about what the hardware configurations mean in  */
+/* terms of device operation, refer to the device datasheet.                  */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* A feature of MPLAB X is the 'Generate Source Code to Output' utility in    */
+/* the Configuration Bits window.  Under Window > PIC Memory Views >          */
+/* Configuration Bits, a user controllable configuration bits window is       */
+/* available to Generate Configuration Bits source code which the user can    */
+/* paste into this project.                                                   */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* TODO Fill in your config bits here.  Use the configuration bits generator. */
+#pragma config FOSC = INTOSC    // Oscillator Selection (INTOSC oscillator: I/O function on CLKIN pin)
+#pragma config WDTE = ON        // Watchdog Timer Enable (WDT disabled)
+#pragma config PWRTE = OFF      // Power-up Timer Enable (PWRT disabled)
+#pragma config MCLRE = OFF      // MCLR Pin Function Select (MCLR/VPP pin function is digital input)
+#pragma config CP = OFF         // Flash Program Memory Code Protection (Program memory code protection is disabled)
+#pragma config CPD = OFF        // Data Memory Code Protection (Data memory code protection is disabled)
+#pragma config BOREN = ON       // Brown-out Reset Enable (Brown-out Reset enabled)
+#pragma config CLKOUTEN = OFF   // Clock Out Enable (CLKOUT function is disabled. I/O or oscillator function on the CLKOUT pin)
+#pragma config IESO = OFF       // Internal/External Switchover (Internal/External Switchover mode is disabled)
+#pragma config FCMEN = ON       // Fail-Safe Clock Monitor Enable (Fail-Safe Clock Monitor is enabled)
+#pragma config WRT = OFF        // Flash Memory Self-Write Protection (Write protection off)
+#pragma config PLLEN = ON       // PLL Enable (4x PLL enabled)
+#pragma config STVREN = ON      // Stack Overflow/Underflow Reset Enable (Stack Overflow or Underflow will cause a Reset)
+#pragma config BORV = LO        // Brown-out Reset Voltage Selection (Brown-out Reset Voltage (Vbor), low trip point selected.)
+#pragma config LVP = ON         // Low-Voltage Programming Enable (Low-voltage programming enabled)
diff --git a/disassembly/listing.disasm b/disassembly/listing.disasm
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..00a67c1
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,430 @@
+Disassembly Listing for led_test
+Generated From:
+14-Jun-2013 12:31:18
+---  /home/justin/MPLABXProjects/led_test.X/ws2811.c  ---------------------------------------------------
+1:             #include <stdint.h>
+2:             #include <stdbool.h>
+4:             #include "system.h"
+5:             #include "user.h"
+7:             #include "ws2811.h"
+9:             // how many LEDs are there
+10:            #define LED_COUNT 8
+12:            #define RGB_COUNT (LED_COUNT*3)
+14:            #define SEND_ONE  0b11111000
+15:            #define SEND_ZERO 0b11000000
+17:            unsigned rgbdata[RGB_COUNT];
+19:            volatile uint8_t rgb_sample = 0;
+20:            volatile int8_t rgb_byte = 0;
+21:            volatile int8_t rgb_bit  = 0;
+23:            #if 0
+24:            /* interupt handling routine:
+25:             * aka: send next bit
+26:             */
+27:            #pragma interrupt_level 1
+28:            void ws2811_int(void)
+29:            {
+30:                //if (rgb_byte == 0) return;
+32:                /*
+33:                rgb_sample <<= 1;
+35:                if ( rgb_sample & 0x80 )
+36:                    SSP1BUF = SEND_ONE;
+37:                else
+38:                    SSP1BUF = SEND_ZERO;
+39:                */
+41:                asm("MOVLW 0xC0");
+42:                asm("RLF _rgb_sample,f");
+43:                //asm("BTFSC CARRY");
+44:                asm("BTFSC STATUS,0");
+45:                asm("MOVLW 0xF8");
+46:                asm("BANKSEL (SSP1BUF)");
+47:                asm("MOVWF SSP1BUF & 0x7F");
+49:                asm("DECFSZ _rgb_bit,f");
+50:                asm("RETURN");
+52:                /* next byte */
+54:                asm("MOVLW 8");
+55:                asm("MOVWF _rgb_bit");
+56:                asm("DECFSZ _rgb_byte");
+57:                asm("BRA ws2811_loadnext");
+59:                /* count is zero, were all done */
+60:                asm("BANKSEL (PIE1)");
+61:                //asm("BCF SSP1IE");
+62:                asm("BCF PIE1 & 0x7F,3");
+63:                asm("RETURN");
+65:            asm("ws2811_loadnext:");
+66:                    if (rgb_byte)
+67:                        rgb_sample = rgbdata[rgb_byte-1];
+68:                    else
+69:                        PIE1bits.SSP1IE = 0;
+71:            }
+72:            #endif
+74:            void ws2811_start(void)
+75:            {
+76:                rgb_byte = RGB_COUNT;
+0760  3018     MOVLW 0x18
+0761  00F1     MOVWF 0x71
+0762  0871     MOVF 0x71, W
+0763  00F8     MOVWF rgb_byte
+77:                ws2811_send(); // send the first bit
+0764  3180     MOVLP 0x0
+0765  2000     CALL 0x0
+0766  3187     MOVLP 0x7
+78:            }
+0767  0008     RETURN
+80:            bool ws2811_running(void)
+81:            {
+82:                if (rgb_byte) return true;
+83:                return false;
+84:            }
+---  /home/justin/MPLABXProjects/led_test.X/user.c  -----------------------------------------------------
+1:             /******************************************************************************/
+2:             /* Files to Include                                                           */
+3:             /******************************************************************************/
+5:             #if defined(__XC)
+6:                 #include <xc.h>         /* XC8 General Include File */
+7:             #elif defined(HI_TECH_C)
+8:                 #include <htc.h>        /* HiTech General Include File */
+9:             #endif
+11:            #include <stdint.h>         /* For uint8_t definition */
+12:            #include <stdbool.h>        /* For true/false definition */
+14:            #include "user.h"
+16:            /******************************************************************************/
+17:            /* User Functions                                                             */
+18:            /******************************************************************************/
+20:            /* <Initialize variables in user.h and insert code for user algorithms.> */
+22:            void InitApp(void)
+23:            {
+24:                /* TODO Initialize User Ports/Peripherals/Project here */
+26:                /* Setup analog functionality and port direction */
+28:                /* Initialize peripherals */
+30:                /* Enable interrupts */
+32:                // SPI MASTER mode div4 t-to-h
+33:                SSP1CON1bits.SSPEN = 1; // enable MSSP
+0771  0024     MOVLB 0x4
+0772  1695     BSF TMR0, 0x5
+34:                TRISAbits.TRISA0 = 0; // SDO is RA0
+0773  0021     MOVLB 0x1
+0774  100C     BCF PORTA, 0x0
+35:                ANSELAbits.ANSA0 = 0; // not analog
+0775  0023     MOVLB 0x3
+0776  100C     BCF PORTA, 0x0
+37:                // SCK (SPI Clock) is RA1
+38:                // SDI (SPI In) is RA2
+39:                APFCONbits.SDOSEL = 0; // use RA0 not RA4 for output
+0777  0022     MOVLB 0x2
+0778  131D     BCF 0x1D, 0x6
+41:                // at 8MHz Tclk   0 = 2 bits, 1 = 6 bits.
+42:                // write to SSP1BUF
+43:                SSP1CON1bits.SSPM = 0b0000; // SPI Master Fosc/4
+0779  30F0     MOVLW 0xF0
+077A  0024     MOVLB 0x4
+077B  0595     ANDWF TMR0, F
+45:                // enable SPI interupts
+46:              //  PIE1bits.SSP1IE = 1; // SPI interupt enable
+47:              //  INTCONbits.PEIE = 1; // peripheral int enable
+48:              //  INTCONbits.GIE = 1; // master int enable
+50:            }
+077C  0008     RETURN
+---  /home/justin/MPLABXProjects/led_test.X/system.c  ---------------------------------------------------
+1:             /******************************************************************************/
+2:             /* Files to Include                                                           */
+3:             /******************************************************************************/
+5:             #if defined(__XC)
+6:                 #include <xc.h>         /* XC8 General Include File */
+7:             #elif defined(HI_TECH_C)
+8:                 #include <htc.h>        /* HiTech General Include File */
+9:             #endif
+11:            #include <stdint.h>        /* For uint8_t definition */
+12:            #include <stdbool.h>       /* For true/false definition */
+14:            #include "system.h"
+16:            /* Refer to the device datasheet for information about available
+17:            oscillator configurations and to compiler documentation for macro details. */
+18:            void ConfigureOscillator(void)
+19:            {
+21:                /*If the PIC12 device has an OSCCAL value, the HiTech Compiler provides
+22:                a macro called _READ_OSCCAL_DATA which can be loaded using this: */
+24:                /* TODO Configure OSCCAL if the device has an OSCCAL register */
+26:            #if 0
+28:                OSCCAL=_READ_OSCCAL_DATA(); /* _READ_OSCCAL_DATA macro unloads cal memory */
+30:            #endif
+32:                /*Not all PIC12 devices require this.
