+Version 3.2 HI-TECH Software Intermediate Code
+[p mainexit ]
+"31 system.h
+[v _ConfigureOscillator `(v ~T0 @X0 0 ef ]
+"13 user.h
+[v _InitApp `(v ~T0 @X0 0 ef ]
+"19 onewire.h
+[v _OW_start `(v ~T0 @X0 0 ef ]
+"15 user.h
+[v _msg_write `(v ~T0 @X0 0 ef1`*Cuc ]
+[s S70 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 ]
+[u S69 `S70 1 ]
+[n S69 . . ]
+"1223 /opt/microchip/xc8/v1.12/include/pic12f1822.h
+[v _TRISAbits `VS69 ~T0 @X0 0 e@140 ]
+[s S30 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 ]
+[n S30 . RA0 RA1 RA2 RA3 RA4 RA5 ]
+[s S31 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 ]
+[n S31 . AN0 AN1 AN2 . AN3 ]
+[s S32 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 ]
+[n S32 . CPS0 CPS1 CPS2 . CPS3 ]
+[s S33 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 ]
+[n S33 . C1INP C1IN0N C1OUT . C1IN1N ]
+[s S34 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :2 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 ]
+[s S35 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 ]
+[n S35 . . SCK T0CKI . T1OSO T1CKI ]
+[s S36 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 ]
+[n S36 . . SCL SDA nMCLR CLKR T1OSI ]
+[s S37 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 ]
+[s S38 :2 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 ]
+[n S38 . . SDI . OSC2 OSC1 ]
+[s S39 :2 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 ]
+[n S39 . . FLT0 . CLKOUT CLKIN ]
+[u S29 `S30 1 `S31 1 `S32 1 `S33 1 `S34 1 `S35 1 `S36 1 `S37 1 `S38 1 `S39 1 ]
+[n S29 . . . . . . . . . . . ]
+[v _PORTAbits `VS29 ~T0 @X0 0 e@12 ]
+"14 user.h
+[v _msg_empty `(uc ~T0 @X0 0 ef ]
+[v _msg_recvready `(uc ~T0 @X0 0 ef ]
+[v _msg_recv `(uc ~T0 @X0 0 ef ]
+[v _int_disable `(v ~T0 @X0 0 ef ]
+"11 onewire.h
+[v _OW_reset `(uc ~T0 @X0 0 ef ]
+"25 user.h
+[v _int_enable `(v ~T0 @X0 0 ef ]
+"17 onewire.h
+[v _OW_search_init `(v ~T0 @X0 0 ef ]
+"18 user.h
+[v _tohex `(v ~T0 @X0 0 ef2`*uc`uc ]
+"32 onewire.h
+[v _romid `uc ~T0 @X0 -> 0 `x e ]
+[v _OW_search `(uc ~T0 @X0 0 ef ]
+[v _OW_identify `(v ~T0 @X0 0 ef ]
+[v _OW_parasite `(uc ~T0 @X0 0 ef ]
+[v _OW_read_block `(v ~T0 @X0 0 ef3`uc`*uc`uc ]
+[v _OW_convert `(v ~T0 @X0 0 ef ]
+[v F3636 `(v ~T0 @X0 1 tf ]
+[v _drive_OW_low `TF3636 ~T0 @X0 0 e ]
+[v F3639 `(v ~T0 @X0 1 tf ]
+[v _drive_OW_high `TF3639 ~T0 @X0 0 e ]
+[v F3642 `(v ~T0 @X0 1 tf ]
+[v _float_OW `TF3642 ~T0 @X0 0 e ]
+"28 /opt/microchip/xc8/v1.12/include/pic.h
+[v __nop `(v ~T0 @X0 0 ef ]
+[p i __nop ]
+"30 onewire.h
+[v F3645 `(uc ~T0 @X0 1 tf ]
+[v _read_OW `TF3645 ~T0 @X0 0 e ]
+"16 user.h
+[v _msg_writebyte `(v ~T0 @X0 0 ef1`Cuc ]
+[s S72 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 ]
+[u S71 `S72 1 ]
+[n S71 . . ]
+"1274 /opt/microchip/xc8/v1.12/include/pic12f1822.h
+[v _PIE1bits `VS71 ~T0 @X0 0 e@145 ]
+[v _TXREG `Vuc ~T0 @X0 0 e@410 ]
+[s S162 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 ]
+[u S161 `S162 1 ]
+[n S161 . . ]
+[v _RCSTAbits `VS161 ~T0 @X0 0 e@413 ]
+[v _RCREG `Vuc ~T0 @X0 0 e@409 ]
+[s S41 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 ]
+[u S40 `S41 1 ]
+[n S40 . . ]
+[v _PIR1bits `VS40 ~T0 @X0 0 e@17 ]
+[s S27 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 ]
+[s S28 :2 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 :2 `uc 1 :1 `uc 1 ]
+[n S28 . . T0IF . T0IE ]
+[u S26 `S27 1 `S28 1 ]
+[n S26 . . . ]
+[v _INTCONbits `VS26 ~T0 @X0 0 e@11 ]
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 44: extern volatile unsigned char INDF0 @ 0x000;
+"46 /opt/microchip/xc8/v1.12/include/pic12f1822.h
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 46: asm("INDF0 equ 00h");
+[; <" INDF0 equ 00h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 49: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 50: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 51: unsigned INDF0 :8;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 52: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 53: } INDF0bits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 54: extern volatile INDF0bits_t INDF0bits @ 0x000;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 63: extern volatile unsigned char INDF1 @ 0x001;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 65: asm("INDF1 equ 01h");
+[; <" INDF1 equ 01h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 68: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 69: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 70: unsigned INDF1 :8;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 71: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 72: } INDF1bits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 73: extern volatile INDF1bits_t INDF1bits @ 0x001;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 82: extern volatile unsigned char PCL @ 0x002;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 84: asm("PCL equ 02h");
+[; <" PCL equ 02h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 87: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 88: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 89: unsigned PCL :8;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 90: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 91: } PCLbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 92: extern volatile PCLbits_t PCLbits @ 0x002;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 101: extern volatile unsigned char STATUS @ 0x003;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 103: asm("STATUS equ 03h");
+[; <" STATUS equ 03h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 106: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 107: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 108: unsigned C :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 109: unsigned DC :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 110: unsigned Z :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 111: unsigned nPD :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 112: unsigned nTO :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 113: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 114: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 115: unsigned CARRY :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 116: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 117: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 118: unsigned :2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 119: unsigned ZERO :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 120: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 121: } STATUSbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 122: extern volatile STATUSbits_t STATUSbits @ 0x003;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 161: extern volatile unsigned short FSR0 @ 0x004;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 164: extern volatile unsigned char FSR0L @ 0x004;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 166: asm("FSR0L equ 04h");
+[; <" FSR0L equ 04h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 169: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 170: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 171: unsigned FSR0L :8;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 172: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 173: } FSR0Lbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 174: extern volatile FSR0Lbits_t FSR0Lbits @ 0x004;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 183: extern volatile unsigned char FSR0H @ 0x005;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 185: asm("FSR0H equ 05h");
+[; <" FSR0H equ 05h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 188: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 189: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 190: unsigned FSR0H :8;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 191: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 192: } FSR0Hbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 193: extern volatile FSR0Hbits_t FSR0Hbits @ 0x005;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 202: extern volatile unsigned short FSR1 @ 0x006;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 205: extern volatile unsigned char FSR1L @ 0x006;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 207: asm("FSR1L equ 06h");
+[; <" FSR1L equ 06h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 210: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 211: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 212: unsigned FSR1L :8;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 213: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 214: } FSR1Lbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 215: extern volatile FSR1Lbits_t FSR1Lbits @ 0x006;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 224: extern volatile unsigned char FSR1H @ 0x007;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 226: asm("FSR1H equ 07h");
+[; <" FSR1H equ 07h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 229: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 230: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 231: unsigned FSR1H :8;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 232: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 233: } FSR1Hbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 234: extern volatile FSR1Hbits_t FSR1Hbits @ 0x007;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 243: extern volatile unsigned char BSR @ 0x008;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 245: asm("BSR equ 08h");
+[; <" BSR equ 08h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 248: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 249: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 250: unsigned BSR0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 251: unsigned BSR1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 252: unsigned BSR2 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 253: unsigned BSR3 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 254: unsigned BSR4 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 255: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 256: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 257: unsigned BSR :5;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 258: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 259: } BSRbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 260: extern volatile BSRbits_t BSRbits @ 0x008;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 294: extern volatile unsigned char WREG @ 0x009;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 296: asm("WREG equ 09h");
+[; <" WREG equ 09h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 299: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 300: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 301: unsigned WREG0 :8;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 302: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 303: } WREGbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 304: extern volatile WREGbits_t WREGbits @ 0x009;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 313: extern volatile unsigned char PCLATH @ 0x00A;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 315: asm("PCLATH equ 0Ah");
+[; <" PCLATH equ 0Ah ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 318: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 319: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 320: unsigned PCLATH :7;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 321: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 322: } PCLATHbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 323: extern volatile PCLATHbits_t PCLATHbits @ 0x00A;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 332: extern volatile unsigned char INTCON @ 0x00B;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 334: asm("INTCON equ 0Bh");
+[; <" INTCON equ 0Bh ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 337: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 338: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 339: unsigned IOCIF :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 340: unsigned INTF :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 341: unsigned TMR0IF :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 342: unsigned IOCIE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 343: unsigned INTE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 344: unsigned TMR0IE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 345: unsigned PEIE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 346: unsigned GIE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 347: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 348: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 349: unsigned :2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 350: unsigned T0IF :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 351: unsigned :2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 352: unsigned T0IE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 353: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 354: } INTCONbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 355: extern volatile INTCONbits_t INTCONbits @ 0x00B;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 409: extern volatile unsigned char PORTA @ 0x00C;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 411: asm("PORTA equ 0Ch");
+[; <" PORTA equ 0Ch ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 414: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 415: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 416: unsigned RA0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 417: unsigned RA1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 418: unsigned RA2 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 419: unsigned RA3 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 420: unsigned RA4 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 421: unsigned RA5 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 422: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 423: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 424: unsigned AN0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 425: unsigned AN1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 426: unsigned AN2 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 427: unsigned :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 428: unsigned AN3 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 429: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 430: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 431: unsigned CPS0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 432: unsigned CPS1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 433: unsigned CPS2 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 434: unsigned :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 435: unsigned CPS3 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 436: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 437: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 438: unsigned C1INP :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 439: unsigned C1IN0N :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 440: unsigned C1OUT :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 441: unsigned :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 442: unsigned C1IN1N :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 443: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 444: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 445: unsigned DACOUT :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 446: unsigned SRI :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 447: unsigned SRQ :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 448: unsigned :2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 449: unsigned SRNQ :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 450: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 451: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 452: unsigned :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 453: unsigned SCK :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 454: unsigned T0CKI :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 455: unsigned :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 456: unsigned T1OSO :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 457: unsigned T1CKI :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 458: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 459: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 460: unsigned :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 461: unsigned SCL :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 462: unsigned SDA :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 463: unsigned nMCLR :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 464: unsigned CLKR :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 465: unsigned T1OSI :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 466: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 467: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 468: unsigned MDOUT :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 469: unsigned MDMIN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 470: unsigned MDCIN1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 471: unsigned :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 472: unsigned MDCIN2 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 473: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 474: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 475: unsigned :2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 476: unsigned SDI :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 477: unsigned :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 478: unsigned OSC2 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 479: unsigned OSC1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 480: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 481: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 482: unsigned :2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 483: unsigned FLT0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 484: unsigned :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 485: unsigned CLKOUT :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 486: unsigned CLKIN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 487: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 488: } PORTAbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 489: extern volatile PORTAbits_t PORTAbits @ 0x00C;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 698: extern volatile unsigned char PIR1 @ 0x011;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 700: asm("PIR1 equ 011h");
+[; <" PIR1 equ 011h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 703: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 704: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 705: unsigned TMR1IF :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 706: unsigned TMR2IF :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 707: unsigned CCP1IF :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 708: unsigned SSP1IF :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 709: unsigned TXIF :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 710: unsigned RCIF :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 711: unsigned ADIF :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 712: unsigned TMR1GIF :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 713: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 714: } PIR1bits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 715: extern volatile PIR1bits_t PIR1bits @ 0x011;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 759: extern volatile unsigned char PIR2 @ 0x012;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 761: asm("PIR2 equ 012h");
+[; <" PIR2 equ 012h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 764: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 765: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 766: unsigned :3;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 767: unsigned BCL1IF :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 768: unsigned EEIF :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 769: unsigned C1IF :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 770: unsigned :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 771: unsigned OSFIF :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 772: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 773: } PIR2bits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 774: extern volatile PIR2bits_t PIR2bits @ 0x012;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 798: extern volatile unsigned char TMR0 @ 0x015;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 800: asm("TMR0 equ 015h");
+[; <" TMR0 equ 015h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 803: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 804: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 805: unsigned TMR0 :8;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 806: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 807: } TMR0bits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 808: extern volatile TMR0bits_t TMR0bits @ 0x015;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 817: extern volatile unsigned short TMR1 @ 0x016;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 819: asm("TMR1 equ 016h");