+34:                /* TODO Add clock switching code if appropriate.  */
+36:                /* Typical actions in this function are to tweak the oscillator tuning
+37:                register, select new clock sources, and to wait until new clock sources
+38:                are stable before resuming execution of the main project. */
+40:                // Enable 32MHz internal clock
+41:                OSCCONbits.SCS = 0b00;
+0768  30FC     MOVLW 0xFC
+0769  0021     MOVLB 0x1
+076A  0599     ANDWF T1GCON, F
+42:                OSCCONbits.IRCF = 0b1110;
+076B  0819     MOVF T1GCON, W
+076C  3987     ANDLW 0x87
+076D  3870     IORLW 0x70
+076E  0099     MOVWF T1GCON
+43:                OSCCONbits.SPLLEN = 1;
+076F  1799     BSF T1GCON, 0x7
+46:            }
+0770  0008     RETURN
+---  /home/justin/MPLABXProjects/led_test.X/main.c  -----------------------------------------------------
+1:             /******************************************************************************/
+2:             /* Files to Include                                                           */
+3:             /******************************************************************************/
+5:             #if defined(__XC)
+6:                 #include <xc.h>         /* XC8 General Include File */
+7:             #elif defined(HI_TECH_C)
+8:                 #include <htc.h>        /* HiTech General Include File */
+9:             #endif
+11:            #include <stdint.h>        /* For uint8_t definition */
+12:            #include <stdbool.h>       /* For true/false definition */
+14:            #include "system.h"        /* System funct/params, like osc/peripheral config */
+15:            #include "user.h"          /* User funct/params, such as InitApp */
+17:            #include "ws2811.h"
+19:            /******************************************************************************/
+20:            /* User Global Variable Declaration                                           */
+21:            /******************************************************************************/
+23:            /* i.e. uint8_t <variable_name>; */
+25:            /******************************************************************************/
+26:            /* Main Program                                                               */
+27:            /******************************************************************************/
+29:            void main(void)
+30:            {
+31:                /* Configure the oscillator for the device */
+32:                ConfigureOscillator();
+078B  3187     MOVLP 0x7
+078C  2768     CALL 0x768
+078D  3187     MOVLP 0x7
+34:                /* Initialize I/O and Peripherals for application */
+35:                InitApp();
+078E  3187     MOVLP 0x7
+078F  2771     CALL 0x771
+0790  3187     MOVLP 0x7
+37:                for (int j=0; j<RGB_COUNT; j+=3) {
+0791  01F5     CLRF j
+0792  01F6     CLRF 0x76
+0793  0876     MOVF 0x76, W
+0794  3A80     XORLW 0x80
+0795  00FF     MOVWF 0x7F
+0796  3080     MOVLW 0x80
+0797  027F     SUBWF 0x7F, W
+0798  1D03     BTFSS STATUS, 0x2
+0799  2F9C     GOTO 0x79C
+079A  3018     MOVLW 0x18
+079B  0275     SUBWF j, W
+079C  1C03     BTFSS STATUS, 0x0
+079D  2F9F     GOTO 0x79F
+079E  2FA0     GOTO 0x7A0
+079F  2FA2     GOTO 0x7A2
+07A0  2FD2     GOTO 0x7D2
+07A1  2FD2     GOTO 0x7D2
+07BF  3003     MOVLW 0x3
+07C0  07F5     ADDWF j, F
+07C1  3000     MOVLW 0x0
+07C2  3DF6     ADDWFC 0x76, F
+07C3  0876     MOVF 0x76, W
+07C4  3A80     XORLW 0x80
+07C5  00FF     MOVWF 0x7F
+07C6  3080     MOVLW 0x80
+07C7  027F     SUBWF 0x7F, W
+07C8  1D03     BTFSS STATUS, 0x2
+07C9  2FCC     GOTO 0x7CC
+07CA  3018     MOVLW 0x18
+07CB  0275     SUBWF j, W
+07CC  1C03     BTFSS STATUS, 0x0
+07CD  2FCF     GOTO 0x7CF
+07CE  2FD0     GOTO 0x7D0
+07CF  2FA2     GOTO 0x7A2
+07D0  2FD2     GOTO 0x7D2
+07D1  2FD2     GOTO 0x7D2
+38:                    rgbdata[j+0] = 0x20; // R
+07A2  0875     MOVF j, W
+07A3  0709     ADDWF WREG, W
+07A4  3E20     ADDLW 0x20
+07A5  0086     MOVWF FSR1L
+07A6  0187     CLRF FSR1H
+07A7  3020     MOVLW 0x20
+07A8  3FC0     MOVWI [0]FSR1
+07A9  3000     MOVLW 0x0
+07AA  3FC1     MOVWI [1]FSR1
+39:                    rgbdata[j+1] = 0x20; // G
+07AB  0875     MOVF j, W
+07AC  0709     ADDWF WREG, W
+07AD  3E02     ADDLW 0x2
+07AE  3E20     ADDLW 0x20
+07AF  0086     MOVWF FSR1L
+07B0  0187     CLRF FSR1H
+07B1  3020     MOVLW 0x20
+07B2  3FC0     MOVWI [0]FSR1
+07B3  3000     MOVLW 0x0
+07B4  3FC1     MOVWI [1]FSR1
+40:                    rgbdata[j+2] = 0x00; // B
+07B5  0875     MOVF j, W
+07B6  0709     ADDWF WREG, W
+07B7  3E04     ADDLW 0x4
+07B8  3E20     ADDLW 0x20
+07B9  0086     MOVWF FSR1L
+07BA  0187     CLRF FSR1H
+07BB  3000     MOVLW 0x0
+07BC  3FC0     MOVWI [0]FSR1
+07BD  3000     MOVLW 0x0
+07BE  3FC1     MOVWI [1]FSR1
+41:                }
+43:                while(1)
+07FD  2FD2     GOTO 0x7D2
+44:                {
+45:                    ws2811_start();
+07D2  3187     MOVLP 0x7
+07D3  2760     CALL 0x760
+07D4  3187     MOVLP 0x7
+47:                    for (int j=0; j<10; j++)
+07D5  01F3     CLRF j_41
+07D6  01F4     CLRF 0x74
+07D7  0874     MOVF 0x74, W
+07D8  3A80     XORLW 0x80
+07D9  00FF     MOVWF 0x7F
+07DA  3080     MOVLW 0x80
+07DB  027F     SUBWF 0x7F, W
+07DC  1D03     BTFSS STATUS, 0x2
+07DD  2FE0     GOTO 0x7E0
+07DE  300A     MOVLW 0xA
+07DF  0273     SUBWF j_41, W
+07E0  1C03     BTFSS STATUS, 0x0
+07E1  2FE3     GOTO 0x7E3
+07E2  2FE4     GOTO 0x7E4
+07E3  2FE6     GOTO 0x7E6
+07E4  2FD2     GOTO 0x7D2
+07E5  2FD2     GOTO 0x7D2
+07EA  3001     MOVLW 0x1
+07EB  07F3     ADDWF j_41, F
+07EC  3000     MOVLW 0x0
+07ED  3DF4     ADDWFC 0x74, F
+07EE  0874     MOVF 0x74, W
+07EF  3A80     XORLW 0x80
+07F0  00FF     MOVWF 0x7F
+07F1  3080     MOVLW 0x80
+07F2  027F     SUBWF 0x7F, W
+07F3  1D03     BTFSS STATUS, 0x2
+07F4  2FF7     GOTO 0x7F7
+07F5  300A     MOVLW 0xA
+07F6  0273     SUBWF j_41, W
+07F7  1C03     BTFSS STATUS, 0x0
+07F8  2FFA     GOTO 0x7FA
+07F9  2FFB     GOTO 0x7FB
+07FA  2FE6     GOTO 0x7E6
+07FB  2FD2     GOTO 0x7D2
+07FC  2FD2     GOTO 0x7D2
+48:                        DelayMs(100);
+07E6  30B1     MOVLW 0xB1
+07E7  00F2     MOVWF 0x72
+07E8  0BF2     DECFSZ 0x72, F
+07E9  2FE8     GOTO 0x7E8
+50:                }
+51:            }
+07FE  3180     MOVLP 0x0
+---  /home/justin/MPLABXProjects/led_test.X/interrupts.c  -----------------------------------------------
+1:             /******************************************************************************/
+2:             /*Files to Include                                                            */
+3:             /******************************************************************************/
+5:             #if defined(__XC)
+6:                 #include <xc.h>         /* XC8 General Include File */
+7:             #elif defined(HI_TECH_C)
+8:                 #include <htc.h>        /* HiTech General Include File */
+9:             #endif
+11:            #include <stdint.h>         /* For uint8_t definition */
+12:            #include <stdbool.h>        /* For true/false definition */
+14:            #include "ws2811.h"
+16:            /******************************************************************************/
+17:            /* Interrupt Routines                                                         */
+18:            /******************************************************************************/
+20:            /* Baseline devices don't have interrupts. Unfortunately the baseline detection 
+21:             * macro is named _PIC12 */
+25:            void interrupt isr(void)
+26:            {
+0004  3180     MOVLP 0x0
+27:                /* This code stub shows general interrupt handling.  Note that these
+28:                conditional statements are not handled within 3 seperate if blocks.
+29:                Do not use a seperate if block for each interrupt flag to avoid run
+30:                time errors. */
+32:            #if 0
+33:                if (PIR1bits.SSP1IF) {
+34:                    ws2811_int();
+35:                }
+36:            #endif
+37:            }
+0008  0870     MOVF 0x70, W
diff --git a/funclist b/funclist
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..6da3fc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/funclist
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+_ws2811_transmit: CODE, 2742 0 9
+___awdiv: CODE, 3583 0 106
+_dorand: CODE, 2920 0 41
+__stringtab: STRING, 2064 0 1
+_clear_all: CODE, 2817 0 32
+___awmod: CODE, 3285 0 94
+_test_battery: CODE, 3481 0 102
+_bouncer_draw: CODE, 217 0 259
+_main: CODE, 476 0 356
+_rainbow_draw: CODE, 832 0 380
+_quant: STRING, 2065 0 4
+___lmul: CODE, 2961 0 58
+_glow_rotate: CODE, 3689 0 172
+_ws2811_send: CODE, 2793 0 24
+_ws2811_init: CODE, 2751 0 11
+_InitApp: CODE, 2774 0 19
+_bouncer_rotate: CODE, 1212 0 836
+__initialization: CODE, 2849 0 32
+_rainbow_rotate: CODE, 3861 0 235
+_glow_draw: CODE, 3141 0 62
+___lwmod: CODE, 3079 0 62
+___llmod: CODE, 3203 0 82
+_dot_draw: CODE, 21 0 196
+___wmul: CODE, 2884 0 36
+_RGBWheel: CODE, 3379 0 102
+_test_button: CODE, 3019 0 60
+Total: 3371
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/getting_started.txt b/getting_started.txt
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..afe34a4
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+This project is a general template file for the PIC12 Family of
+microcontrollers.  It's purpose is to provide a project shell for users to
+get started designing their own applications.  Final qualification and testing
+of this project is left to the user.
+From the main menu, refer to the Task list by going to Window > Tasks (Ctrl+6).
+As long as the task window is not configured to filter out any tasks,
+the getting started TODO list embedded in this project will be displayed.
+Make sure the 'Show tasks for the main project and for the open projects which
+depend on it' option is selected on the left hand side of the Tasks window so
+that tasks related to other projects are not active.
+First install the appropriate C compiler if you have not done so already.
+Next, build this project by clicking the Clean and Build Icon (the hammer and
+broom symbol) in the MPLAB X IDE Toolbar.  If this project builds, then you are
+ready to make changes for your own application.  If the project does not build,
+you need to troubleshoot why the project does not build before moving on.
+Embed your device's configuration bits into the code.  Instructions for this
+are commented in configuration_bits.c
+Unless interrupts are not used in your application, fill in the interrupt
+vector code.  Code stubs are provided in interrupts.c.  Check the device
+datasheet to confirm that you are servicing all the relevant enabled
+interrupts in your application within the ISR.  Note that it is important
+to check interrupt flags in sequence within one conditional statement to
+avoid interrupt contention which could result in corrupting the interrupt
+Define system parameters such as the system operating frequency in system.h.
+If your device stores an oscillator calibration value at the end of program
+memory, incorporate the _READ_OSCCAL_DATA() function in system.c.  The device
+datasheet will tell you if calibration data is stored at the end of the
+device memory.
+Add system level functions to system.h and system.c.  For example, if
+you want a function to determine the reset source of the device to know if you
+need to backup data, do an oscillator switch, enter a low power mode, etc...
+these types of functions may be added to system.c and prototypes can go in
+Add user level functions to user.h and user.c.  User level functions are
+functions that initialize I/O, initialize user peripherals like the ADC,
+compute user algorithms, perform calculations on sampled user data, and so on.
+User function prototypes and macros may be placed in user.h, and user
+functions themselves may go in user.c
+Add code to main.c on the line that says <INSERT USER APPLICATION CODE HERE>.
+For example, here you would call functions in user.c or system.c, or possibly
+setup your own state machine or primary code loop.
+Global variables may be added to main.c as well.  As a general practice, macros
+and prototypes may go in header files, but variable declarations should not
+go in .h files.  Variable declarations should be placed in .c files.
+Design the rest of your application.  Add new files to the application, and
+test the finished product.
+Document what the project does and include other project information in
diff --git a/helper.asm b/helper.asm
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..182c965
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+#include <>
+#include <>
+GLOBAL _rgb_sample
+GLOBAL _rgb_bit
+GLOBAL _rgb_byte
+GLOBAL _rgbdata
+GLOBAL _ws2811_send
+PSECT mytext,local,class=CODE,delta=2
+; send the whole pile of data
+    ; copy the led colour array into FSR0 for fast access
+    MOVLW _rgbdata >> 8
+    MOVLW _rgbdata & 0xFF
+    ; load next byte from array into working reg
+    MOVIW FSR0++
+    MOVWF _rgb_sample
+    MOVLW 8             ; reset bit count
+    MOVWF _rgb_bit
+    ; you assume its a zero then test if its one
+    MOVLW 0xC0 ;11000000B
+    RLF _rgb_sample,f
+    MOVLW 0xF8 ; 11111000B
+;    // wait until the buffer is empty
+;    BTFSC PIR1, 3
+;    BRA ws2811_waitsend
+    ; send the bit
+    ; any more bits
+    DECFSZ _rgb_bit,f
+    BRA ws2811_sendbit
+    ; any more bytes
+    DECFSZ _rgb_byte,f
+    BRA ws2811_nextbyte
+    ; all done
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/legal_disclaimer.txt b/legal_disclaimer.txt
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..51ce0bb
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Microchip licenses this software to you solely for use with Microchip products.
+The software is owned by Microchip and/or its licensors, and is protected under
+applicable copyright laws.  All rights reserved.
+This software and any accompanying information is for suggestion only.  It shall
+not be deemed to modify Microchip?s standard warranty for its products.  It is
+your responsibility to ensure that this software meets your requirements.
+To the fullest extend allowed by law, Microchip and its licensors liability
+shall not exceed the amount of fee, if any, that you have paid directly to
+Microchip to use this software.
diff --git a/main.c b/main.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..a9fb9b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main.c
@@ -0,0 +1,536 @@
+/* Files to Include                                                           */
+#include <stdint.h>        /* For uint8_t definition */
+#include <stdbool.h>       /* For true/false definition */
+#include "user.h"          /* User funct/params, such as InitApp */
+#include "ws2811.h"
+#include "serial.h"
+/* User Global Variable Declaration                                           */
+/* i.e. uint8_t <variable_name>; */
+void RGBWheel(uint16_t pos, uint8_t *r, uint8_t *g, uint8_t *b)
+    switch (pos / 128)
+    {
+        case 0:
+            *r = (127 - pos % 128);
+            *g = pos % 128;
+            *b = 0;
+            break;
+        case 1:
+            *g = (127 - pos % 128);
+            *b = pos % 128;
+            *r = 0;
+            break;
+        case 2:
+            *b = 127 - pos % 128;
+            *r = pos % 128;
+            *g = 0;
+            break;
+    }
+/* connect Fixed Voltage Reference to A2D convertor
+ * input, set Vdd as reference, read value.
+ *  (val / 1024) * Vref == Vdd
+ */
+bool test_battery(void)
+    uint16_t volt;
+    // read battery
+    // Read Vdd by sampling FVR
+    FVRCONbits.ADFVR = 0b10;    // 2.048v // 1.024v
+    FVRCONbits.FVREN = 1;       // enable
+    while (!FVRCONbits.FVRRDY) {};  // wait for it to stabilise
+    ADCON1bits.ADCS = 0b110;    // slowest sample clock
+    ADCON1bits.ADFM = 1;        // right justify
+    ADCON0bits.CHS = 0b11111;   // FVR input
+    ADCON1bits.ADPREF = 0b00;   // +ve ref Vdd
+    ADCON0bits.ADON = 1;        // enable ADC
+    ADCON0bits.GO = 1;          // start conversion
+    while (ADCON0bits.GO) {};   // wait til finished
+    volt = (ADRESH << 8) | ADRESL;
+    // 3.0 V is >= 0x02BB
+    if (volt >= 0x02BB) {
+        unsigned char i;
+        unsigned char *p;
+        // first pixel faint red, rest black
+        // battery below 3.0v
+        p = rgbdata;
+        for (i=0; i<RGB_COUNT; i++) *p++=0;
+        p = rgbdata;
+        p++;
+        *p = 0x08;
+        ws2811_transmit();
+        return true;
+    }
+    return false;
+#ifdef SMALL_RAND
+static uint8_t random_byte = 0xB4;
+/* generate a random number */
+uint8_t dorand(void)
+    asm("BCF STATUS,0");
+    asm("RRF _random_byte,W");
+    asm("BTFSC STATUS,0");
+    asm("XORLW 0xB4");
+    asm("MOVWF _random_byte");
+    return random_byte;
+uint16_t dorand(void)
+    static uint16_t lfsr = 0xACE1u;
+    lfsr = (lfsr >> 1) ^ (-(lfsr & 1u) & 0xB400u);
+    return lfsr;
+#define CHECK_MSEC 5        // sample key every 5 mS
+#define PRESS_MSEC 10       // stable before presses
+#define RELEASE_MSEC 100    // stable before released
+/* test to see if the button has been pressed */
+bool test_button(void)
+    static bool down = false;
+    static uint8_t count = PRESS_MSEC / CHECK_MSEC;
+    // button was up
+    if (!down) {
+        if (PORTAbits.RA1 == 0)
+            count--;
+        else
+            count = PRESS_MSEC / CHECK_MSEC;
+        // has been down for the count, flip state
+        if (count <= 0) {
+            down = true;
+            count = RELEASE_MSEC / CHECK_MSEC;
+        }
+    } else {
+        if (PORTAbits.RA1 == 1)
+            count--;
+        else
+            count = RELEASE_MSEC / CHECK_MSEC;
+        // has been back up for the count
+        // flip state, and say we saw one cycle
+        if (count <= 0) {
+            down = false;
+            count = PRESS_MSEC / CHECK_MSEC;
+            return true;
+        }
+    }
+    return false;
+void clear_all(void)
+    unsigned char i;
+    /* blank everything */
+    for (i=0; i<RGB_COUNT; i++) rgbdata[i]=0;
+/* how much rainbow to show 0-384 */
+static const uint32_t quant = 384; //200;
+bool rainbow_draw(void)
+    unsigned char r,g,b;
+    unsigned char *p;
+    unsigned char i;
+    /* draw a rainbow */
+    p = rgbdata;
+    for (i=0; i<16; i++) {
+        RGBWheel((i * quant / 16) % 384, &r, &g, &b);
+        *(p++) = g/4;
+        *(p++) = r/4;
+        *(p++) = b/4;
+    }
+    for (i=16; i>0; i--) {
+        RGBWheel(((i-1) * quant / 16) % 384, &r, &g, &b);
+        *(p++) = g/4;
+        *(p++) = r/4;
+        *(p++) = b/4;
+    }