+[; <" TMR1 equ 016h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 823: extern volatile unsigned char TMR1L @ 0x016;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 825: asm("TMR1L equ 016h");
+[; <" TMR1L equ 016h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 828: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 829: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 830: unsigned TMR1L :8;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 831: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 832: } TMR1Lbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 833: extern volatile TMR1Lbits_t TMR1Lbits @ 0x016;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 842: extern volatile unsigned char TMR1H @ 0x017;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 844: asm("TMR1H equ 017h");
+[; <" TMR1H equ 017h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 847: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 848: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 849: unsigned TMR1H :8;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 850: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 851: } TMR1Hbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 852: extern volatile TMR1Hbits_t TMR1Hbits @ 0x017;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 861: extern volatile unsigned char T1CON @ 0x018;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 863: asm("T1CON equ 018h");
+[; <" T1CON equ 018h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 866: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 867: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 868: unsigned TMR1ON :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 869: unsigned :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 870: unsigned nT1SYNC :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 871: unsigned T1OSCEN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 872: unsigned T1CKPS0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 873: unsigned T1CKPS1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 874: unsigned TMR1CS0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 875: unsigned TMR1CS1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 876: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 877: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 878: unsigned :4;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 879: unsigned T1CKPS :2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 880: unsigned TMR1CS :2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 881: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 882: } T1CONbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 883: extern volatile T1CONbits_t T1CONbits @ 0x018;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 932: extern volatile unsigned char T1GCON @ 0x019;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 934: asm("T1GCON equ 019h");
+[; <" T1GCON equ 019h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 937: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 938: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 939: unsigned T1GSS0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 940: unsigned T1GSS1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 941: unsigned T1GVAL :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 942: unsigned T1GGO_nDONE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 943: unsigned T1GSPM :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 944: unsigned T1GTM :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 945: unsigned T1GPOL :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 946: unsigned TMR1GE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 947: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 948: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 949: unsigned T1GSS :2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 950: unsigned :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 951: unsigned T1GGO :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 952: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 953: } T1GCONbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 954: extern volatile T1GCONbits_t T1GCONbits @ 0x019;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1008: extern volatile unsigned char TMR2 @ 0x01A;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1010: asm("TMR2 equ 01Ah");
+[; <" TMR2 equ 01Ah ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1013: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1014: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1015: unsigned TMR2 :8;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1016: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1017: } TMR2bits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1018: extern volatile TMR2bits_t TMR2bits @ 0x01A;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1027: extern volatile unsigned char PR2 @ 0x01B;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1029: asm("PR2 equ 01Bh");
+[; <" PR2 equ 01Bh ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1032: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1033: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1034: unsigned PR2 :8;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1035: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1036: } PR2bits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1037: extern volatile PR2bits_t PR2bits @ 0x01B;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1046: extern volatile unsigned char T2CON @ 0x01C;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1048: asm("T2CON equ 01Ch");
+[; <" T2CON equ 01Ch ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1051: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1052: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1053: unsigned T2CKPS0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1054: unsigned T2CKPS1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1055: unsigned TMR2ON :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1056: unsigned T2OUTPS0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1057: unsigned T2OUTPS1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1058: unsigned T2OUTPS2 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1059: unsigned T2OUTPS3 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1060: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1061: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1062: unsigned T2CKPS :2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1063: unsigned :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1064: unsigned T2OUTPS :4;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1065: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1066: } T2CONbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1067: extern volatile T2CONbits_t T2CONbits @ 0x01C;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1116: extern volatile unsigned char CPSCON0 @ 0x01E;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1118: asm("CPSCON0 equ 01Eh");
+[; <" CPSCON0 equ 01Eh ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1121: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1122: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1123: unsigned T0XCS :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1124: unsigned CPSOUT :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1125: unsigned CPSRNG0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1126: unsigned CPSRNG1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1127: unsigned :2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1128: unsigned CPSRM :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1129: unsigned CPSON :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1130: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1131: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1132: unsigned :2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1133: unsigned CPSRNG :2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1134: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1135: } CPSCON0bits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1136: extern volatile CPSCON0bits_t CPSCON0bits @ 0x01E;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1175: extern volatile unsigned char CPSCON1 @ 0x01F;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1177: asm("CPSCON1 equ 01Fh");
+[; <" CPSCON1 equ 01Fh ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1180: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1181: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1182: unsigned CPSCH0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1183: unsigned CPSCH1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1184: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1185: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1186: unsigned CPSCH :2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1187: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1188: } CPSCON1bits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1189: extern volatile CPSCON1bits_t CPSCON1bits @ 0x01F;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1208: extern volatile unsigned char TRISA @ 0x08C;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1210: asm("TRISA equ 08Ch");
+[; <" TRISA equ 08Ch ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1213: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1214: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1215: unsigned TRISA0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1216: unsigned TRISA1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1217: unsigned TRISA2 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1218: unsigned TRISA3 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1219: unsigned TRISA4 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1220: unsigned TRISA5 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1221: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1222: } TRISAbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1223: extern volatile TRISAbits_t TRISAbits @ 0x08C;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1257: extern volatile unsigned char PIE1 @ 0x091;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1259: asm("PIE1 equ 091h");
+[; <" PIE1 equ 091h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1262: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1263: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1264: unsigned TMR1IE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1265: unsigned TMR2IE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1266: unsigned CCP1IE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1267: unsigned SSP1IE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1268: unsigned TXIE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1269: unsigned RCIE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1270: unsigned ADIE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1271: unsigned TMR1GIE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1272: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1273: } PIE1bits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1274: extern volatile PIE1bits_t PIE1bits @ 0x091;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1318: extern volatile unsigned char PIE2 @ 0x092;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1320: asm("PIE2 equ 092h");
+[; <" PIE2 equ 092h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1323: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1324: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1325: unsigned :3;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1326: unsigned BCL1IE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1327: unsigned EEIE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1328: unsigned C1IE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1329: unsigned :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1330: unsigned OSFIE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1331: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1332: } PIE2bits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1333: extern volatile PIE2bits_t PIE2bits @ 0x092;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1357: extern volatile unsigned char OPTION_REG @ 0x095;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1359: asm("OPTION_REG equ 095h");
+[; <" OPTION_REG equ 095h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1362: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1363: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1364: unsigned PS0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1365: unsigned PS1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1366: unsigned PS2 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1367: unsigned PSA :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1368: unsigned TMR0SE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1369: unsigned TMR0CS :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1370: unsigned INTEDG :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1371: unsigned nWPUEN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1372: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1373: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1374: unsigned PS :3;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1375: unsigned :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1376: unsigned T0SE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1377: unsigned T0CS :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1378: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1379: } OPTION_REGbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1380: extern volatile OPTION_REGbits_t OPTION_REGbits @ 0x095;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1439: extern volatile unsigned char PCON @ 0x096;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1441: asm("PCON equ 096h");
+[; <" PCON equ 096h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1444: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1445: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1446: unsigned nBOR :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1447: unsigned nPOR :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1448: unsigned nRI :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1449: unsigned nRMCLR :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1450: unsigned :2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1451: unsigned STKUNF :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1452: unsigned STKOVF :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1453: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1454: } PCONbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1455: extern volatile PCONbits_t PCONbits @ 0x096;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1489: extern volatile unsigned char WDTCON @ 0x097;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1491: asm("WDTCON equ 097h");
+[; <" WDTCON equ 097h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1494: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1495: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1496: unsigned SWDTEN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1497: unsigned WDTPS0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1498: unsigned WDTPS1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1499: unsigned WDTPS2 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1500: unsigned WDTPS3 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1501: unsigned WDTPS4 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1502: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1503: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1504: unsigned :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1505: unsigned WDTPS :5;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1506: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1507: } WDTCONbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1508: extern volatile WDTCONbits_t WDTCONbits @ 0x097;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1547: extern volatile unsigned char OSCTUNE @ 0x098;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1549: asm("OSCTUNE equ 098h");
+[; <" OSCTUNE equ 098h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1552: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1553: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1554: unsigned TUN0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1555: unsigned TUN1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1556: unsigned TUN2 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1557: unsigned TUN3 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1558: unsigned TUN4 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1559: unsigned TUN5 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1560: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1561: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1562: unsigned TUN :6;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1563: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1564: } OSCTUNEbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1565: extern volatile OSCTUNEbits_t OSCTUNEbits @ 0x098;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1604: extern volatile unsigned char OSCCON @ 0x099;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1606: asm("OSCCON equ 099h");
+[; <" OSCCON equ 099h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1609: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1610: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1611: unsigned SCS0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1612: unsigned SCS1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1613: unsigned :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1614: unsigned IRCF0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1615: unsigned IRCF1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1616: unsigned IRCF2 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1617: unsigned IRCF3 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1618: unsigned SPLLEN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1619: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1620: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1621: unsigned SCS :2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1622: unsigned :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1623: unsigned IRCF :4;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1624: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1625: } OSCCONbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1626: extern volatile OSCCONbits_t OSCCONbits @ 0x099;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1675: extern volatile unsigned char OSCSTAT @ 0x09A;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1677: asm("OSCSTAT equ 09Ah");
+[; <" OSCSTAT equ 09Ah ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1680: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1681: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1682: unsigned HFIOFS :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1683: unsigned LFIOFR :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1684: unsigned MFIOFR :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1685: unsigned HFIOFL :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1686: unsigned HFIOFR :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1687: unsigned OSTS :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1688: unsigned PLLR :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1689: unsigned T1OSCR :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1690: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1691: } OSCSTATbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1692: extern volatile OSCSTATbits_t OSCSTATbits @ 0x09A;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1736: extern volatile unsigned short ADRES @ 0x09B;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1738: asm("ADRES equ 09Bh");
+[; <" ADRES equ 09Bh ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1742: extern volatile unsigned char ADRESL @ 0x09B;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1744: asm("ADRESL equ 09Bh");
+[; <" ADRESL equ 09Bh ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1747: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1748: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1749: unsigned ADRESL :8;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1750: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1751: } ADRESLbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1752: extern volatile ADRESLbits_t ADRESLbits @ 0x09B;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1761: extern volatile unsigned char ADRESH @ 0x09C;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1763: asm("ADRESH equ 09Ch");
+[; <" ADRESH equ 09Ch ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1766: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1767: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1768: unsigned ADRESH :8;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1769: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1770: } ADRESHbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1771: extern volatile ADRESHbits_t ADRESHbits @ 0x09C;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1780: extern volatile unsigned char ADCON0 @ 0x09D;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1782: asm("ADCON0 equ 09Dh");