+    return true;
+#define RAIN_UNIT 5
+unsigned char rain_delay = RAIN_UNIT;
+bool rainbow_rotate(void)
+    static unsigned char delay = 0;
+    unsigned char r,g,b;
+    unsigned char *p;
+    unsigned char i;
+    unsigned char t;
+    if ((delay--) > 0) return false;
+    // rotate the colours
+    p = rgbdata;
+    g = p[0];
+    r = p[1];
+    b = p[2];
+    for (i=0; i<15*3; i++) {
+        *p = *(p+3);
+        p++;
+    }
+    *(p++) = g;
+    *(p++) = r;
+    *(p++) = b;
+    // left eye, other direction
+    p += 15 * 3;
+    g = p[0];
+    r = p[1];
+    b = p[2];
+    p += 2;
+    for (i=0; i<15*3; i++) {
+        *p = *(p-3);
+        p--;
+    }
+    *(p--) = b;
+    *(p--) = r;
+    *(p--) = g;
+    delay = rain_delay;
+    return true;
+ colour bouncing blobs mode
+ */
+int8_t rspeed, gspeed, bspeed;
+#define MAX_SPEED 30;
+#define MAX_LEN 8
+#define MAX_BRIGHT 32
+bool bouncer_draw(void)
+    clear_all();
+    rspeed = dorand() % MAX_SPEED;
+    gspeed = dorand() % MAX_SPEED;
+    bspeed = dorand() % MAX_SPEED;
+    unsigned char i;
+    // draw rand len red
+    for (i=(dorand() % MAX_LEN)+1; i>0; i--) {
+        rgbdata[(3*i)+1] = MAX_BRIGHT;
+    }
+    // draw rand len green
+    for (i=(dorand() % MAX_LEN)+1; i>0; i--) {
+        rgbdata[(3*i)] = MAX_BRIGHT;
+    }
+    // draw rand len blue
+    for (i=(dorand() % MAX_LEN)+1; i>0; i--) {
+        rgbdata[(3*i)+2] = MAX_BRIGHT;
+    }
+    return true;
+bool bouncer_rotate(uint8_t loop)
+    unsigned char * p;
+    unsigned char i;
+    if (loop % rspeed == 0) {
+        if (rspeed > 0 ) {
+            // moving up
+            if (rgbdata[ (LED_COUNT-1)*3+1 ] == 0) {
+                // still space to move up
+                p = rgbdata + RGB_COUNT - 5;
+                for (i=LED_COUNT-1; i > 0; i--) {
+                    p[3] = *p;
+                    p-=3;
+                }
+                rgbdata[1] = 0;
+            } else {
+                rspeed = -rspeed;
+            }
+        } else {
+            // moving down
+            if (rgbdata[1] == 0 || (rgbdata[1]!=0 && rgbdata[4]!=0)) {
+                // still space to move down
+                p = rgbdata + 1;
+                for (i=LED_COUNT-1; i>0; i++) {
+                    *p = p[3];
+                    p+=3;
+                }
+                rgbdata[RGB_COUNT-2] = 0;
+            } else {
+                rspeed = dorand() % MAX_SPEED;
+                for (i=(dorand() % MAX_LEN)+1; i>0; i--) {
+                    rgbdata[(3*i)+1] = MAX_BRIGHT;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if (loop % gspeed == 0) {
+        if (gspeed > 0 ) {
+            // moving up
+            if (rgbdata[ (LED_COUNT-1)*3 ] == 0) {
+                // still space to move up
+                p = rgbdata + RGB_COUNT - 6;
+                for (i=LED_COUNT-1; i > 0; i--) {
+                    p[3] = *p;
+                    p-=3;
+                }
+                rgbdata[0] = 0;
+            } else {
+                gspeed = -gspeed;
+            }
+        } else {
+            // moving down
+            if (rgbdata[0] == 0 || (rgbdata[0]!=0 && rgbdata[3]!=0)) {
+                // still space to move down
+                p = rgbdata;
+                for (i=LED_COUNT-1; i>0; i++) {
+                    *p = p[3];
+                    p+=3;
+                }
+                rgbdata[RGB_COUNT-3] = 0;
+            } else {
+                gspeed = dorand() % MAX_SPEED;
+                // draw rand len green
+                for (i=(dorand() % MAX_LEN)+1; i>0; i--) {
+                    rgbdata[(3*i)] = MAX_BRIGHT;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if (loop % bspeed == 0) {
+        if (bspeed > 0 ) {
+            // moving up
+            if (rgbdata[ (LED_COUNT-1)*3+2 ] == 0) {
+                // still space to move up
+                p = rgbdata + RGB_COUNT - 4;
+                for (i=LED_COUNT-1; i > 0; i--) {
+                    p[3] = *p;
+                    p-=3;
+                }
+                rgbdata[2] = 0;
+            } else {
+                bspeed = -bspeed;
+            }
+        } else {
+            // moving down
+            if (rgbdata[2] == 0 || (rgbdata[2]!=0 && rgbdata[5]!=0)) {
+                // still space to move down
+                p = rgbdata + 2;
+                for (i=LED_COUNT-1; i>0; i++) {
+                    *p = p[3];
+                    p+=3;
+                }
+                rgbdata[RGB_COUNT-1] = 0;
+            } else {
+                bspeed = dorand() % MAX_SPEED;
+                // draw rand len blue
+                for (i=(dorand() % MAX_LEN)+1; i>0; i--) {
+                    rgbdata[(3*i)+2] = MAX_BRIGHT;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return true;
+/* fade in and out mode */
+bool glow_draw(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b)
+    rspeed = r / 8;
+    gspeed = g / 8;
+    bspeed = b / 8;
+    return false;
+bool glow_rotate(uint8_t loop)
+    unsigned char *p;
+    unsigned char i;
+    uint8_t val = loop & 0x7F;
+    if (loop >= 128)
+        val = 128 - val;
+    val /= 2;  /* range is now 0-63 */
+    uint8_t r,g,b;
+    g = (uint16_t)gspeed * val / 64;
+    r = (uint16_t)rspeed * val / 64;
+    b = (uint16_t)bspeed * val / 64;
+    /* draw a rainbow */
+    p = rgbdata;
+    for (i=0; i<LED_COUNT; i++) {
+        *(p++) = g;
+        *(p++) = r;
+        *(p++) = b;
+    }
+    return true;
+bool dot_draw(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b)
+    uint8_t i;
+    uint8_t *p = rgbdata;
+    for (i=0; i<RGB_COUNT;i++) *(p++)=0;
+    rgbdata[0] = g / 8;
+    rgbdata[1] = r / 8;
+    rgbdata[2] = b / 8;
+    rgbdata[48+0] = g / 8;
+    rgbdata[48+1] = r / 8;
+    rgbdata[48+2] = b / 8;
+    return false;
+/* Main Program                                                               */
+#define MAX_MODE 8
+void main(void)
+    unsigned char mode = 2;
+    bool changed = false;
+    uint8_t loop = 0;
+    /* Initialize I/O and Peripherals for application */
+    InitApp();
+    ws2811_init();
+    /* initial pattern */
+    rainbow_draw();
+    ws2811_transmit();
+    glow_draw(0,255,0);
+    /* main loop */
+    while(1)
+    {
+        CLRWDT(); // tell watchdog we are still awake
+        /* test if the battery is dead, stop if it is */
+        if (test_battery()) {
+            SLEEP();
+        }
+        /* if button is pressed, change mode */
+        if (test_button()) {
+            mode = (mode + 1) % MAX_MODE;
+            loop = 0;
+            // initialise the new mode
+            switch (mode) {
+                case 0:
+                    rain_delay = RAIN_UNIT;
+                    changed = rainbow_draw();
+                    break;
+                case 1:
+                    changed = bouncer_draw();
+                    break;
+                case 2:
+                    changed = glow_draw(0,255,0);
+                    break;
+                case 3:
+                    changed = glow_draw(255,0,0);
+                    break;
+                case 4:
+                    changed = glow_draw(0,0,255);
+                    break;
+                case 5:
+                    changed = glow_draw(255,0,255);
+                    break;
+                case 6:
+                    changed = dot_draw(255,255,255);
+                    break;
+                case 7:
+                    changed = dot_draw(0,8,0);
+                    break;
+            }
+        } else {
+            /* otherwise run mode maintenance */
+            switch (mode) {
+                case 0:
+                    changed = rainbow_rotate();
+                    break;
+                case 1:
+                    changed = bouncer_rotate(loop);
+                    break;
+                case 2:
+                case 3:
+                case 4:
+                    changed = glow_rotate(loop);
+                    break;
+                case 5:
+                    if (loop == 0) {
+                        uint16_t n = dorand() % quant;
+                        uint8_t r,g,b;
+                        RGBWheel(n, &r, &g, &b);
+                        changed = glow_draw(r, g, b);
+                    }
+                    changed = glow_rotate(loop);
+                    break;
+                case 6:
+                    changed = rainbow_rotate();
+                    break;
+                case 7:
+                    if (loop==0) changed = rainbow_rotate();
+                    break;
+            }
+        }
+        /* transmit the latest data set */
+        if (changed) ws2811_transmit();
+        /* wait a bit */
+        __delay_ms(5);
+        loop++;
+    }
diff --git a/nbproject/ b/nbproject/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..36ae0b5
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+# Generated Makefile - do not edit!
+# Edit the Makefile in the project folder instead (../Makefile). Each target
+# has a -pre and a -post target defined where you can add customized code.
+# This makefile implements configuration specific macros and targets.
+# Include project Makefile
+ifeq "${IGNORE_LOCAL}" "TRUE"
+# do not include local makefile. User is passing all local related variables already
+include Makefile
+# Include makefile containing local settings
+ifeq "$(wildcard nbproject/" "nbproject/"
+include nbproject/
+# Environment
+MKDIR=mkdir -p
+RM=rm -f 
+# Macros
+# Object Directory
+# Distribution Directory
+# Object Files Quoted if spaced
+OBJECTFILES_QUOTED_IF_SPACED=${OBJECTDIR}/configuration_bits.p1 ${OBJECTDIR}/main.p1 ${OBJECTDIR}/user.p1 ${OBJECTDIR}/ws2811.p1
+POSSIBLE_DEPFILES=${OBJECTDIR}/configuration_bits.p1.d ${OBJECTDIR}/main.p1.d ${OBJECTDIR}/user.p1.d ${OBJECTDIR}/ws2811.p1.d
+# Object Files
+OBJECTFILES=${OBJECTDIR}/configuration_bits.p1 ${OBJECTDIR}/main.p1 ${OBJECTDIR}/user.p1 ${OBJECTDIR}/ws2811.p1
+############# Tool locations ##########################################
+# If you copy a project from one host to another, the path where the  #
+# compiler is installed may be different.                             #
+# If you open this project with MPLAB X in the new host, this         #
+# makefile will be regenerated and the paths will be corrected.       #
+# fixDeps replaces a bunch of sed/cat/printf statements that slow down the build
+       ${MAKE}  -f nbproject/ dist/${CND_CONF}/${IMAGE_TYPE}/goggles_v2.${IMAGE_TYPE}.${OUTPUT_SUFFIX}
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Rules for buildStep: compile
+${OBJECTDIR}/configuration_bits.p1: configuration_bits.c  nbproject/Makefile-${CND_CONF}.mk
+       @${MKDIR} ${OBJECTDIR} 
+       @${RM} ${OBJECTDIR}/configuration_bits.p1.d 
+       ${MP_CC} --pass1 $(MP_EXTRA_CC_PRE) --chip=$(MP_PROCESSOR_OPTION) -Q -G --asmlist  -D__DEBUG=1 --debugger=none  --double=24 --float=24 --opt=default,+asm,-asmfile,+speed,-space,+debug --addrqual=ignore --mode=free -P -N255 --warn=0 --summary=default,-psect,-class,+mem,-hex,-file --output=default,-inhx032 --runtime=default,+clear,+init,-keep,-no_startup,+osccal,-resetbits,-download,-stackcall,+clib "--errformat=%f:%l: error: %s" "--warnformat=%f:%l: warning: %s" "--msgformat=%f:%l: advisory: %s"  -o${OBJECTDIR}/configuration_bits.p1  configuration_bits.c 
+       @-${MV} ${OBJECTDIR}/configuration_bits.d ${OBJECTDIR}/configuration_bits.p1.d 
+       @${FIXDEPS} ${OBJECTDIR}/configuration_bits.p1.d $(SILENT) -rsi ${MP_CC_DIR}../  
+${OBJECTDIR}/main.p1: main.c  nbproject/Makefile-${CND_CONF}.mk
+       @${MKDIR} ${OBJECTDIR} 
+       @${RM} ${OBJECTDIR}/main.p1.d 
+       ${MP_CC} --pass1 $(MP_EXTRA_CC_PRE) --chip=$(MP_PROCESSOR_OPTION) -Q -G --asmlist  -D__DEBUG=1 --debugger=none  --double=24 --float=24 --opt=default,+asm,-asmfile,+speed,-space,+debug --addrqual=ignore --mode=free -P -N255 --warn=0 --summary=default,-psect,-class,+mem,-hex,-file --output=default,-inhx032 --runtime=default,+clear,+init,-keep,-no_startup,+osccal,-resetbits,-download,-stackcall,+clib "--errformat=%f:%l: error: %s" "--warnformat=%f:%l: warning: %s" "--msgformat=%f:%l: advisory: %s"  -o${OBJECTDIR}/main.p1  main.c 
+       @-${MV} ${OBJECTDIR}/main.d ${OBJECTDIR}/main.p1.d 
+       @${FIXDEPS} ${OBJECTDIR}/main.p1.d $(SILENT) -rsi ${MP_CC_DIR}../  
+${OBJECTDIR}/user.p1: user.c  nbproject/Makefile-${CND_CONF}.mk
+       @${MKDIR} ${OBJECTDIR} 
+       @${RM} ${OBJECTDIR}/user.p1.d 
+       ${MP_CC} --pass1 $(MP_EXTRA_CC_PRE) --chip=$(MP_PROCESSOR_OPTION) -Q -G --asmlist  -D__DEBUG=1 --debugger=none  --double=24 --float=24 --opt=default,+asm,-asmfile,+speed,-space,+debug --addrqual=ignore --mode=free -P -N255 --warn=0 --summary=default,-psect,-class,+mem,-hex,-file --output=default,-inhx032 --runtime=default,+clear,+init,-keep,-no_startup,+osccal,-resetbits,-download,-stackcall,+clib "--errformat=%f:%l: error: %s" "--warnformat=%f:%l: warning: %s" "--msgformat=%f:%l: advisory: %s"  -o${OBJECTDIR}/user.p1  user.c 
+       @-${MV} ${OBJECTDIR}/user.d ${OBJECTDIR}/user.p1.d 
+       @${FIXDEPS} ${OBJECTDIR}/user.p1.d $(SILENT) -rsi ${MP_CC_DIR}../  
+${OBJECTDIR}/ws2811.p1: ws2811.c  nbproject/Makefile-${CND_CONF}.mk
+       @${MKDIR} ${OBJECTDIR} 
+       @${RM} ${OBJECTDIR}/ws2811.p1.d 
+       ${MP_CC} --pass1 $(MP_EXTRA_CC_PRE) --chip=$(MP_PROCESSOR_OPTION) -Q -G --asmlist  -D__DEBUG=1 --debugger=none  --double=24 --float=24 --opt=default,+asm,-asmfile,+speed,-space,+debug --addrqual=ignore --mode=free -P -N255 --warn=0 --summary=default,-psect,-class,+mem,-hex,-file --output=default,-inhx032 --runtime=default,+clear,+init,-keep,-no_startup,+osccal,-resetbits,-download,-stackcall,+clib "--errformat=%f:%l: error: %s" "--warnformat=%f:%l: warning: %s" "--msgformat=%f:%l: advisory: %s"  -o${OBJECTDIR}/ws2811.p1  ws2811.c 
+       @-${MV} ${OBJECTDIR}/ws2811.d ${OBJECTDIR}/ws2811.p1.d 
+       @${FIXDEPS} ${OBJECTDIR}/ws2811.p1.d $(SILENT) -rsi ${MP_CC_DIR}../  
+${OBJECTDIR}/configuration_bits.p1: configuration_bits.c  nbproject/Makefile-${CND_CONF}.mk
+       @${MKDIR} ${OBJECTDIR} 
+       @${RM} ${OBJECTDIR}/configuration_bits.p1.d 
+       ${MP_CC} --pass1 $(MP_EXTRA_CC_PRE) --chip=$(MP_PROCESSOR_OPTION) -Q -G --asmlist  --double=24 --float=24 --opt=default,+asm,-asmfile,+speed,-space,+debug --addrqual=ignore --mode=free -P -N255 --warn=0 --summary=default,-psect,-class,+mem,-hex,-file --output=default,-inhx032 --runtime=default,+clear,+init,-keep,-no_startup,+osccal,-resetbits,-download,-stackcall,+clib "--errformat=%f:%l: error: %s" "--warnformat=%f:%l: warning: %s" "--msgformat=%f:%l: advisory: %s"  -o${OBJECTDIR}/configuration_bits.p1  configuration_bits.c 
+       @-${MV} ${OBJECTDIR}/configuration_bits.d ${OBJECTDIR}/configuration_bits.p1.d 
+       @${FIXDEPS} ${OBJECTDIR}/configuration_bits.p1.d $(SILENT) -rsi ${MP_CC_DIR}../  
+${OBJECTDIR}/main.p1: main.c  nbproject/Makefile-${CND_CONF}.mk
+       @${MKDIR} ${OBJECTDIR} 
+       @${RM} ${OBJECTDIR}/main.p1.d 
+       ${MP_CC} --pass1 $(MP_EXTRA_CC_PRE) --chip=$(MP_PROCESSOR_OPTION) -Q -G --asmlist  --double=24 --float=24 --opt=default,+asm,-asmfile,+speed,-space,+debug --addrqual=ignore --mode=free -P -N255 --warn=0 --summary=default,-psect,-class,+mem,-hex,-file --output=default,-inhx032 --runtime=default,+clear,+init,-keep,-no_startup,+osccal,-resetbits,-download,-stackcall,+clib "--errformat=%f:%l: error: %s" "--warnformat=%f:%l: warning: %s" "--msgformat=%f:%l: advisory: %s"  -o${OBJECTDIR}/main.p1  main.c 
+       @-${MV} ${OBJECTDIR}/main.d ${OBJECTDIR}/main.p1.d 
+       @${FIXDEPS} ${OBJECTDIR}/main.p1.d $(SILENT) -rsi ${MP_CC_DIR}../  
+${OBJECTDIR}/user.p1: user.c  nbproject/Makefile-${CND_CONF}.mk
+       @${MKDIR} ${OBJECTDIR} 
+       @${RM} ${OBJECTDIR}/user.p1.d 
+       ${MP_CC} --pass1 $(MP_EXTRA_CC_PRE) --chip=$(MP_PROCESSOR_OPTION) -Q -G --asmlist  --double=24 --float=24 --opt=default,+asm,-asmfile,+speed,-space,+debug --addrqual=ignore --mode=free -P -N255 --warn=0 --summary=default,-psect,-class,+mem,-hex,-file --output=default,-inhx032 --runtime=default,+clear,+init,-keep,-no_startup,+osccal,-resetbits,-download,-stackcall,+clib "--errformat=%f:%l: error: %s" "--warnformat=%f:%l: warning: %s" "--msgformat=%f:%l: advisory: %s"  -o${OBJECTDIR}/user.p1  user.c 
+       @-${MV} ${OBJECTDIR}/user.d ${OBJECTDIR}/user.p1.d 