+[; <" ADCON0 equ 09Dh ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1785: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1786: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1787: unsigned ADON :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1788: unsigned GO_nDONE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1789: unsigned CHS0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1790: unsigned CHS1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1791: unsigned CHS2 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1792: unsigned CHS3 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1793: unsigned CHS4 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1794: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1795: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1796: unsigned :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1797: unsigned ADGO :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1798: unsigned CHS :5;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1799: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1800: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1801: unsigned :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1802: unsigned GO :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1803: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1804: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1805: unsigned :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1806: unsigned nDONE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1807: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1808: } ADCON0bits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1809: extern volatile ADCON0bits_t ADCON0bits @ 0x09D;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1868: extern volatile unsigned char ADCON1 @ 0x09E;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1870: asm("ADCON1 equ 09Eh");
+[; <" ADCON1 equ 09Eh ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1873: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1874: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1875: unsigned ADPREF0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1876: unsigned ADPREF1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1877: unsigned :2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1878: unsigned ADCS0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1879: unsigned ADCS1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1880: unsigned ADCS2 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1881: unsigned ADFM :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1882: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1883: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1884: unsigned ADPREF :2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1885: unsigned :2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1886: unsigned ADCS :3;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1887: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1888: } ADCON1bits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1889: extern volatile ADCON1bits_t ADCON1bits @ 0x09E;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1933: extern volatile unsigned char LATA @ 0x10C;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1935: asm("LATA equ 010Ch");
+[; <" LATA equ 010Ch ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1938: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1939: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1940: unsigned LATA0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1941: unsigned LATA1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1942: unsigned LATA2 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1943: unsigned :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1944: unsigned LATA4 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1945: unsigned LATA5 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1946: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1947: } LATAbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1948: extern volatile LATAbits_t LATAbits @ 0x10C;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1977: extern volatile unsigned char CM1CON0 @ 0x111;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1979: asm("CM1CON0 equ 0111h");
+[; <" CM1CON0 equ 0111h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1982: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1983: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1984: unsigned C1SYNC :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1985: unsigned C1HYS :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1986: unsigned C1SP :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1987: unsigned :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1988: unsigned C1POL :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1989: unsigned C1OE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1990: unsigned C1OUT :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1991: unsigned C1ON :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1992: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1993: } CM1CON0bits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 1994: extern volatile CM1CON0bits_t CM1CON0bits @ 0x111;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2033: extern volatile unsigned char CM1CON1 @ 0x112;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2035: asm("CM1CON1 equ 0112h");
+[; <" CM1CON1 equ 0112h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2038: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2039: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2040: unsigned C1NCH0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2041: unsigned :3;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2042: unsigned C1PCH0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2043: unsigned C1PCH1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2044: unsigned C1INTN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2045: unsigned C1INTP :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2046: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2047: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2048: unsigned :4;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2049: unsigned C1PCH :2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2050: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2051: } CM1CON1bits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2052: extern volatile CM1CON1bits_t CM1CON1bits @ 0x112;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2086: extern volatile unsigned char CMOUT @ 0x115;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2088: asm("CMOUT equ 0115h");
+[; <" CMOUT equ 0115h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2091: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2092: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2093: unsigned MC1OUT :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2094: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2095: } CMOUTbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2096: extern volatile CMOUTbits_t CMOUTbits @ 0x115;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2105: extern volatile unsigned char BORCON @ 0x116;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2107: asm("BORCON equ 0116h");
+[; <" BORCON equ 0116h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2110: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2111: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2112: unsigned BORRDY :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2113: unsigned :6;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2114: unsigned SBOREN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2115: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2116: } BORCONbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2117: extern volatile BORCONbits_t BORCONbits @ 0x116;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2131: extern volatile unsigned char FVRCON @ 0x117;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2133: asm("FVRCON equ 0117h");
+[; <" FVRCON equ 0117h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2136: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2137: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2138: unsigned ADFVR0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2139: unsigned ADFVR1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2140: unsigned CDAFVR0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2141: unsigned CDAFVR1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2142: unsigned TSRNG :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2143: unsigned TSEN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2144: unsigned FVRRDY :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2145: unsigned FVREN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2146: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2147: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2148: unsigned ADFVR :2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2149: unsigned CDAFVR :2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2150: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2151: } FVRCONbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2152: extern volatile FVRCONbits_t FVRCONbits @ 0x117;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2206: extern volatile unsigned char DACCON0 @ 0x118;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2208: asm("DACCON0 equ 0118h");
+[; <" DACCON0 equ 0118h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2211: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2212: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2213: unsigned :2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2214: unsigned DACPSS0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2215: unsigned DACPSS1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2216: unsigned :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2217: unsigned DACOE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2218: unsigned DACLPS :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2219: unsigned DACEN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2220: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2221: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2222: unsigned :2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2223: unsigned DACPSS :2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2224: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2225: } DACCON0bits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2226: extern volatile DACCON0bits_t DACCON0bits @ 0x118;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2260: extern volatile unsigned char DACCON1 @ 0x119;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2262: asm("DACCON1 equ 0119h");
+[; <" DACCON1 equ 0119h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2265: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2266: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2267: unsigned DACR0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2268: unsigned DACR1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2269: unsigned DACR2 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2270: unsigned DACR3 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2271: unsigned DACR4 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2272: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2273: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2274: unsigned DACR :5;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2275: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2276: } DACCON1bits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2277: extern volatile DACCON1bits_t DACCON1bits @ 0x119;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2311: extern volatile unsigned char SRCON0 @ 0x11A;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2313: asm("SRCON0 equ 011Ah");
+[; <" SRCON0 equ 011Ah ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2316: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2317: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2318: unsigned SRPR :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2319: unsigned SRPS :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2320: unsigned SRNQEN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2321: unsigned SRQEN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2322: unsigned SRCLK0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2323: unsigned SRCLK1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2324: unsigned SRCLK2 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2325: unsigned SRLEN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2326: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2327: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2328: unsigned :4;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2329: unsigned SRCLK :3;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2330: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2331: } SRCON0bits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2332: extern volatile SRCON0bits_t SRCON0bits @ 0x11A;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2381: extern volatile unsigned char SRCON1 @ 0x11B;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2383: asm("SRCON1 equ 011Bh");
+[; <" SRCON1 equ 011Bh ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2386: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2387: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2388: unsigned SRRC1E :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2389: unsigned :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2390: unsigned SRRCKE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2391: unsigned SRRPE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2392: unsigned SRSC1E :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2393: unsigned :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2394: unsigned SRSCKE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2395: unsigned SRSPE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2396: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2397: } SRCON1bits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2398: extern volatile SRCON1bits_t SRCON1bits @ 0x11B;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2432: extern volatile unsigned char APFCON @ 0x11D;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2434: asm("APFCON equ 011Dh");
+[; <" APFCON equ 011Dh ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2437: extern volatile unsigned char APFCON0 @ 0x11D;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2439: asm("APFCON0 equ 011Dh");
+[; <" APFCON0 equ 011Dh ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2442: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2443: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2444: unsigned CCP1SEL :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2445: unsigned P1BSEL :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2446: unsigned TXCKSEL :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2447: unsigned T1GSEL :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2448: unsigned :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2449: unsigned SSSEL :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2450: unsigned SDOSEL :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2451: unsigned RXDTSEL :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2452: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2453: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2454: unsigned :5;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2455: unsigned SS1SEL :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2456: unsigned SDO1SEL :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2457: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2458: } APFCONbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2459: extern volatile APFCONbits_t APFCONbits @ 0x11D;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2507: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2508: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2509: unsigned CCP1SEL :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2510: unsigned P1BSEL :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2511: unsigned TXCKSEL :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2512: unsigned T1GSEL :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2513: unsigned :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2514: unsigned SSSEL :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2515: unsigned SDOSEL :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2516: unsigned RXDTSEL :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2517: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2518: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2519: unsigned :5;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2520: unsigned SS1SEL :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2521: unsigned SDO1SEL :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2522: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2523: } APFCON0bits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2524: extern volatile APFCON0bits_t APFCON0bits @ 0x11D;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2573: extern volatile unsigned char ANSELA @ 0x18C;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2575: asm("ANSELA equ 018Ch");
+[; <" ANSELA equ 018Ch ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2578: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2579: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2580: unsigned ANSA0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2581: unsigned ANSA1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2582: unsigned ANSA2 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2583: unsigned :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2584: unsigned ANSA4 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2585: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2586: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2587: unsigned ANSELA :5;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2588: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2589: } ANSELAbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2590: extern volatile ANSELAbits_t ANSELAbits @ 0x18C;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2619: extern volatile unsigned short EEADR @ 0x191;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2621: asm("EEADR equ 0191h");
+[; <" EEADR equ 0191h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2625: extern volatile unsigned char EEADRL @ 0x191;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2627: asm("EEADRL equ 0191h");
+[; <" EEADRL equ 0191h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2630: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2631: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2632: unsigned EEADRL :8;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2633: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2634: } EEADRLbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2635: extern volatile EEADRLbits_t EEADRLbits @ 0x191;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2644: extern volatile unsigned char EEADRH @ 0x192;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2646: asm("EEADRH equ 0192h");
+[; <" EEADRH equ 0192h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2649: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2650: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2651: unsigned EEADRH :7;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2652: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2653: } EEADRHbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2654: extern volatile EEADRHbits_t EEADRHbits @ 0x192;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2663: extern volatile unsigned short EEDAT @ 0x193;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2665: asm("EEDAT equ 0193h");
+[; <" EEDAT equ 0193h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2669: extern volatile unsigned char EEDATL @ 0x193;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2671: asm("EEDATL equ 0193h");
+[; <" EEDATL equ 0193h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2674: extern volatile unsigned char EEDATA @ 0x193;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2676: asm("EEDATA equ 0193h");
+[; <" EEDATA equ 0193h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2679: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2680: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2681: unsigned EEDATL :8;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2682: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2683: } EEDATLbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2684: extern volatile EEDATLbits_t EEDATLbits @ 0x193;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2692: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2693: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2694: unsigned EEDATL :8;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2695: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2696: } EEDATAbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2697: extern volatile EEDATAbits_t EEDATAbits @ 0x193;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2706: extern volatile unsigned char EEDATH @ 0x194;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2708: asm("EEDATH equ 0194h");