+       @${FIXDEPS} ${OBJECTDIR}/user.p1.d $(SILENT) -rsi ${MP_CC_DIR}../  
+${OBJECTDIR}/ws2811.p1: ws2811.c  nbproject/Makefile-${CND_CONF}.mk
+       @${MKDIR} ${OBJECTDIR} 
+       @${RM} ${OBJECTDIR}/ws2811.p1.d 
+       ${MP_CC} --pass1 $(MP_EXTRA_CC_PRE) --chip=$(MP_PROCESSOR_OPTION) -Q -G --asmlist  --double=24 --float=24 --opt=default,+asm,-asmfile,+speed,-space,+debug --addrqual=ignore --mode=free -P -N255 --warn=0 --summary=default,-psect,-class,+mem,-hex,-file --output=default,-inhx032 --runtime=default,+clear,+init,-keep,-no_startup,+osccal,-resetbits,-download,-stackcall,+clib "--errformat=%f:%l: error: %s" "--warnformat=%f:%l: warning: %s" "--msgformat=%f:%l: advisory: %s"  -o${OBJECTDIR}/ws2811.p1  ws2811.c 
+       @-${MV} ${OBJECTDIR}/ws2811.d ${OBJECTDIR}/ws2811.p1.d 
+       @${FIXDEPS} ${OBJECTDIR}/ws2811.p1.d $(SILENT) -rsi ${MP_CC_DIR}../  
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Rules for buildStep: assemble
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Rules for buildStep: link
+dist/${CND_CONF}/${IMAGE_TYPE}/goggles_v2.${IMAGE_TYPE}.${OUTPUT_SUFFIX}: ${OBJECTFILES}  nbproject/Makefile-${CND_CONF}.mk    
+       @${MKDIR} dist/${CND_CONF}/${IMAGE_TYPE} 
+       ${MP_CC} $(MP_EXTRA_LD_PRE) --chip=$(MP_PROCESSOR_OPTION) -G --asmlist -mdist/${CND_CONF}/${IMAGE_TYPE}/goggles_v2.${IMAGE_TYPE}.map  -D__DEBUG=1 --debugger=none  --double=24 --float=24 --opt=default,+asm,-asmfile,+speed,-space,+debug --addrqual=ignore --mode=free -P -N255 --warn=0 --summary=default,-psect,-class,+mem,-hex,-file --output=default,-inhx032 --runtime=default,+clear,+init,-keep,-no_startup,+osccal,-resetbits,-download,-stackcall,+clib "--errformat=%f:%l: error: %s" "--warnformat=%f:%l: warning: %s" "--msgformat=%f:%l: advisory: %s"      -odist/${CND_CONF}/${IMAGE_TYPE}/goggles_v2.${IMAGE_TYPE}.${DEBUGGABLE_SUFFIX}  ${OBJECTFILES_QUOTED_IF_SPACED}     
+       @${RM} dist/${CND_CONF}/${IMAGE_TYPE}/goggles_v2.${IMAGE_TYPE}.hex 
+dist/${CND_CONF}/${IMAGE_TYPE}/goggles_v2.${IMAGE_TYPE}.${OUTPUT_SUFFIX}: ${OBJECTFILES}  nbproject/Makefile-${CND_CONF}.mk   
+       @${MKDIR} dist/${CND_CONF}/${IMAGE_TYPE} 
+       ${MP_CC} $(MP_EXTRA_LD_PRE) --chip=$(MP_PROCESSOR_OPTION) -G --asmlist -mdist/${CND_CONF}/${IMAGE_TYPE}/goggles_v2.${IMAGE_TYPE}.map  --double=24 --float=24 --opt=default,+asm,-asmfile,+speed,-space,+debug --addrqual=ignore --mode=free -P -N255 --warn=0 --summary=default,-psect,-class,+mem,-hex,-file --output=default,-inhx032 --runtime=default,+clear,+init,-keep,-no_startup,+osccal,-resetbits,-download,-stackcall,+clib "--errformat=%f:%l: error: %s" "--warnformat=%f:%l: warning: %s" "--msgformat=%f:%l: advisory: %s"   -odist/${CND_CONF}/${IMAGE_TYPE}/goggles_v2.${IMAGE_TYPE}.${DEBUGGABLE_SUFFIX}  ${OBJECTFILES_QUOTED_IF_SPACED}     
+# Subprojects
+# Subprojects
+# Clean Targets
+.clean-conf: ${CLEAN_SUBPROJECTS}
+       ${RM} -r build/XC8_PIC12F1840
+       ${RM} -r dist/XC8_PIC12F1840
+# Enable dependency checking .depcheck-impl
+DEPFILES=$(shell "${PATH_TO_IDE_BIN}"mplabwildcard ${POSSIBLE_DEPFILES})
+ifneq (${DEPFILES},)
+include ${DEPFILES}
diff --git a/nbproject/ b/nbproject/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..1123245
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+#Sat Nov 02 10:44:23 GMT 2013
diff --git a/nbproject/ b/nbproject/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..1e67b0c
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+# Generated Makefile - do not edit!
+# Edit the Makefile in the project folder instead (../Makefile). Each target
+# has a pre- and a post- target defined where you can add customization code.
+# This makefile implements macros and targets common to all configurations.
+# Building and Cleaning subprojects are done by default, but can be controlled with the SUB
+# macro. If SUB=no, subprojects will not be built or cleaned. The following macro
+# statements set BUILD_SUB-CONF and CLEAN_SUB-CONF to .build-reqprojects-conf
+# and .clean-reqprojects-conf unless SUB has the value 'no'
+# Project Name
+# Active Configuration
+# All Configurations
+# build .build-pre
+       ${MAKE} -f nbproject/Makefile-${CONF}.mk SUBPROJECTS=${SUBPROJECTS} .build-conf
+# clean
+.clean-impl: .clean-pre
+       ${MAKE} -f nbproject/Makefile-${CONF}.mk SUBPROJECTS=${SUBPROJECTS} .clean-conf
+# clobber
+.clobber-impl: .clobber-pre .depcheck-impl
+           ${MAKE} SUBPROJECTS=${SUBPROJECTS} CONF=XC8_PIC12F1840 clean
+# all
+.all-impl: .all-pre .depcheck-impl
+           ${MAKE} SUBPROJECTS=${SUBPROJECTS} CONF=XC8_PIC12F1840 build
+# dependency checking support
+#      @echo "# This code depends on make tool being used" >
+#      @if [ -n "${MAKE_VERSION}" ]; then \
+#          echo "DEPFILES=\$$(wildcard \$$(addsuffix .d, \$${OBJECTFILES}))" >>; \
+#          echo "ifneq (\$${DEPFILES},)" >>; \
+#          echo "include \$${DEPFILES}" >>; \
+#          echo "endif" >>; \
+#      else \
+#          echo ".KEEP_STATE:" >>; \
+#          echo ".KEEP_STATE_FILE:.make.state.\$${CONF}" >>; \
+#      fi
diff --git a/nbproject/ b/nbproject/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..edae0e0
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# Generated Makefile - do not edit!
+# This file contains information about the location of compilers and other tools.
+# If you commmit this file into your revision control server, you will be able to 
+# to checkout the project and build it from the command line with make. However,
+# if more than one person works on the same project, then this file might show
+# conflicts since different users are bound to have compilers in different places.
+# In that case you might choose to not commit this file and let MPLAB X recreate this file
+# for each user. The disadvantage of not commiting this file is that you must run MPLAB X at
+# least once so the file gets created and the project can be built. Finally, you can also
+# avoid using this file at all if you are only building from the command line with make.
+# You can invoke make with the values of the macros:
+# $ makeMP_CC="/opt/microchip/mplabc30/v3.30c/bin/pic30-gcc" ...  
+# Adding MPLAB X bin directory to path.
+# Path to java used to run MPLAB X when this makefile was created
+OS_CURRENT="$(shell uname -s)"
+# MP_CPPC is not defined
+# MP_BC is not defined
+# MP_AS is not defined
+# MP_LD is not defined
+# MP_AR is not defined
+DEP_GEN=${MP_JAVA_PATH}java -jar "/opt/microchip/mplabx/mplab_ide/mplab_ide/modules/../../bin/extractobjectdependencies.jar" 
+# MP_CPPC_DIR is not defined
+# MP_BC_DIR is not defined
+# MP_AS_DIR is not defined
+# MP_LD_DIR is not defined
+# MP_AR_DIR is not defined
+# MP_BC_DIR is not defined
diff --git a/nbproject/ b/nbproject/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..61e3c13
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Generated - do not edit!
+# XC8_PIC12F1840 configuration
diff --git a/nbproject/Package-XC8_PIC12F1840.bash b/nbproject/Package-XC8_PIC12F1840.bash
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..ea70971
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+#!/bin/bash -x
+# Generated - do not edit!
+# Macros
+# Functions
+function checkReturnCode
+    rc=$?
+    if [ $rc != 0 ]
+    then
+        exit $rc
+    fi
+function makeDirectory
+# $1 directory path
+# $2 permission (optional)
+    mkdir -p "$1"
+    checkReturnCode
+    if [ "$2" != "" ]
+    then
+      chmod $2 "$1"
+      checkReturnCode
+    fi
+function copyFileToTmpDir
+# $1 from-file path
+# $2 to-file path
+# $3 permission
+    cp "$1" "$2"
+    checkReturnCode
+    if [ "$3" != "" ]
+    then
+        chmod $3 "$2"
+        checkReturnCode
+    fi
+# Setup
+cd "${TOP}"
+mkdir -p ${CND_DISTDIR}/${CND_CONF}/package
+rm -rf ${TMPDIR}
+mkdir -p ${TMPDIR}
+# Copy files and create directories and links
+cd "${TOP}"
+makeDirectory ${TMPDIR}/gogglesv2/bin
+# Generate tar file
+cd "${TOP}"
+rm -f ${CND_DISTDIR}/${CND_CONF}/package/gogglesv2.tar
+cd ${TMPDIR}
+tar -vcf ../../../../${CND_DISTDIR}/${CND_CONF}/package/gogglesv2.tar *
+# Cleanup
+cd "${TOP}"
+rm -rf ${TMPDIR}
diff --git a/nbproject/configurations.xml b/nbproject/configurations.xml
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..1ded303
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<configurationDescriptor version="62">
+  <logicalFolder name="root" displayName="root" projectFiles="true">
+    <logicalFolder name="HeaderFiles"
+                   displayName="Header Files"
+                   projectFiles="true">
+      <itemPath>user.h</itemPath>
+      <itemPath>ws2811.h</itemPath>
+    </logicalFolder>
+    <logicalFolder name="SourceFiles"
+                   displayName="Source Files"
+                   projectFiles="true">
+      <itemPath>configuration_bits.c</itemPath>
+      <itemPath>main.c</itemPath>
+      <itemPath>user.c</itemPath>
+      <itemPath>ws2811.c</itemPath>
+    </logicalFolder>
+    <logicalFolder name="ExternalFiles"
+                   displayName="Important Files"
+                   projectFiles="false">
+      <itemPath>Makefile</itemPath>
+    </logicalFolder>
+  </logicalFolder>
+  <projectmakefile>Makefile</projectmakefile>
+  <confs>
+    <conf name="XC8_PIC12F1840" type="2">
+      <toolsSet>
+        <developmentServer>localhost</developmentServer>
+        <targetDevice>PIC12F1840</targetDevice>
+        <targetHeader></targetHeader>
+        <targetPluginBoard></targetPluginBoard>
+        <platformTool>Simulator</platformTool>
+        <languageToolchain>XC8</languageToolchain>
+        <languageToolchainVersion>1.12</languageToolchainVersion>
+        <platform>2</platform>
+      </toolsSet>
+      <compileType>
+        <linkerTool>
+          <linkerLibItems>
+          </linkerLibItems>
+        </linkerTool>
+        <loading>
+          <useAlternateLoadableFile>false</useAlternateLoadableFile>
+          <alternateLoadableFile></alternateLoadableFile>
+        </loading>
+      </compileType>
+      <makeCustomizationType>
+        <makeCustomizationPreStepEnabled>false</makeCustomizationPreStepEnabled>
+        <makeCustomizationPreStep></makeCustomizationPreStep>
+        <makeCustomizationPostStepEnabled>false</makeCustomizationPostStepEnabled>
+        <makeCustomizationPostStep></makeCustomizationPostStep>
+        <makeCustomizationPutChecksumInUserID>false</makeCustomizationPutChecksumInUserID>
+        <makeCustomizationEnableLongLines>false</makeCustomizationEnableLongLines>
+        <makeCustomizationNormalizeHexFile>false</makeCustomizationNormalizeHexFile>
+      </makeCustomizationType>
+      <HI-TECH-COMP>
+        <property key="define-macros" value=""/>
+        <property key="extra-include-directories" value=""/>
+        <property key="identifier-length" value="255"/>
+        <property key="operation-mode" value="free"/>
+        <property key="opt-xc8-compiler-strict_ansi" value="false"/>
+        <property key="optimization-assembler" value="true"/>
+        <property key="optimization-assembler-files" value="false"/>
+        <property key="optimization-debug" value="true"/>
+        <property key="optimization-global" value="true"/>
+        <property key="optimization-level" value="9"/>
+        <property key="optimization-set" value="default"/>
+        <property key="optimization-speed" value="true"/>
+        <property key="preprocess-assembler" value="true"/>
+        <property key="undefine-macros" value=""/>
+        <property key="use-cci" value="false"/>
+        <property key="verbose" value="false"/>
+        <property key="warning-level" value="0"/>
+        <property key="what-to-do" value="ignore"/>
+      </HI-TECH-COMP>
+      <HI-TECH-LINK>
+        <property key="additional-options-checksum" value=""/>
+        <property key="additional-options-code-offset" value=""/>
+        <property key="additional-options-errata" value=""/>
+        <property key="additional-options-extend-address" value="false"/>
+        <property key="additional-options-trace-type" value=""/>
+        <property key="additional-options-use-response-files" value="false"/>
+        <property key="backup-reset-condition-flags" value="false"/>
+        <property key="calibrate-oscillator" value="true"/>
+        <property key="calibrate-oscillator-value" value=""/>
+        <property key="clear-bss" value="true"/>
+        <property key="code-model-external" value="wordwrite"/>
+        <property key="code-model-rom" value=""/>
+        <property key="create-html-files" value="false"/>
+        <property key="data-model-ram" value=""/>
+        <property key="data-model-size-of-double" value="24"/>
+        <property key="data-model-size-of-float" value="24"/>
+        <property key="display-class-usage" value="false"/>
+        <property key="display-hex-usage" value="false"/>
+        <property key="display-overall-usage" value="true"/>
+        <property key="display-psect-usage" value="false"/>
+        <property key="fill-flash-options-addr" value=""/>
+        <property key="fill-flash-options-const" value=""/>
+        <property key="fill-flash-options-how" value="0"/>
+        <property key="fill-flash-options-inc-const" value="1"/>
+        <property key="fill-flash-options-increment" value=""/>
+        <property key="fill-flash-options-seq" value=""/>
+        <property key="fill-flash-options-what" value="0"/>
+        <property key="format-hex-file-for-download" value="false"/>
+        <property key="initialize-data" value="true"/>
+        <property key="" value="false"/>
+        <property key="link-in-c-library" value="true"/>
+        <property key="link-in-peripheral-library" value="true"/>
+        <property key="managed-stack" value="false"/>
+        <property key="opt-xc8-linker-file" value="false"/>
+        <property key="opt-xc8-linker-link_startup" value="false"/>
+        <property key="opt-xc8-linker-serial" value=""/>
+        <property key="program-the-device-with-default-config-words" value="true"/>
+      </HI-TECH-LINK>
+      <Simulator>
+        <property key="animationupdates.realtimewatchupdates" value="false"/>
+        <property key="animationupdates.steptime" value=""/>
+        <property key="animationupdates.updatetime" value=""/>
+        <property key="breakoptions.coreerrors" value="Ignore"/>
+        <property key="breakoptions.corewarnings" value="Ignore"/>
+        <property key="breakoptions.peripheralerrors" value="Ignore"/>
+        <property key="breakoptions.peripheralwarnings" value="Ignore"/>
+        <property key="breakoptions.stimulusmessages.notes" value="Ignore"/>
+        <property key="breakoptions.stimulusmessags.errors" value="Ignore"/>
+        <property key="breakoptions.stimulusmessags.warnings" value="Ignore"/>
+        <property key="breakoptions.wdtwarnings" value="Ignore"/>
+        <property key="codecoverage.enabled" value="Disable"/>
+        <property key="codecoverage.enableoutputtofile" value="false"/>
+        <property key="codecoverage.outputfile" value=""/>
+        <property key="oscillator.auxfrequency" value="120"/>
+        <property key="oscillator.auxfrequencyunit" value="Mega"/>
+        <property key="oscillator.frequency" value="8"/>
+        <property key="oscillator.frequencyunit" value="Mega"/>
+        <property key="oscillator.rcfrequency" value="250"/>
+        <property key="oscillator.rcfrequencyunit" value="Kilo"/>
+        <property key="" value="false"/>
+        <property key="periphADC1.altscl" value="false"/>
+        <property key="periphADC1.minTacq" value=""/>
+        <property key="periphADC1.tacqunits" value="microseconds"/>
+        <property key="periphADC2.altscl" value="false"/>
+        <property key="periphADC2.minTacq" value=""/>
+        <property key="periphADC2.tacqunits" value="microseconds"/>
+        <property key="tracecontrol.include.timestamp" value="false"/>
+        <property key="" value="0"/>
+        <property key="tracecontrol.timestamp" value="2"/>
+        <property key="tracecontrol.tracebufmax" value="54600"/>
+        <property key="tracecontrol.tracefile" value="/home/justin/mpdeftrace.log"/>
+        <property key="tracecontrol.traceresetonrun" value="false"/>
+        <property key="uart1io.output" value="window"/>
+        <property key="uart1io.outputfile" value=""/>
+        <property key="uart1io.uartioenabled" value="false"/>
+      </Simulator>
+      <XC8-config-global>
+        <property key="output-file-format" value="-mcof,+elf"/>
+      </XC8-config-global>
+    </conf>
+  </confs>
diff --git a/nbproject/private/ b/nbproject/private/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..dccb314
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+#Sat Nov 02 10:42:00 GMT 2013
diff --git a/nbproject/private/configurations.xml b/nbproject/private/configurations.xml
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..7bd6934
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<configurationDescriptor version="62">
+  <projectmakefile>Makefile</projectmakefile>
+  <defaultConf>0</defaultConf>
+  <confs>
+    <conf name="XC8_PIC12F1840" type="2">
+      <platformToolSN></platformToolSN>
+      <languageToolchainDir>/opt/microchip/xc8/v1.12/bin</languageToolchainDir>
+      <mdbdebugger version="1">
+        <placeholder1>place holder 1</placeholder1>
+        <placeholder2>place holder 2</placeholder2>
+      </mdbdebugger>
+      <runprofile version="6">
+        <args></args>
+        <rundir></rundir>
+        <buildfirst>true</buildfirst>
+        <console-type>0</console-type>
+        <terminal-type>0</terminal-type>
+        <remove-instrumentation>0</remove-instrumentation>
+        <environment>
+        </environment>
+      </runprofile>
+    </conf>
+  </confs>
diff --git a/nbproject/private/private.xml b/nbproject/private/private.xml
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..e396670
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><project-private xmlns="">
+    <editor-bookmarks xmlns=""/>
diff --git a/nbproject/ b/nbproject/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/nbproject/project.xml b/nbproject/project.xml
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..df67f11
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><project xmlns="">
+    <type>com.microchip.mplab.nbide.embedded.makeproject</type>
+    <configuration>
+        <data xmlns="">
+            <name>goggles_v2</name>
+            <creation-uuid>fd17e5a7-f9b6-4f8e-a0b1-1d020538f498</creation-uuid>
+            <make-project-type>0</make-project-type>
+            <c-extensions>c</c-extensions>
+            <cpp-extensions/>
+            <header-extensions>h</header-extensions>
+            <sourceEncoding>UTF-8</sourceEncoding>
+            <make-dep-projects/>
+        </data>
+    </configuration>
diff --git a/project_information.txt b/project_information.txt
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..39279db
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+<Application Description for Project Goes Here>
+Project Owner(s):
+Hardware Platform:
+Debuggers Used:
+Programmers Used:
+MPLAB Version:
+C Compiler Version:
+Final Checksum:
+system.h - Contains custom oscillator configuration function prototypes,
+reset source evaluation function prototypes, and non-peripheral
+microcontroller initialization function prototypes.  It also may contain
+system level #define macros and variables.  This file is included
+by system.c
+user.h - Contains parameters and function prototypes used in user.c for user
+level functions, for example, InitApp();
+configuration_bits.c - Contains device configuration bit macros.  Refer to
+the comments in configuration_bits.c for instructions on where to get
+information about device configuration bits and their corresponding macros.
+interrupts.c - This file contains example stubs for interrupts.  The user would
+put the interrupt vectors for their application in interrupts.c.
+main.c - This is the main code for the project.  global variables and the
+main() function are located in main.c  The user would put their primary program
+flow in main.c, and the operation should be contained in main.c with an
+infinite loop.
+system.c - Contains custom oscillator configuration functions, reset source
+evaluation functions, and non-peripheral microcontroller initialization
+functions.  Functions in system.c would often be called from main.c during
+device initialization.