+[; <" EEDATH equ 0194h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2711: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2712: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2713: unsigned EEDATH :6;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2714: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2715: } EEDATHbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2716: extern volatile EEDATHbits_t EEDATHbits @ 0x194;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2725: extern volatile unsigned char EECON1 @ 0x195;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2727: asm("EECON1 equ 0195h");
+[; <" EECON1 equ 0195h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2730: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2731: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2732: unsigned RD :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2733: unsigned WR :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2734: unsigned WREN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2735: unsigned WRERR :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2736: unsigned FREE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2737: unsigned LWLO :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2738: unsigned CFGS :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2739: unsigned EEPGD :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2740: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2741: } EECON1bits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2742: extern volatile EECON1bits_t EECON1bits @ 0x195;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2786: extern volatile unsigned char EECON2 @ 0x196;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2788: asm("EECON2 equ 0196h");
+[; <" EECON2 equ 0196h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2791: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2792: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2793: unsigned EECON2 :8;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2794: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2795: } EECON2bits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2796: extern volatile EECON2bits_t EECON2bits @ 0x196;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2805: extern volatile unsigned char RCREG @ 0x199;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2807: asm("RCREG equ 0199h");
+[; <" RCREG equ 0199h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2810: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2811: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2812: unsigned RCREG :8;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2813: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2814: } RCREGbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2815: extern volatile RCREGbits_t RCREGbits @ 0x199;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2824: extern volatile unsigned char TXREG @ 0x19A;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2826: asm("TXREG equ 019Ah");
+[; <" TXREG equ 019Ah ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2829: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2830: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2831: unsigned TXREG :8;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2832: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2833: } TXREGbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2834: extern volatile TXREGbits_t TXREGbits @ 0x19A;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2843: extern volatile unsigned char SPBRGL @ 0x19B;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2845: asm("SPBRGL equ 019Bh");
+[; <" SPBRGL equ 019Bh ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2848: extern volatile unsigned char SPBRG @ 0x19B;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2850: asm("SPBRG equ 019Bh");
+[; <" SPBRG equ 019Bh ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2853: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2854: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2855: unsigned SPBRGL :8;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2856: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2857: } SPBRGLbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2858: extern volatile SPBRGLbits_t SPBRGLbits @ 0x19B;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2866: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2867: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2868: unsigned SPBRGL :8;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2869: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2870: } SPBRGbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2871: extern volatile SPBRGbits_t SPBRGbits @ 0x19B;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2880: extern volatile unsigned char SPBRGH @ 0x19C;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2882: asm("SPBRGH equ 019Ch");
+[; <" SPBRGH equ 019Ch ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2885: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2886: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2887: unsigned SPBRGH :8;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2888: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2889: } SPBRGHbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2890: extern volatile SPBRGHbits_t SPBRGHbits @ 0x19C;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2899: extern volatile unsigned char RCSTA @ 0x19D;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2901: asm("RCSTA equ 019Dh");
+[; <" RCSTA equ 019Dh ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2904: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2905: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2906: unsigned RX9D :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2907: unsigned OERR :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2908: unsigned FERR :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2909: unsigned ADDEN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2910: unsigned CREN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2911: unsigned SREN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2912: unsigned RX9 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2913: unsigned SPEN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2914: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2915: } RCSTAbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2916: extern volatile RCSTAbits_t RCSTAbits @ 0x19D;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2960: extern volatile unsigned char TXSTA @ 0x19E;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2962: asm("TXSTA equ 019Eh");
+[; <" TXSTA equ 019Eh ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2965: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2966: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2967: unsigned TX9D :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2968: unsigned TRMT :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2969: unsigned BRGH :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2970: unsigned SENDB :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2971: unsigned SYNC :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2972: unsigned TXEN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2973: unsigned TX9 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2974: unsigned CSRC :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2975: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2976: } TXSTAbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 2977: extern volatile TXSTAbits_t TXSTAbits @ 0x19E;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3021: extern volatile unsigned char BAUDCON @ 0x19F;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3023: asm("BAUDCON equ 019Fh");
+[; <" BAUDCON equ 019Fh ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3026: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3027: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3028: unsigned ABDEN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3029: unsigned WUE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3030: unsigned :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3031: unsigned BRG16 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3032: unsigned SCKP :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3033: unsigned :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3034: unsigned RCIDL :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3035: unsigned ABDOVF :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3036: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3037: } BAUDCONbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3038: extern volatile BAUDCONbits_t BAUDCONbits @ 0x19F;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3072: extern volatile unsigned char WPUA @ 0x20C;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3074: asm("WPUA equ 020Ch");
+[; <" WPUA equ 020Ch ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3077: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3078: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3079: unsigned WPUA0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3080: unsigned WPUA1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3081: unsigned WPUA2 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3082: unsigned WPUA3 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3083: unsigned WPUA4 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3084: unsigned WPUA5 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3085: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3086: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3087: unsigned WPUA :6;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3088: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3089: } WPUAbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3090: extern volatile WPUAbits_t WPUAbits @ 0x20C;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3129: extern volatile unsigned char SSP1BUF @ 0x211;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3131: asm("SSP1BUF equ 0211h");
+[; <" SSP1BUF equ 0211h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3134: extern volatile unsigned char SSPBUF @ 0x211;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3136: asm("SSPBUF equ 0211h");
+[; <" SSPBUF equ 0211h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3139: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3140: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3141: unsigned SSPBUF :8;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3142: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3143: } SSP1BUFbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3144: extern volatile SSP1BUFbits_t SSP1BUFbits @ 0x211;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3152: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3153: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3154: unsigned SSPBUF :8;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3155: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3156: } SSPBUFbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3157: extern volatile SSPBUFbits_t SSPBUFbits @ 0x211;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3166: extern volatile unsigned char SSP1ADD @ 0x212;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3168: asm("SSP1ADD equ 0212h");
+[; <" SSP1ADD equ 0212h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3171: extern volatile unsigned char SSPADD @ 0x212;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3173: asm("SSPADD equ 0212h");
+[; <" SSPADD equ 0212h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3176: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3177: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3178: unsigned SSPADD :8;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3179: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3180: } SSP1ADDbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3181: extern volatile SSP1ADDbits_t SSP1ADDbits @ 0x212;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3189: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3190: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3191: unsigned SSPADD :8;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3192: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3193: } SSPADDbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3194: extern volatile SSPADDbits_t SSPADDbits @ 0x212;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3203: extern volatile unsigned char SSP1MSK @ 0x213;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3205: asm("SSP1MSK equ 0213h");
+[; <" SSP1MSK equ 0213h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3208: extern volatile unsigned char SSPMSK @ 0x213;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3210: asm("SSPMSK equ 0213h");
+[; <" SSPMSK equ 0213h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3213: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3214: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3215: unsigned SSPMSK :8;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3216: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3217: } SSP1MSKbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3218: extern volatile SSP1MSKbits_t SSP1MSKbits @ 0x213;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3226: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3227: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3228: unsigned SSPMSK :8;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3229: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3230: } SSPMSKbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3231: extern volatile SSPMSKbits_t SSPMSKbits @ 0x213;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3240: extern volatile unsigned char SSP1STAT @ 0x214;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3242: asm("SSP1STAT equ 0214h");
+[; <" SSP1STAT equ 0214h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3245: extern volatile unsigned char SSPSTAT @ 0x214;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3247: asm("SSPSTAT equ 0214h");
+[; <" SSPSTAT equ 0214h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3250: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3251: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3252: unsigned BF :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3253: unsigned UA :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3254: unsigned R_nW :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3255: unsigned S :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3256: unsigned P :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3257: unsigned D_nA :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3258: unsigned CKE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3259: unsigned SMP :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3260: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3261: } SSP1STATbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3262: extern volatile SSP1STATbits_t SSP1STATbits @ 0x214;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3305: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3306: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3307: unsigned BF :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3308: unsigned UA :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3309: unsigned R_nW :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3310: unsigned S :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3311: unsigned P :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3312: unsigned D_nA :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3313: unsigned CKE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3314: unsigned SMP :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3315: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3316: } SSPSTATbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3317: extern volatile SSPSTATbits_t SSPSTATbits @ 0x214;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3361: extern volatile unsigned char SSP1CON1 @ 0x215;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3363: asm("SSP1CON1 equ 0215h");
+[; <" SSP1CON1 equ 0215h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3366: extern volatile unsigned char SSPCON1 @ 0x215;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3368: asm("SSPCON1 equ 0215h");
+[; <" SSPCON1 equ 0215h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3370: extern volatile unsigned char SSPCON @ 0x215;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3372: asm("SSPCON equ 0215h");
+[; <" SSPCON equ 0215h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3375: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3376: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3377: unsigned SSPM0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3378: unsigned SSPM1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3379: unsigned SSPM2 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3380: unsigned SSPM3 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3381: unsigned CKP :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3382: unsigned SSPEN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3383: unsigned SSPOV :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3384: unsigned WCOL :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3385: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3386: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3387: unsigned SSPM :4;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3388: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3389: } SSP1CON1bits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3390: extern volatile SSP1CON1bits_t SSP1CON1bits @ 0x215;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3438: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3439: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3440: unsigned SSPM0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3441: unsigned SSPM1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3442: unsigned SSPM2 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3443: unsigned SSPM3 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3444: unsigned CKP :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3445: unsigned SSPEN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3446: unsigned SSPOV :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3447: unsigned WCOL :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3448: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3449: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3450: unsigned SSPM :4;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3451: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3452: } SSPCON1bits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3453: extern volatile SSPCON1bits_t SSPCON1bits @ 0x215;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3500: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3501: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3502: unsigned SSPM0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3503: unsigned SSPM1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3504: unsigned SSPM2 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3505: unsigned SSPM3 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3506: unsigned CKP :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3507: unsigned SSPEN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3508: unsigned SSPOV :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3509: unsigned WCOL :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3510: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3511: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3512: unsigned SSPM :4;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3513: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3514: } SSPCONbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3515: extern volatile SSPCONbits_t SSPCONbits @ 0x215;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3564: extern volatile unsigned char SSP1CON2 @ 0x216;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3566: asm("SSP1CON2 equ 0216h");
+[; <" SSP1CON2 equ 0216h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3569: extern volatile unsigned char SSPCON2 @ 0x216;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3571: asm("SSPCON2 equ 0216h");
+[; <" SSPCON2 equ 0216h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3574: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3575: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3576: unsigned SEN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3577: unsigned RSEN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3578: unsigned PEN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3579: unsigned RCEN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3580: unsigned ACKEN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3581: unsigned ACKDT :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3582: unsigned ACKSTAT :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3583: unsigned GCEN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3584: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3585: } SSP1CON2bits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3586: extern volatile SSP1CON2bits_t SSP1CON2bits @ 0x216;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3629: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3630: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3631: unsigned SEN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3632: unsigned RSEN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3633: unsigned PEN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3634: unsigned RCEN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3635: unsigned ACKEN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3636: unsigned ACKDT :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3637: unsigned ACKSTAT :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3638: unsigned GCEN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3639: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3640: } SSPCON2bits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3641: extern volatile SSPCON2bits_t SSPCON2bits @ 0x216;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3685: extern volatile unsigned char SSP1CON3 @ 0x217;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3687: asm("SSP1CON3 equ 0217h");
+[; <" SSP1CON3 equ 0217h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3690: extern volatile unsigned char SSPCON3 @ 0x217;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3692: asm("SSPCON3 equ 0217h");
+[; <" SSPCON3 equ 0217h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3695: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3696: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3697: unsigned DHEN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3698: unsigned AHEN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3699: unsigned SBCDE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3700: unsigned SDAHT :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3701: unsigned BOEN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3702: unsigned SCIE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3703: unsigned PCIE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3704: unsigned ACKTIM :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3705: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3706: } SSP1CON3bits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3707: extern volatile SSP1CON3bits_t SSP1CON3bits @ 0x217;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3750: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3751: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3752: unsigned DHEN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3753: unsigned AHEN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3754: unsigned SBCDE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3755: unsigned SDAHT :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3756: unsigned BOEN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3757: unsigned SCIE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3758: unsigned PCIE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3759: unsigned ACKTIM :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3760: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3761: } SSPCON3bits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3762: extern volatile SSPCON3bits_t SSPCON3bits @ 0x217;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3806: extern volatile unsigned char CCPR1L @ 0x291;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3808: asm("CCPR1L equ 0291h");
+[; <" CCPR1L equ 0291h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3811: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3812: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3813: unsigned CCPR1L :8;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3814: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3815: } CCPR1Lbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3816: extern volatile CCPR1Lbits_t CCPR1Lbits @ 0x291;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3825: extern volatile unsigned char CCPR1H @ 0x292;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3827: asm("CCPR1H equ 0292h");
+[; <" CCPR1H equ 0292h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3830: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3831: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3832: unsigned CCPR1H :8;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3833: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3834: } CCPR1Hbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3835: extern volatile CCPR1Hbits_t CCPR1Hbits @ 0x292;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3844: extern volatile unsigned char CCP1CON @ 0x293;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3846: asm("CCP1CON equ 0293h");
+[; <" CCP1CON equ 0293h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3849: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3850: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3851: unsigned CCP1M0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3852: unsigned CCP1M1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3853: unsigned CCP1M2 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3854: unsigned CCP1M3 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3855: unsigned DC1B0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3856: unsigned DC1B1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3857: unsigned P1M0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3858: unsigned P1M1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3859: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3860: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3861: unsigned CCP1M :4;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3862: unsigned DC1B :2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3863: unsigned P1M :2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3864: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3865: } CCP1CONbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3866: extern volatile CCP1CONbits_t CCP1CONbits @ 0x293;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3925: extern volatile unsigned char PWM1CON @ 0x294;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3927: asm("PWM1CON equ 0294h");
+[; <" PWM1CON equ 0294h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3930: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3931: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3932: unsigned P1DC0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3933: unsigned P1DC1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3934: unsigned P1DC2 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3935: unsigned P1DC3 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3936: unsigned P1DC4 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3937: unsigned P1DC5 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3938: unsigned P1DC6 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3939: unsigned P1RSEN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3940: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3941: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3942: unsigned P1DC :7;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3943: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3944: } PWM1CONbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3945: extern volatile PWM1CONbits_t PWM1CONbits @ 0x294;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3994: extern volatile unsigned char CCP1AS @ 0x295;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3996: asm("CCP1AS equ 0295h");
+[; <" CCP1AS equ 0295h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 3999: extern volatile unsigned char ECCP1AS @ 0x295;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4001: asm("ECCP1AS equ 0295h");
+[; <" ECCP1AS equ 0295h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4004: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4005: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4006: unsigned PSS1BD0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4007: unsigned PSS1BD1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4008: unsigned PSS1AC0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4009: unsigned PSS1AC1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4010: unsigned CCP1AS0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4011: unsigned CCP1AS1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4012: unsigned CCP1AS2 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4013: unsigned CCP1ASE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4014: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4015: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4016: unsigned PSS1BD :2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4017: unsigned PSS1AC :2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4018: unsigned CCP1AS :3;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4019: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4020: } CCP1ASbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4021: extern volatile CCP1ASbits_t CCP1ASbits @ 0x295;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4079: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4080: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4081: unsigned PSS1BD0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4082: unsigned PSS1BD1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4083: unsigned PSS1AC0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4084: unsigned PSS1AC1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4085: unsigned CCP1AS0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4086: unsigned CCP1AS1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4087: unsigned CCP1AS2 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4088: unsigned CCP1ASE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4089: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4090: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4091: unsigned PSS1BD :2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4092: unsigned PSS1AC :2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4093: unsigned CCP1AS :3;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4094: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4095: } ECCP1ASbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4096: extern volatile ECCP1ASbits_t ECCP1ASbits @ 0x295;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4155: extern volatile unsigned char PSTR1CON @ 0x296;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4157: asm("PSTR1CON equ 0296h");
+[; <" PSTR1CON equ 0296h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4160: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4161: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4162: unsigned STR1A :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4163: unsigned STR1B :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4164: unsigned STR1C :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4165: unsigned STR1D :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4166: unsigned STR1SYNC :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4167: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4168: } PSTR1CONbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4169: extern volatile PSTR1CONbits_t PSTR1CONbits @ 0x296;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4198: extern volatile unsigned char IOCAP @ 0x391;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4200: asm("IOCAP equ 0391h");
+[; <" IOCAP equ 0391h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4203: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4204: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4205: unsigned IOCAP0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4206: unsigned IOCAP1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4207: unsigned IOCAP2 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4208: unsigned IOCAP3 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4209: unsigned IOCAP4 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4210: unsigned IOCAP5 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4211: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4212: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4213: unsigned IOCAP :6;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4214: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4215: } IOCAPbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4216: extern volatile IOCAPbits_t IOCAPbits @ 0x391;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4255: extern volatile unsigned char IOCAN @ 0x392;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4257: asm("IOCAN equ 0392h");
+[; <" IOCAN equ 0392h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4260: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4261: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4262: unsigned IOCAN0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4263: unsigned IOCAN1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4264: unsigned IOCAN2 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4265: unsigned IOCAN3 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4266: unsigned IOCAN4 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4267: unsigned IOCAN5 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4268: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4269: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4270: unsigned IOCAN :6;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4271: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4272: } IOCANbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4273: extern volatile IOCANbits_t IOCANbits @ 0x392;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4312: extern volatile unsigned char IOCAF @ 0x393;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4314: asm("IOCAF equ 0393h");
+[; <" IOCAF equ 0393h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4317: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4318: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4319: unsigned IOCAF0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4320: unsigned IOCAF1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4321: unsigned IOCAF2 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4322: unsigned IOCAF3 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4323: unsigned IOCAF4 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4324: unsigned IOCAF5 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4325: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4326: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4327: unsigned IOCAF :6;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4328: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4329: } IOCAFbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4330: extern volatile IOCAFbits_t IOCAFbits @ 0x393;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4369: extern volatile unsigned char CLKRCON @ 0x39A;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4371: asm("CLKRCON equ 039Ah");
+[; <" CLKRCON equ 039Ah ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4374: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4375: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4376: unsigned CLKRDIV0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4377: unsigned CLKRDIV1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4378: unsigned CLKRDIV2 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4379: unsigned CLKRDC0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4380: unsigned CLKRDC1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4381: unsigned CLKRSLR :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4382: unsigned CLKROE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4383: unsigned CLKREN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4384: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4385: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4386: unsigned CLKRDIV :3;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4387: unsigned CLKRDC :2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4388: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4389: } CLKRCONbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4390: extern volatile CLKRCONbits_t CLKRCONbits @ 0x39A;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4444: extern volatile unsigned char MDCON @ 0x39C;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4446: asm("MDCON equ 039Ch");
+[; <" MDCON equ 039Ch ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4449: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4450: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4451: unsigned MDBIT :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4452: unsigned :2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4453: unsigned MDOUT :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4454: unsigned MDOPOL :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4455: unsigned MDSLR :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4456: unsigned MDOE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4457: unsigned MDEN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4458: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4459: } MDCONbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4460: extern volatile MDCONbits_t MDCONbits @ 0x39C;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4494: extern volatile unsigned char MDSRC @ 0x39D;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4496: asm("MDSRC equ 039Dh");
+[; <" MDSRC equ 039Dh ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4499: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4500: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4501: unsigned MDMS0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4502: unsigned MDMS1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4503: unsigned MDMS2 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4504: unsigned MDMS3 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4505: unsigned :3;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4506: unsigned MDMSODIS :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4507: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4508: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4509: unsigned MDMS :4;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4510: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4511: } MDSRCbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4512: extern volatile MDSRCbits_t MDSRCbits @ 0x39D;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4546: extern volatile unsigned char MDCARL @ 0x39E;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4548: asm("MDCARL equ 039Eh");
+[; <" MDCARL equ 039Eh ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4551: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4552: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4553: unsigned MDCL0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4554: unsigned MDCL1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4555: unsigned MDCL2 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4556: unsigned MDCL3 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4557: unsigned :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4558: unsigned MDCLSYNC :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4559: unsigned MDCLPOL :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4560: unsigned MDCLODIS :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4561: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4562: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4563: unsigned MDCL :4;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4564: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4565: } MDCARLbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4566: extern volatile MDCARLbits_t MDCARLbits @ 0x39E;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4610: extern volatile unsigned char MDCARH @ 0x39F;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4612: asm("MDCARH equ 039Fh");
+[; <" MDCARH equ 039Fh ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4615: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4616: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4617: unsigned MDCH0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4618: unsigned MDCH1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4619: unsigned MDCH2 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4620: unsigned MDCH3 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4621: unsigned :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4622: unsigned MDCHSYNC :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4623: unsigned MDCHPOL :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4624: unsigned MDCHODIS :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4625: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4626: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4627: unsigned MDCH :4;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4628: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4629: } MDCARHbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4630: extern volatile MDCARHbits_t MDCARHbits @ 0x39F;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4674: extern volatile unsigned char STATUS_SHAD @ 0xFE4;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4676: asm("STATUS_SHAD equ 0FE4h");