+user.c - Custom user algorithms, user peripheral initialization, data
+computation functions, and calculation functions would go here.  Prototypes for
+user.c go in user.h.
+#include <htc.h>             /* Global Header File */
+#include <stdint.h>          /* For uint8_t definition */
+#include <stdbool.h>         /* For true/false definition */
+These files come with the HiTech compiler.  Check the compiler documentation for
+more information on these files.
diff --git a/serial.c b/serial.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..1022e6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/serial.c
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+ *** Serial Port driver for 16f1455 and kin
+ ***/
+#include "user.h"
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+/* outgoing text buffer */
+char outbuff[3];
+char * outp = 0;
+uint8_t outlen = 0;
+/* incoming text buffer */
+char inbuff[1];
+uint8_t inlen = 0;
+void serial_init(void)
+    /* Enabling transmitter page 259 - TX/CK I/O pin */
+    TXSTAbits.TXEN = 1;
+    TXSTAbits.SYNC = 0;
+    RCSTAbits.SPEN = 1;
+    /* Enabling receiver 26.1.2 page 262 - RX/DT I/O pin */
+    RCSTAbits.CREN = 1;
+    /* Switch serial port to alternate pins */
+    APFCON0bits.RXDTSEL = 1;
+    APFCON0bits.TXCKSEL = 1;
+    ANSELAbits.ANSA4 = 0;
+    /* Select pins 4&5 as the uart - page 102 */
+    TRISAbits.TRISA4 = 0;   /* RA4 as TX output  */
+    TRISAbits.TRISA5 = 1;   /* RA5 as RX input */
+#if _XTAL_FREQ != 32000000L
+#error "Adjust serial port baudrate settings"
+    /* assume 32MHz clock, 19k2 baud */
+    TXSTAbits.BRGH = 0;
+    BAUDCONbits.BRG16 = 1;
+    SPBRGL = 103;
+    /* Enable interrupts */
+    INTCONbits.GIE = 1;
+    INTCONbits.PEIE = 1;
+    /* enable uart receiver interupt */
+    PIE1bits.RCIE = 1;
+/* is the queue empty yet */
+bool msg_empty(void)
+    if (outp == 0) return 1;
+    return 0;
+/* new message in the queue */
+void msg_write(const char *msg)
+    char * p = outbuff + outlen;
+    while (outlen < sizeof(outbuff) && *msg != 0) {
+        *(p++) = *(msg++);
+        outlen++;
+    }
+    *p = 0;
+    if (outp == 0) {
+        outp = outbuff;
+        PIE1bits.TXIE = 1;
+    }
+void msg_writebyte(const char msg)
+    if (outlen+1 >= (uint8_t)sizeof(outbuff)) return;
+    outbuff[outlen++] = msg;
+    outbuff[outlen] = 0;
+    if (outp == 0) {
+        outp = outbuff;
+        PIE1bits.TXIE = 1;
+    }
+/* some library functions will use this if defined, eg printf */
+void putch(char data)
+    msg_writebyte(data);
+/* called from interrupt routine to send next char */
+void msg_sendnext(void)
+    /* we have finished, turn off the iterrupt */
+    if (outp == 0 || *outp == 0) {
+        PIE1bits.TXIE = 0;
+        outp = 0;
+        outlen = 0;
+        return;
+    }
+    TXREG = *outp;
+    outp++;
+/* called from interrupt routine to receive next byte */
+void msg_recvnext(void)
+    while (PIR1bits.RCIF) {
+        /* bad char, skip it */
+        if (RCSTAbits.FERR) {
+            RCREG==0?0:0; // discard by reading
+            continue;
+        }
+        /* our input buffer has overflowed */
+        if (inlen > sizeof(inbuff)) {
+            RCREG==0?0:0; // discard by reading
+            return;
+        }
+        /* keep this one */
+        inbuff[inlen++] = RCREG;
+    }
+/* is there text waiting to be read */
+bool msg_recvready(void)
+    if (inlen > 0) return 1;
+    return 0;
+/* read next byte from inpout buffer */
+char msg_recv(void)
+    if (inlen == 0) return 0;
+    /* record and disable the interupt */
+    bool in = PIE1bits.RCIE;
+    PIE1bits.RCIE = 0;
+    char new = inbuff[0];
+    inlen--;
+    /* shuffle them down one */
+    for (char i=0;i<inlen;i++)
+        inbuff[i] = inbuff[i+1];
+    /* restore the interupt */
+    PIE1bits.RCIE = in;
+    return new;
+inline void msg_flush(void)
+    while (!msg_empty());
diff --git a/serial.h b/serial.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..f245c3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/serial.h
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ * File:   serial.h
+ * Author: justin
+ *
+ * Created on 17 June 2013, 16:08
+ */
+#ifndef SERIAL_H
+#define        SERIAL_H
+extern char outbuff[];
+char inbuff[];
+void serial_init(void);
+bool msg_empty(void);
+void msg_write(const char *msg);
+void msg_writebyte(const char msg);
+void msg_sendnext(void);
+void msg_recvnext(void);
+bool msg_recvready(void);
+char msg_recv(void);
+void putch(char);
+inline void msg_flush(void);
+/* TODO Connect serial interupt handlers
+ *
+ *  if (PIE1bits.TXIE && PIR1bits.TXIF)
+ *      msg_sendnext();
+ *
+ *  if (PIE1bits.RCIE && PIR1bits.RCIF)
+ *      msg_recvnext();
+ *
+ */
+#endif /* SERIAL_H */
diff --git a/user.c b/user.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..70fb19c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/user.c
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+/* Files to Include                                                           */
+#include <stdint.h>         /* For uint8_t definition */
+#include <stdbool.h>        /* For true/false definition */
+#include "user.h"
+/* User Functions                                                             */
+/* <Initialize variables in user.h and insert code for user algorithms.> */
+void InitApp(void)
+    // set oscillator to 32MHz
+    OSCCONbits.SCS = 0b00;
+    OSCCONbits.IRCF = 0b1110;
+    OSCCONbits.SPLLEN = 1;
+    // Turn watchdog on at 16 seconds
+    WDTCONbits.WDTPS = 0b01110;
+    // Button on RA2
+    OPTION_REGbits.nWPUEN = 0;
+    TRISAbits.TRISA1 = 1;
+    ANSELAbits.ANSA1 = 0;
+    WPUAbits.WPUA1 = 1;
diff --git a/user.h b/user.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..051033c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/user.h
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+/* User Level #define Macros                                                  */
+/* TODO Application specific user parameters used in user.c may go here */
+/* User Function Prototypes                                                   */
+/* Microcontroller MIPs (FCY) */
+#define SYS_FREQ        32000000L
+#define FCY             SYS_FREQ/4
+#define _XTAL_FREQ      SYS_FREQ
+/* System Function Prototypes                                                 */
+#include <xc.h>
+#include <pic12f1840.h>
+/* TODO User level functions prototypes (i.e. InitApp) go here */
+void InitApp(void);         /* I/O and Peripheral Initialization */
diff --git a/ws2811.c b/ws2811.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..8b2a98e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ws2811.c
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include "user.h"
+#include "ws2811.h"
+/* this holds the G R B bytes for the entire string */
+unsigned char rgbdata[RGB_COUNT];
+/* These values are placed in common memory so that they can be accessed
+ * quickly without a bank switch by the routines below, THIS IS IMPORTANT,
+ * it will not run properly without it */
+volatile uint8_t rgb_sample @ 0x7B;
+volatile uint8_t rgb_byte @ 0x7C;
+volatile uint8_t rgb_bit @ 0x7D;
+// send the whole pile of data
+static void ws2811_send(void)
+    // copy the led colour array location into FSR0 for fast access
+    MOVLW HIGH _rgbdata
+    MOVLW LOW _rgbdata
+    // load next byte from array into working reg
+    MOVIW FSR0++
+    MOVWF _rgb_sample
+    MOVLW 8 // reset bit count
+    MOVWF _rgb_bit
+    // you assume its a zero then test if its one
+//    MOVLW 0xC0 ;11000000B
+    MOVLW 0x80 ;10000000B
+    RLF _rgb_sample,f
+    //asm("MOVLW 0xF8 "); // 11111000B
+    MOVLW 0xF0      // 11110000B
+    // any more bits
+    DECFSZ _rgb_bit,f
+    BRA ws2811_delay
+    // any more bytes
+    DECFSZ _rgb_byte,f
+    BRA ws2811_nextbyte
+    BRA ws2811_end
+    NOP
+    NOP
+    NOP
+    BRA ws2811_sendbit
+    // all done
+#if _XTAL_FREQ != 32000000L
+#error "This code requires 32MHz system clock or above"
+void ws2811_init(void)
+    // SPI is on RA0
+    TRISAbits.TRISA0 = 0; // SDO is RA0
+    ANSELAbits.ANSA0 = 0; // not analog
+    // SCK (SPI Clock) is RA1
+    // SDI (SPI In) is RA2
+    APFCONbits.SDOSEL = 0; // use RA0 not RA4 for output
+    // at 8MHz Tclk   0 = 2 bits, 1 = 6 bits.
+    // write to SSP1BUF
+    SSP1CON1bits.SSPM = 0b0000; // SPI Master Fosc/4
+    SSP1CON1bits.SSPEN = 1; // enable MSSP
+void ws2811_transmit(void)
+    rgb_byte = RGB_COUNT;
+    ws2811_send(); // send the first bit
diff --git a/ws2811.h b/ws2811.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..7ba43c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ws2811.h
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ * File:   ws2811.h
+ * Author: justin
+ *
+ * Created on 12 June 2013, 16:50
+ */
+#ifndef WS2811_H
+#define        WS2811_H
+// how many LEDs are there
+#define LED_COUNT 32
+// how many bytes to hold LED_COUNT
+#define RGB_COUNT (LED_COUNT*3)
+// the actual RGB data (only its GRB order)
+extern unsigned char rgbdata[RGB_COUNT];
+void ws2811_transmit(void);
+void ws2811_init(void);
+#endif /* WS2811_H */