+[; <" STATUS_SHAD equ 0FE4h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4679: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4680: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4681: unsigned C_SHAD :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4682: unsigned DC_SHAD :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4683: unsigned Z_SHAD :1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4684: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4685: } STATUS_SHADbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4686: extern volatile STATUS_SHADbits_t STATUS_SHADbits @ 0xFE4;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4705: extern volatile unsigned char WREG_SHAD @ 0xFE5;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4707: asm("WREG_SHAD equ 0FE5h");
+[; <" WREG_SHAD equ 0FE5h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4710: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4711: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4712: unsigned WREG_SHAD :8;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4713: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4714: } WREG_SHADbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4715: extern volatile WREG_SHADbits_t WREG_SHADbits @ 0xFE5;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4724: extern volatile unsigned char BSR_SHAD @ 0xFE6;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4726: asm("BSR_SHAD equ 0FE6h");
+[; <" BSR_SHAD equ 0FE6h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4729: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4730: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4731: unsigned BSR_SHAD :5;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4732: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4733: } BSR_SHADbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4734: extern volatile BSR_SHADbits_t BSR_SHADbits @ 0xFE6;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4743: extern volatile unsigned char PCLATH_SHAD @ 0xFE7;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4745: asm("PCLATH_SHAD equ 0FE7h");
+[; <" PCLATH_SHAD equ 0FE7h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4748: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4749: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4750: unsigned PCLATH_SHAD :7;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4751: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4752: } PCLATH_SHADbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4753: extern volatile PCLATH_SHADbits_t PCLATH_SHADbits @ 0xFE7;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4762: extern volatile unsigned char FSR0L_SHAD @ 0xFE8;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4764: asm("FSR0L_SHAD equ 0FE8h");
+[; <" FSR0L_SHAD equ 0FE8h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4767: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4768: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4769: unsigned FSR0L_SHAD :8;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4770: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4771: } FSR0L_SHADbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4772: extern volatile FSR0L_SHADbits_t FSR0L_SHADbits @ 0xFE8;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4781: extern volatile unsigned char FSR0H_SHAD @ 0xFE9;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4783: asm("FSR0H_SHAD equ 0FE9h");
+[; <" FSR0H_SHAD equ 0FE9h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4786: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4787: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4788: unsigned FSR0H_SHAD :8;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4789: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4790: } FSR0H_SHADbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4791: extern volatile FSR0H_SHADbits_t FSR0H_SHADbits @ 0xFE9;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4800: extern volatile unsigned char FSR1L_SHAD @ 0xFEA;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4802: asm("FSR1L_SHAD equ 0FEAh");
+[; <" FSR1L_SHAD equ 0FEAh ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4805: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4806: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4807: unsigned FSR1L_SHAD :8;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4808: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4809: } FSR1L_SHADbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4810: extern volatile FSR1L_SHADbits_t FSR1L_SHADbits @ 0xFEA;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4819: extern volatile unsigned char FSR1H_SHAD @ 0xFEB;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4821: asm("FSR1H_SHAD equ 0FEBh");
+[; <" FSR1H_SHAD equ 0FEBh ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4824: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4825: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4826: unsigned FSR1H_SHAD :8;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4827: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4828: } FSR1H_SHADbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4829: extern volatile FSR1H_SHADbits_t FSR1H_SHADbits @ 0xFEB;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4838: extern volatile unsigned char STKPTR @ 0xFED;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4840: asm("STKPTR equ 0FEDh");
+[; <" STKPTR equ 0FEDh ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4843: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4844: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4845: unsigned STKPTR :5;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4846: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4847: } STKPTRbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4848: extern volatile STKPTRbits_t STKPTRbits @ 0xFED;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4857: extern volatile unsigned char TOSL @ 0xFEE;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4859: asm("TOSL equ 0FEEh");
+[; <" TOSL equ 0FEEh ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4862: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4863: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4864: unsigned TOSL :8;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4865: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4866: } TOSLbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4867: extern volatile TOSLbits_t TOSLbits @ 0xFEE;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4876: extern volatile unsigned char TOSH @ 0xFEF;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4878: asm("TOSH equ 0FEFh");
+[; <" TOSH equ 0FEFh ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4881: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4882: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4883: unsigned TOSH :7;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4884: };
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4885: } TOSHbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4886: extern volatile TOSHbits_t TOSHbits @ 0xFEF;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4901: extern volatile __bit ABDEN @ (((unsigned) &BAUDCON)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4903: extern volatile __bit ABDOVF @ (((unsigned) &BAUDCON)*8) + 7;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4905: extern volatile __bit ACKDT @ (((unsigned) &SSP1CON2)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4907: extern volatile __bit ACKEN @ (((unsigned) &SSP1CON2)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4909: extern volatile __bit ACKSTAT @ (((unsigned) &SSP1CON2)*8) + 6;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4911: extern volatile __bit ACKTIM @ (((unsigned) &SSP1CON3)*8) + 7;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4913: extern volatile __bit ADCS0 @ (((unsigned) &ADCON1)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4915: extern volatile __bit ADCS1 @ (((unsigned) &ADCON1)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4917: extern volatile __bit ADCS2 @ (((unsigned) &ADCON1)*8) + 6;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4919: extern volatile __bit ADDEN @ (((unsigned) &RCSTA)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4921: extern volatile __bit ADFM @ (((unsigned) &ADCON1)*8) + 7;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4923: extern volatile __bit ADFVR0 @ (((unsigned) &FVRCON)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4925: extern volatile __bit ADFVR1 @ (((unsigned) &FVRCON)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4927: extern volatile __bit ADGO @ (((unsigned) &ADCON0)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4929: extern volatile __bit ADIE @ (((unsigned) &PIE1)*8) + 6;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4931: extern volatile __bit ADIF @ (((unsigned) &PIR1)*8) + 6;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4933: extern volatile __bit ADON @ (((unsigned) &ADCON0)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4935: extern volatile __bit ADPREF0 @ (((unsigned) &ADCON1)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4937: extern volatile __bit ADPREF1 @ (((unsigned) &ADCON1)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4939: extern volatile __bit AHEN @ (((unsigned) &SSP1CON3)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4941: extern volatile __bit AN0 @ (((unsigned) &PORTA)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4943: extern volatile __bit AN1 @ (((unsigned) &PORTA)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4945: extern volatile __bit AN2 @ (((unsigned) &PORTA)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4947: extern volatile __bit AN3 @ (((unsigned) &PORTA)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4949: extern volatile __bit ANSA0 @ (((unsigned) &ANSELA)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4951: extern volatile __bit ANSA1 @ (((unsigned) &ANSELA)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4953: extern volatile __bit ANSA2 @ (((unsigned) &ANSELA)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4955: extern volatile __bit ANSA4 @ (((unsigned) &ANSELA)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4957: extern volatile __bit BCL1IE @ (((unsigned) &PIE2)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4959: extern volatile __bit BCL1IF @ (((unsigned) &PIR2)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4961: extern volatile __bit BF @ (((unsigned) &SSP1STAT)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4963: extern volatile __bit BOEN @ (((unsigned) &SSP1CON3)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4965: extern volatile __bit BORRDY @ (((unsigned) &BORCON)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4967: extern volatile __bit BRG16 @ (((unsigned) &BAUDCON)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4969: extern volatile __bit BRGH @ (((unsigned) &TXSTA)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4971: extern volatile __bit BSR0 @ (((unsigned) &BSR)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4973: extern volatile __bit BSR1 @ (((unsigned) &BSR)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4975: extern volatile __bit BSR2 @ (((unsigned) &BSR)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4977: extern volatile __bit BSR3 @ (((unsigned) &BSR)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4979: extern volatile __bit BSR4 @ (((unsigned) &BSR)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4981: extern volatile __bit C1HYS @ (((unsigned) &CM1CON0)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4983: extern volatile __bit C1IE @ (((unsigned) &PIE2)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4985: extern volatile __bit C1IF @ (((unsigned) &PIR2)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4987: extern volatile __bit C1IN0N @ (((unsigned) &PORTA)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4989: extern volatile __bit C1IN1N @ (((unsigned) &PORTA)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4991: extern volatile __bit C1INP @ (((unsigned) &PORTA)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4993: extern volatile __bit C1INTN @ (((unsigned) &CM1CON1)*8) + 6;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4995: extern volatile __bit C1INTP @ (((unsigned) &CM1CON1)*8) + 7;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4997: extern volatile __bit C1NCH0 @ (((unsigned) &CM1CON1)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 4999: extern volatile __bit C1OE @ (((unsigned) &CM1CON0)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5001: extern volatile __bit C1ON @ (((unsigned) &CM1CON0)*8) + 7;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5003: extern volatile __bit C1PCH0 @ (((unsigned) &CM1CON1)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5005: extern volatile __bit C1PCH1 @ (((unsigned) &CM1CON1)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5007: extern volatile __bit C1POL @ (((unsigned) &CM1CON0)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5009: extern volatile __bit C1SP @ (((unsigned) &CM1CON0)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5011: extern volatile __bit C1SYNC @ (((unsigned) &CM1CON0)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5013: extern volatile __bit CARRY @ (((unsigned) &STATUS)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5015: extern volatile __bit CCP1AS0 @ (((unsigned) &CCP1AS)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5017: extern volatile __bit CCP1AS1 @ (((unsigned) &CCP1AS)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5019: extern volatile __bit CCP1AS2 @ (((unsigned) &CCP1AS)*8) + 6;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5021: extern volatile __bit CCP1ASE @ (((unsigned) &CCP1AS)*8) + 7;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5023: extern volatile __bit CCP1IE @ (((unsigned) &PIE1)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5025: extern volatile __bit CCP1IF @ (((unsigned) &PIR1)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5027: extern volatile __bit CCP1M0 @ (((unsigned) &CCP1CON)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5029: extern volatile __bit CCP1M1 @ (((unsigned) &CCP1CON)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5031: extern volatile __bit CCP1M2 @ (((unsigned) &CCP1CON)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5033: extern volatile __bit CCP1M3 @ (((unsigned) &CCP1CON)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5035: extern volatile __bit CCP1SEL @ (((unsigned) &APFCON)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5037: extern volatile __bit CDAFVR0 @ (((unsigned) &FVRCON)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5039: extern volatile __bit CDAFVR1 @ (((unsigned) &FVRCON)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5041: extern volatile __bit CFGS @ (((unsigned) &EECON1)*8) + 6;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5043: extern volatile __bit CHS0 @ (((unsigned) &ADCON0)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5045: extern volatile __bit CHS1 @ (((unsigned) &ADCON0)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5047: extern volatile __bit CHS2 @ (((unsigned) &ADCON0)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5049: extern volatile __bit CHS3 @ (((unsigned) &ADCON0)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5051: extern volatile __bit CHS4 @ (((unsigned) &ADCON0)*8) + 6;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5053: extern volatile __bit CKE @ (((unsigned) &SSP1STAT)*8) + 6;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5055: extern volatile __bit CKP @ (((unsigned) &SSP1CON1)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5057: extern volatile __bit CLKIN @ (((unsigned) &PORTA)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5059: extern volatile __bit CLKOUT @ (((unsigned) &PORTA)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5061: extern volatile __bit CLKR @ (((unsigned) &PORTA)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5063: extern volatile __bit CLKRDC0 @ (((unsigned) &CLKRCON)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5065: extern volatile __bit CLKRDC1 @ (((unsigned) &CLKRCON)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5067: extern volatile __bit CLKRDIV0 @ (((unsigned) &CLKRCON)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5069: extern volatile __bit CLKRDIV1 @ (((unsigned) &CLKRCON)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5071: extern volatile __bit CLKRDIV2 @ (((unsigned) &CLKRCON)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5073: extern volatile __bit CLKREN @ (((unsigned) &CLKRCON)*8) + 7;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5075: extern volatile __bit CLKROE @ (((unsigned) &CLKRCON)*8) + 6;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5077: extern volatile __bit CLKRSLR @ (((unsigned) &CLKRCON)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5079: extern volatile __bit CPS0 @ (((unsigned) &PORTA)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5081: extern volatile __bit CPS1 @ (((unsigned) &PORTA)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5083: extern volatile __bit CPS2 @ (((unsigned) &PORTA)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5085: extern volatile __bit CPS3 @ (((unsigned) &PORTA)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5087: extern volatile __bit CPSCH0 @ (((unsigned) &CPSCON1)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5089: extern volatile __bit CPSCH1 @ (((unsigned) &CPSCON1)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5091: extern volatile __bit CPSON @ (((unsigned) &CPSCON0)*8) + 7;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5093: extern volatile __bit CPSOUT @ (((unsigned) &CPSCON0)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5095: extern volatile __bit CPSRM @ (((unsigned) &CPSCON0)*8) + 6;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5097: extern volatile __bit CPSRNG0 @ (((unsigned) &CPSCON0)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5099: extern volatile __bit CPSRNG1 @ (((unsigned) &CPSCON0)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5101: extern volatile __bit CREN @ (((unsigned) &RCSTA)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5103: extern volatile __bit CSRC @ (((unsigned) &TXSTA)*8) + 7;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5105: extern volatile __bit C_SHAD @ (((unsigned) &STATUS_SHAD)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5107: extern volatile __bit DACEN @ (((unsigned) &DACCON0)*8) + 7;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5109: extern volatile __bit DACLPS @ (((unsigned) &DACCON0)*8) + 6;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5111: extern volatile __bit DACOE @ (((unsigned) &DACCON0)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5113: extern volatile __bit DACOUT @ (((unsigned) &PORTA)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5115: extern volatile __bit DACPSS0 @ (((unsigned) &DACCON0)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5117: extern volatile __bit DACPSS1 @ (((unsigned) &DACCON0)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5119: extern volatile __bit DACR0 @ (((unsigned) &DACCON1)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5121: extern volatile __bit DACR1 @ (((unsigned) &DACCON1)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5123: extern volatile __bit DACR2 @ (((unsigned) &DACCON1)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5125: extern volatile __bit DACR3 @ (((unsigned) &DACCON1)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5127: extern volatile __bit DACR4 @ (((unsigned) &DACCON1)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5129: extern volatile __bit DC @ (((unsigned) &STATUS)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5131: extern volatile __bit DC1B0 @ (((unsigned) &CCP1CON)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5133: extern volatile __bit DC1B1 @ (((unsigned) &CCP1CON)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5135: extern volatile __bit DC_SHAD @ (((unsigned) &STATUS_SHAD)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5137: extern volatile __bit DHEN @ (((unsigned) &SSP1CON3)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5139: extern volatile __bit D_nA @ (((unsigned) &SSP1STAT)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5141: extern volatile __bit EEIE @ (((unsigned) &PIE2)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5143: extern volatile __bit EEIF @ (((unsigned) &PIR2)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5145: extern volatile __bit EEPGD @ (((unsigned) &EECON1)*8) + 7;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5147: extern volatile __bit FERR @ (((unsigned) &RCSTA)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5149: extern volatile __bit FLT0 @ (((unsigned) &PORTA)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5151: extern volatile __bit FREE @ (((unsigned) &EECON1)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5153: extern volatile __bit FVREN @ (((unsigned) &FVRCON)*8) + 7;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5155: extern volatile __bit FVRRDY @ (((unsigned) &FVRCON)*8) + 6;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5157: extern volatile __bit GCEN @ (((unsigned) &SSP1CON2)*8) + 7;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5159: extern volatile __bit GIE @ (((unsigned) &INTCON)*8) + 7;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5161: extern volatile __bit GO @ (((unsigned) &ADCON0)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5163: extern volatile __bit GO_nDONE @ (((unsigned) &ADCON0)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5165: extern volatile __bit HFIOFL @ (((unsigned) &OSCSTAT)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5167: extern volatile __bit HFIOFR @ (((unsigned) &OSCSTAT)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5169: extern volatile __bit HFIOFS @ (((unsigned) &OSCSTAT)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5171: extern volatile __bit INTE @ (((unsigned) &INTCON)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5173: extern volatile __bit INTEDG @ (((unsigned) &OPTION_REG)*8) + 6;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5175: extern volatile __bit INTF @ (((unsigned) &INTCON)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5177: extern volatile __bit IOCAF0 @ (((unsigned) &IOCAF)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5179: extern volatile __bit IOCAF1 @ (((unsigned) &IOCAF)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5181: extern volatile __bit IOCAF2 @ (((unsigned) &IOCAF)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5183: extern volatile __bit IOCAF3 @ (((unsigned) &IOCAF)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5185: extern volatile __bit IOCAF4 @ (((unsigned) &IOCAF)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5187: extern volatile __bit IOCAF5 @ (((unsigned) &IOCAF)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5189: extern volatile __bit IOCAN0 @ (((unsigned) &IOCAN)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5191: extern volatile __bit IOCAN1 @ (((unsigned) &IOCAN)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5193: extern volatile __bit IOCAN2 @ (((unsigned) &IOCAN)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5195: extern volatile __bit IOCAN3 @ (((unsigned) &IOCAN)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5197: extern volatile __bit IOCAN4 @ (((unsigned) &IOCAN)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5199: extern volatile __bit IOCAN5 @ (((unsigned) &IOCAN)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5201: extern volatile __bit IOCAP0 @ (((unsigned) &IOCAP)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5203: extern volatile __bit IOCAP1 @ (((unsigned) &IOCAP)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5205: extern volatile __bit IOCAP2 @ (((unsigned) &IOCAP)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5207: extern volatile __bit IOCAP3 @ (((unsigned) &IOCAP)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5209: extern volatile __bit IOCAP4 @ (((unsigned) &IOCAP)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5211: extern volatile __bit IOCAP5 @ (((unsigned) &IOCAP)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5213: extern volatile __bit IOCIE @ (((unsigned) &INTCON)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5215: extern volatile __bit IOCIF @ (((unsigned) &INTCON)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5217: extern volatile __bit IRCF0 @ (((unsigned) &OSCCON)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5219: extern volatile __bit IRCF1 @ (((unsigned) &OSCCON)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5221: extern volatile __bit IRCF2 @ (((unsigned) &OSCCON)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5223: extern volatile __bit IRCF3 @ (((unsigned) &OSCCON)*8) + 6;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5225: extern volatile __bit LATA0 @ (((unsigned) &LATA)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5227: extern volatile __bit LATA1 @ (((unsigned) &LATA)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5229: extern volatile __bit LATA2 @ (((unsigned) &LATA)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5231: extern volatile __bit LATA4 @ (((unsigned) &LATA)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5233: extern volatile __bit LATA5 @ (((unsigned) &LATA)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5235: extern volatile __bit LFIOFR @ (((unsigned) &OSCSTAT)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5237: extern volatile __bit LWLO @ (((unsigned) &EECON1)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5239: extern volatile __bit MC1OUT @ (((unsigned) &CMOUT)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5241: extern volatile __bit MDBIT @ (((unsigned) &MDCON)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5243: extern volatile __bit MDCH0 @ (((unsigned) &MDCARH)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5245: extern volatile __bit MDCH1 @ (((unsigned) &MDCARH)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5247: extern volatile __bit MDCH2 @ (((unsigned) &MDCARH)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5249: extern volatile __bit MDCH3 @ (((unsigned) &MDCARH)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5251: extern volatile __bit MDCHODIS @ (((unsigned) &MDCARH)*8) + 7;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5253: extern volatile __bit MDCHPOL @ (((unsigned) &MDCARH)*8) + 6;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5255: extern volatile __bit MDCHSYNC @ (((unsigned) &MDCARH)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5257: extern volatile __bit MDCIN1 @ (((unsigned) &PORTA)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5259: extern volatile __bit MDCIN2 @ (((unsigned) &PORTA)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5261: extern volatile __bit MDCL0 @ (((unsigned) &MDCARL)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5263: extern volatile __bit MDCL1 @ (((unsigned) &MDCARL)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5265: extern volatile __bit MDCL2 @ (((unsigned) &MDCARL)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5267: extern volatile __bit MDCL3 @ (((unsigned) &MDCARL)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5269: extern volatile __bit MDCLODIS @ (((unsigned) &MDCARL)*8) + 7;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5271: extern volatile __bit MDCLPOL @ (((unsigned) &MDCARL)*8) + 6;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5273: extern volatile __bit MDCLSYNC @ (((unsigned) &MDCARL)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5275: extern volatile __bit MDEN @ (((unsigned) &MDCON)*8) + 7;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5277: extern volatile __bit MDMIN @ (((unsigned) &PORTA)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5279: extern volatile __bit MDMS0 @ (((unsigned) &MDSRC)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5281: extern volatile __bit MDMS1 @ (((unsigned) &MDSRC)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5283: extern volatile __bit MDMS2 @ (((unsigned) &MDSRC)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5285: extern volatile __bit MDMS3 @ (((unsigned) &MDSRC)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5287: extern volatile __bit MDMSODIS @ (((unsigned) &MDSRC)*8) + 7;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5289: extern volatile __bit MDOE @ (((unsigned) &MDCON)*8) + 6;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5291: extern volatile __bit MDOPOL @ (((unsigned) &MDCON)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5293: extern volatile __bit MDSLR @ (((unsigned) &MDCON)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5295: extern volatile __bit MFIOFR @ (((unsigned) &OSCSTAT)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5297: extern volatile __bit OERR @ (((unsigned) &RCSTA)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5299: extern volatile __bit OSC1 @ (((unsigned) &PORTA)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5301: extern volatile __bit OSC2 @ (((unsigned) &PORTA)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5303: extern volatile __bit OSFIE @ (((unsigned) &PIE2)*8) + 7;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5305: extern volatile __bit OSFIF @ (((unsigned) &PIR2)*8) + 7;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5307: extern volatile __bit OSTS @ (((unsigned) &OSCSTAT)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5309: extern volatile __bit P1BSEL @ (((unsigned) &APFCON)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5311: extern volatile __bit P1DC0 @ (((unsigned) &PWM1CON)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5313: extern volatile __bit P1DC1 @ (((unsigned) &PWM1CON)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5315: extern volatile __bit P1DC2 @ (((unsigned) &PWM1CON)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5317: extern volatile __bit P1DC3 @ (((unsigned) &PWM1CON)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5319: extern volatile __bit P1DC4 @ (((unsigned) &PWM1CON)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5321: extern volatile __bit P1DC5 @ (((unsigned) &PWM1CON)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5323: extern volatile __bit P1DC6 @ (((unsigned) &PWM1CON)*8) + 6;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5325: extern volatile __bit P1M0 @ (((unsigned) &CCP1CON)*8) + 6;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5327: extern volatile __bit P1M1 @ (((unsigned) &CCP1CON)*8) + 7;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5329: extern volatile __bit P1RSEN @ (((unsigned) &PWM1CON)*8) + 7;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5331: extern volatile __bit PCIE @ (((unsigned) &SSP1CON3)*8) + 6;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5333: extern volatile __bit PEIE @ (((unsigned) &INTCON)*8) + 6;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5335: extern volatile __bit PEN @ (((unsigned) &SSP1CON2)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5337: extern volatile __bit PLLR @ (((unsigned) &OSCSTAT)*8) + 6;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5339: extern volatile __bit PS0 @ (((unsigned) &OPTION_REG)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5341: extern volatile __bit PS1 @ (((unsigned) &OPTION_REG)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5343: extern volatile __bit PS2 @ (((unsigned) &OPTION_REG)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5345: extern volatile __bit PSA @ (((unsigned) &OPTION_REG)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5347: extern volatile __bit PSS1AC0 @ (((unsigned) &CCP1AS)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5349: extern volatile __bit PSS1AC1 @ (((unsigned) &CCP1AS)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5351: extern volatile __bit PSS1BD0 @ (((unsigned) &CCP1AS)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5353: extern volatile __bit PSS1BD1 @ (((unsigned) &CCP1AS)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5355: extern volatile __bit RA0 @ (((unsigned) &PORTA)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5357: extern volatile __bit RA1 @ (((unsigned) &PORTA)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5359: extern volatile __bit RA2 @ (((unsigned) &PORTA)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5361: extern volatile __bit RA3 @ (((unsigned) &PORTA)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5363: extern volatile __bit RA4 @ (((unsigned) &PORTA)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5365: extern volatile __bit RA5 @ (((unsigned) &PORTA)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5367: extern volatile __bit RCEN @ (((unsigned) &SSP1CON2)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5369: extern volatile __bit RCIDL @ (((unsigned) &BAUDCON)*8) + 6;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5371: extern volatile __bit RCIE @ (((unsigned) &PIE1)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5373: extern volatile __bit RCIF @ (((unsigned) &PIR1)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5375: extern volatile __bit RD @ (((unsigned) &EECON1)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5377: extern volatile __bit RSEN @ (((unsigned) &SSP1CON2)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5379: extern volatile __bit RX9 @ (((unsigned) &RCSTA)*8) + 6;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5381: extern volatile __bit RX9D @ (((unsigned) &RCSTA)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5383: extern volatile __bit RXDTSEL @ (((unsigned) &APFCON)*8) + 7;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5385: extern volatile __bit R_nW @ (((unsigned) &SSP1STAT)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5387: extern volatile __bit SBCDE @ (((unsigned) &SSP1CON3)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5389: extern volatile __bit SBOREN @ (((unsigned) &BORCON)*8) + 7;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5391: extern volatile __bit SCIE @ (((unsigned) &SSP1CON3)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5393: extern volatile __bit SCK @ (((unsigned) &PORTA)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5395: extern volatile __bit SCKP @ (((unsigned) &BAUDCON)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5397: extern volatile __bit SCL @ (((unsigned) &PORTA)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5399: extern volatile __bit SCS0 @ (((unsigned) &OSCCON)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5401: extern volatile __bit SCS1 @ (((unsigned) &OSCCON)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5403: extern volatile __bit SDA @ (((unsigned) &PORTA)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5405: extern volatile __bit SDAHT @ (((unsigned) &SSP1CON3)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5407: extern volatile __bit SDI @ (((unsigned) &PORTA)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5409: extern volatile __bit SDO1SEL @ (((unsigned) &APFCON)*8) + 6;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5411: extern volatile __bit SDOSEL @ (((unsigned) &APFCON)*8) + 6;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5413: extern volatile __bit SEN @ (((unsigned) &SSP1CON2)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5415: extern volatile __bit SENDB @ (((unsigned) &TXSTA)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5417: extern volatile __bit SMP @ (((unsigned) &SSP1STAT)*8) + 7;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5419: extern volatile __bit SPEN @ (((unsigned) &RCSTA)*8) + 7;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5421: extern volatile __bit SPLLEN @ (((unsigned) &OSCCON)*8) + 7;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5423: extern volatile __bit SRCLK0 @ (((unsigned) &SRCON0)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5425: extern volatile __bit SRCLK1 @ (((unsigned) &SRCON0)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5427: extern volatile __bit SRCLK2 @ (((unsigned) &SRCON0)*8) + 6;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5429: extern volatile __bit SREN @ (((unsigned) &RCSTA)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5431: extern volatile __bit SRI @ (((unsigned) &PORTA)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5433: extern volatile __bit SRLEN @ (((unsigned) &SRCON0)*8) + 7;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5435: extern volatile __bit SRNQ @ (((unsigned) &PORTA)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5437: extern volatile __bit SRNQEN @ (((unsigned) &SRCON0)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5439: extern volatile __bit SRPR @ (((unsigned) &SRCON0)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5441: extern volatile __bit SRPS @ (((unsigned) &SRCON0)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5443: extern volatile __bit SRQ @ (((unsigned) &PORTA)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5445: extern volatile __bit SRQEN @ (((unsigned) &SRCON0)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5447: extern volatile __bit SRRC1E @ (((unsigned) &SRCON1)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5449: extern volatile __bit SRRCKE @ (((unsigned) &SRCON1)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5451: extern volatile __bit SRRPE @ (((unsigned) &SRCON1)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5453: extern volatile __bit SRSC1E @ (((unsigned) &SRCON1)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5455: extern volatile __bit SRSCKE @ (((unsigned) &SRCON1)*8) + 6;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5457: extern volatile __bit SRSPE @ (((unsigned) &SRCON1)*8) + 7;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5459: extern volatile __bit SS1SEL @ (((unsigned) &APFCON)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5461: extern volatile __bit SSP1IE @ (((unsigned) &PIE1)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5463: extern volatile __bit SSP1IF @ (((unsigned) &PIR1)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5465: extern volatile __bit SSPEN @ (((unsigned) &SSP1CON1)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5467: extern volatile __bit SSPM0 @ (((unsigned) &SSP1CON1)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5469: extern volatile __bit SSPM1 @ (((unsigned) &SSP1CON1)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5471: extern volatile __bit SSPM2 @ (((unsigned) &SSP1CON1)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5473: extern volatile __bit SSPM3 @ (((unsigned) &SSP1CON1)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5475: extern volatile __bit SSPOV @ (((unsigned) &SSP1CON1)*8) + 6;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5477: extern volatile __bit SSSEL @ (((unsigned) &APFCON)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5479: extern volatile __bit STKOVF @ (((unsigned) &PCON)*8) + 7;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5481: extern volatile __bit STKUNF @ (((unsigned) &PCON)*8) + 6;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5483: extern volatile __bit STR1A @ (((unsigned) &PSTR1CON)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5485: extern volatile __bit STR1B @ (((unsigned) &PSTR1CON)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5487: extern volatile __bit STR1C @ (((unsigned) &PSTR1CON)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5489: extern volatile __bit STR1D @ (((unsigned) &PSTR1CON)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5491: extern volatile __bit STR1SYNC @ (((unsigned) &PSTR1CON)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5493: extern volatile __bit SWDTEN @ (((unsigned) &WDTCON)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5495: extern volatile __bit SYNC @ (((unsigned) &TXSTA)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5497: extern volatile __bit T0CKI @ (((unsigned) &PORTA)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5499: extern volatile __bit T0CS @ (((unsigned) &OPTION_REG)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5501: extern volatile __bit T0IE @ (((unsigned) &INTCON)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5503: extern volatile __bit T0IF @ (((unsigned) &INTCON)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5505: extern volatile __bit T0SE @ (((unsigned) &OPTION_REG)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5507: extern volatile __bit T0XCS @ (((unsigned) &CPSCON0)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5509: extern volatile __bit T1CKI @ (((unsigned) &PORTA)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5511: extern volatile __bit T1CKPS0 @ (((unsigned) &T1CON)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5513: extern volatile __bit T1CKPS1 @ (((unsigned) &T1CON)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5515: extern volatile __bit T1GGO @ (((unsigned) &T1GCON)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5517: extern volatile __bit T1GGO_nDONE @ (((unsigned) &T1GCON)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5519: extern volatile __bit T1GPOL @ (((unsigned) &T1GCON)*8) + 6;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5521: extern volatile __bit T1GSEL @ (((unsigned) &APFCON)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5523: extern volatile __bit T1GSPM @ (((unsigned) &T1GCON)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5525: extern volatile __bit T1GSS0 @ (((unsigned) &T1GCON)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5527: extern volatile __bit T1GSS1 @ (((unsigned) &T1GCON)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5529: extern volatile __bit T1GTM @ (((unsigned) &T1GCON)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5531: extern volatile __bit T1GVAL @ (((unsigned) &T1GCON)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5533: extern volatile __bit T1OSCEN @ (((unsigned) &T1CON)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5535: extern volatile __bit T1OSCR @ (((unsigned) &OSCSTAT)*8) + 7;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5537: extern volatile __bit T1OSI @ (((unsigned) &PORTA)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5539: extern volatile __bit T1OSO @ (((unsigned) &PORTA)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5541: extern volatile __bit T2CKPS0 @ (((unsigned) &T2CON)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5543: extern volatile __bit T2CKPS1 @ (((unsigned) &T2CON)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5545: extern volatile __bit T2OUTPS0 @ (((unsigned) &T2CON)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5547: extern volatile __bit T2OUTPS1 @ (((unsigned) &T2CON)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5549: extern volatile __bit T2OUTPS2 @ (((unsigned) &T2CON)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5551: extern volatile __bit T2OUTPS3 @ (((unsigned) &T2CON)*8) + 6;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5553: extern volatile __bit TMR0CS @ (((unsigned) &OPTION_REG)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5555: extern volatile __bit TMR0IE @ (((unsigned) &INTCON)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5557: extern volatile __bit TMR0IF @ (((unsigned) &INTCON)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5559: extern volatile __bit TMR0SE @ (((unsigned) &OPTION_REG)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5561: extern volatile __bit TMR1CS0 @ (((unsigned) &T1CON)*8) + 6;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5563: extern volatile __bit TMR1CS1 @ (((unsigned) &T1CON)*8) + 7;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5565: extern volatile __bit TMR1GE @ (((unsigned) &T1GCON)*8) + 7;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5567: extern volatile __bit TMR1GIE @ (((unsigned) &PIE1)*8) + 7;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5569: extern volatile __bit TMR1GIF @ (((unsigned) &PIR1)*8) + 7;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5571: extern volatile __bit TMR1IE @ (((unsigned) &PIE1)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5573: extern volatile __bit TMR1IF @ (((unsigned) &PIR1)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5575: extern volatile __bit TMR1ON @ (((unsigned) &T1CON)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5577: extern volatile __bit TMR2IE @ (((unsigned) &PIE1)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5579: extern volatile __bit TMR2IF @ (((unsigned) &PIR1)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5581: extern volatile __bit TMR2ON @ (((unsigned) &T2CON)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5583: extern volatile __bit TRISA0 @ (((unsigned) &TRISA)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5585: extern volatile __bit TRISA1 @ (((unsigned) &TRISA)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5587: extern volatile __bit TRISA2 @ (((unsigned) &TRISA)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5589: extern volatile __bit TRISA3 @ (((unsigned) &TRISA)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5591: extern volatile __bit TRISA4 @ (((unsigned) &TRISA)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5593: extern volatile __bit TRISA5 @ (((unsigned) &TRISA)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5595: extern volatile __bit TRMT @ (((unsigned) &TXSTA)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5597: extern volatile __bit TSEN @ (((unsigned) &FVRCON)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5599: extern volatile __bit TSRNG @ (((unsigned) &FVRCON)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5601: extern volatile __bit TUN0 @ (((unsigned) &OSCTUNE)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5603: extern volatile __bit TUN1 @ (((unsigned) &OSCTUNE)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5605: extern volatile __bit TUN2 @ (((unsigned) &OSCTUNE)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5607: extern volatile __bit TUN3 @ (((unsigned) &OSCTUNE)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5609: extern volatile __bit TUN4 @ (((unsigned) &OSCTUNE)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5611: extern volatile __bit TUN5 @ (((unsigned) &OSCTUNE)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5613: extern volatile __bit TX9 @ (((unsigned) &TXSTA)*8) + 6;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5615: extern volatile __bit TX9D @ (((unsigned) &TXSTA)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5617: extern volatile __bit TXCKSEL @ (((unsigned) &APFCON)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5619: extern volatile __bit TXEN @ (((unsigned) &TXSTA)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5621: extern volatile __bit TXIE @ (((unsigned) &PIE1)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5623: extern volatile __bit TXIF @ (((unsigned) &PIR1)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5625: extern volatile __bit UA @ (((unsigned) &SSP1STAT)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5627: extern volatile __bit WCOL @ (((unsigned) &SSP1CON1)*8) + 7;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5629: extern volatile __bit WDTPS0 @ (((unsigned) &WDTCON)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5631: extern volatile __bit WDTPS1 @ (((unsigned) &WDTCON)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5633: extern volatile __bit WDTPS2 @ (((unsigned) &WDTCON)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5635: extern volatile __bit WDTPS3 @ (((unsigned) &WDTCON)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5637: extern volatile __bit WDTPS4 @ (((unsigned) &WDTCON)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5639: extern volatile __bit WPUA0 @ (((unsigned) &WPUA)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5641: extern volatile __bit WPUA1 @ (((unsigned) &WPUA)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5643: extern volatile __bit WPUA2 @ (((unsigned) &WPUA)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5645: extern volatile __bit WPUA3 @ (((unsigned) &WPUA)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5647: extern volatile __bit WPUA4 @ (((unsigned) &WPUA)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5649: extern volatile __bit WPUA5 @ (((unsigned) &WPUA)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5651: extern volatile __bit WR @ (((unsigned) &EECON1)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5653: extern volatile __bit WREN @ (((unsigned) &EECON1)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5655: extern volatile __bit WRERR @ (((unsigned) &EECON1)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5657: extern volatile __bit WUE @ (((unsigned) &BAUDCON)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5659: extern volatile __bit ZERO @ (((unsigned) &STATUS)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5661: extern volatile __bit Z_SHAD @ (((unsigned) &STATUS_SHAD)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5663: extern volatile __bit nBOR @ (((unsigned) &PCON)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5665: extern volatile __bit nDONE @ (((unsigned) &ADCON0)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5667: extern volatile __bit nMCLR @ (((unsigned) &PORTA)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5669: extern volatile __bit nPD @ (((unsigned) &STATUS)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5671: extern volatile __bit nPOR @ (((unsigned) &PCON)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5673: extern volatile __bit nRI @ (((unsigned) &PCON)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5675: extern volatile __bit nRMCLR @ (((unsigned) &PCON)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5677: extern volatile __bit nT1SYNC @ (((unsigned) &T1CON)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5679: extern volatile __bit nTO @ (((unsigned) &STATUS)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1822.h: 5681: extern volatile __bit nWPUEN @ (((unsigned) &OPTION_REG)*8) + 7;
+[; ;pic.h: 28: extern void _nop(void);
+[; ;pic.h: 77: extern unsigned int flash_read(unsigned short addr);
+[; ;eeprom_routines.h: 41: extern void eeprom_write(unsigned char addr, unsigned char value);
+[; ;eeprom_routines.h: 42: extern unsigned char eeprom_read(unsigned char addr);
+[; ;eeprom_routines.h: 43: extern void eecpymem(volatile unsigned char *to, __eeprom unsigned char *from, unsigned char size);
+[; ;eeprom_routines.h: 44: extern void memcpyee(__eeprom unsigned char *to, const unsigned char *from, unsigned char size);
+[; ;pic.h: 151: extern void _delay(unsigned long);
+[; ;stdio.h: 8: typedef int ptrdiff_t;
+[; ;stdio.h: 9: typedef unsigned size_t;
+[; ;stdio.h: 10: typedef unsigned short wchar_t;
+[; ;stdarg.h: 7: typedef void * va_list[1];
+[; ;stdarg.h: 10: extern void * __va_start(void);
+[; ;stdarg.h: 13: extern void * __va_arg(void *, ...);
+[; ;stdio.h: 23: extern int errno;
+[; ;stdio.h: 54: struct __prbuf
+[; ;stdio.h: 55: {
+[; ;stdio.h: 56: char * ptr;
+[; ;stdio.h: 57: void (* func)(char);
+[; ;stdio.h: 58: };
+[; ;conio.h: 17: extern int errno;
+[; ;conio.h: 20: extern void init_uart(void);
+[; ;conio.h: 22: extern char getch(void);
+[; ;conio.h: 23: extern char getche(void);
+[; ;conio.h: 24: extern void putch(char);
+[; ;conio.h: 25: extern void ungetch(char);
+[; ;conio.h: 27: extern __bit kbhit(void);
+[; ;conio.h: 31: extern char * cgets(char *);
+[; ;conio.h: 32: extern void cputs(const char *);
+[; ;stdio.h: 99: extern int cprintf(char *, ...);
+[; ;stdio.h: 104: extern int _doprnt(struct __prbuf *, const register char *, register va_list);
+[; ;stdio.h: 194: extern char * gets(char *);
+[; ;stdio.h: 195: extern int puts(const char *);
+[; ;stdio.h: 196: extern int scanf(const char *, ...);
+[; ;stdio.h: 197: extern int sscanf(const char *, const char *, ...);
+[; ;stdio.h: 198: extern int vprintf(const char *, va_list);
+[; ;stdio.h: 199: extern int vsprintf(char *, const char *, va_list) __attribute__((unsupported("vsprintf() is not supported by this compiler")));
+[; ;stdio.h: 200: extern int vscanf(const char *, va_list ap);
+[; ;stdio.h: 201: extern int vsscanf(const char *, const char *, va_list);
+[; ;stdio.h: 205: extern int sprintf(char *, const char *, ...);
+[; ;stdio.h: 206: extern int printf(const char *, ...);
+[; ;stdint.h: 13: typedef signed char int8_t;
+[; ;stdint.h: 20: typedef signed int int16_t;
+[; ;stdint.h: 28: typedef signed short long int int24_t;
+[; ;stdint.h: 36: typedef signed long int int32_t;
+[; ;stdint.h: 43: typedef unsigned char uint8_t;
+[; ;stdint.h: 49: typedef unsigned int uint16_t;
+[; ;stdint.h: 56: typedef unsigned short long int uint24_t;
+[; ;stdint.h: 63: typedef unsigned long int uint32_t;
+[; ;stdint.h: 71: typedef signed char int_least8_t;
+[; ;stdint.h: 78: typedef signed int int_least16_t;
+[; ;stdint.h: 90: typedef signed short long int int_least24_t;
+[; ;stdint.h: 98: typedef signed long int int_least32_t;
+[; ;stdint.h: 105: typedef unsigned char uint_least8_t;
+[; ;stdint.h: 111: typedef unsigned int uint_least16_t;
+[; ;stdint.h: 121: typedef unsigned short long int uint_least24_t;
+[; ;stdint.h: 128: typedef unsigned long int uint_least32_t;
+[; ;stdint.h: 137: typedef signed char int_fast8_t;
+[; ;stdint.h: 144: typedef signed int int_fast16_t;
+[; ;stdint.h: 156: typedef signed short long int int_fast24_t;
+[; ;stdint.h: 164: typedef signed long int int_fast32_t;
+[; ;stdint.h: 171: typedef unsigned char uint_fast8_t;
+[; ;stdint.h: 177: typedef unsigned int uint_fast16_t;
+[; ;stdint.h: 187: typedef unsigned short long int uint_fast24_t;
+[; ;stdint.h: 194: typedef unsigned long int uint_fast32_t;
+[; ;stdint.h: 200: typedef int32_t intmax_t;
+[; ;stdint.h: 205: typedef uint32_t uintmax_t;
+[; ;stdint.h: 210: typedef int16_t intptr_t;
+[; ;stdint.h: 215: typedef uint16_t uintptr_t;
+[; ;stdbool.h: 12: typedef unsigned char bool;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 44: extern volatile unsigned char INDF0 @ 0x000;
+"46 /opt/microchip/xc8/v1.12/include/pic12f1840.h
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 46: asm("INDF0 equ 00h");
+[; <" INDF0 equ 00h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 49: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 50: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 51: unsigned INDF0 :8;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 52: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 53: } INDF0bits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 54: extern volatile INDF0bits_t INDF0bits @ 0x000;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 63: extern volatile unsigned char INDF1 @ 0x001;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 65: asm("INDF1 equ 01h");
+[; <" INDF1 equ 01h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 68: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 69: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 70: unsigned INDF1 :8;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 71: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 72: } INDF1bits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 73: extern volatile INDF1bits_t INDF1bits @ 0x001;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 82: extern volatile unsigned char PCL @ 0x002;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 84: asm("PCL equ 02h");
+[; <" PCL equ 02h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 87: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 88: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 89: unsigned PCL :8;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 90: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 91: } PCLbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 92: extern volatile PCLbits_t PCLbits @ 0x002;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 101: extern volatile unsigned char STATUS @ 0x003;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 103: asm("STATUS equ 03h");
+[; <" STATUS equ 03h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 106: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 107: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 108: unsigned C :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 109: unsigned DC :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 110: unsigned Z :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 111: unsigned nPD :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 112: unsigned nTO :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 113: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 114: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 115: unsigned CARRY :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 116: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 117: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 118: unsigned :2;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 119: unsigned ZERO :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 120: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 121: } STATUSbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 122: extern volatile STATUSbits_t STATUSbits @ 0x003;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 161: extern volatile unsigned short FSR0 @ 0x004;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 164: extern volatile unsigned char FSR0L @ 0x004;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 166: asm("FSR0L equ 04h");
+[; <" FSR0L equ 04h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 169: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 170: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 171: unsigned FSR0L :8;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 172: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 173: } FSR0Lbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 174: extern volatile FSR0Lbits_t FSR0Lbits @ 0x004;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 183: extern volatile unsigned char FSR0H @ 0x005;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 185: asm("FSR0H equ 05h");
+[; <" FSR0H equ 05h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 188: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 189: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 190: unsigned FSR0H :8;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 191: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 192: } FSR0Hbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 193: extern volatile FSR0Hbits_t FSR0Hbits @ 0x005;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 202: extern volatile unsigned short FSR1 @ 0x006;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 205: extern volatile unsigned char FSR1L @ 0x006;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 207: asm("FSR1L equ 06h");
+[; <" FSR1L equ 06h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 210: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 211: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 212: unsigned FSR1L :8;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 213: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 214: } FSR1Lbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 215: extern volatile FSR1Lbits_t FSR1Lbits @ 0x006;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 224: extern volatile unsigned char FSR1H @ 0x007;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 226: asm("FSR1H equ 07h");
+[; <" FSR1H equ 07h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 229: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 230: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 231: unsigned FSR1H :8;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 232: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 233: } FSR1Hbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 234: extern volatile FSR1Hbits_t FSR1Hbits @ 0x007;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 243: extern volatile unsigned char BSR @ 0x008;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 245: asm("BSR equ 08h");
+[; <" BSR equ 08h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 248: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 249: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 250: unsigned BSR0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 251: unsigned BSR1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 252: unsigned BSR2 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 253: unsigned BSR3 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 254: unsigned BSR4 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 255: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 256: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 257: unsigned BSR :5;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 258: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 259: } BSRbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 260: extern volatile BSRbits_t BSRbits @ 0x008;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 294: extern volatile unsigned char WREG @ 0x009;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 296: asm("WREG equ 09h");
+[; <" WREG equ 09h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 299: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 300: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 301: unsigned WREG0 :8;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 302: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 303: } WREGbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 304: extern volatile WREGbits_t WREGbits @ 0x009;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 313: extern volatile unsigned char PCLATH @ 0x00A;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 315: asm("PCLATH equ 0Ah");
+[; <" PCLATH equ 0Ah ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 318: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 319: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 320: unsigned PCLATH :7;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 321: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 322: } PCLATHbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 323: extern volatile PCLATHbits_t PCLATHbits @ 0x00A;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 332: extern volatile unsigned char INTCON @ 0x00B;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 334: asm("INTCON equ 0Bh");
+[; <" INTCON equ 0Bh ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 337: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 338: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 339: unsigned IOCIF :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 340: unsigned INTF :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 341: unsigned TMR0IF :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 342: unsigned IOCIE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 343: unsigned INTE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 344: unsigned TMR0IE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 345: unsigned PEIE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 346: unsigned GIE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 347: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 348: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 349: unsigned :2;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 350: unsigned T0IF :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 351: unsigned :2;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 352: unsigned T0IE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 353: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 354: } INTCONbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 355: extern volatile INTCONbits_t INTCONbits @ 0x00B;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 409: extern volatile unsigned char PORTA @ 0x00C;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 411: asm("PORTA equ 0Ch");
+[; <" PORTA equ 0Ch ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 414: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 415: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 416: unsigned RA0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 417: unsigned RA1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 418: unsigned RA2 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 419: unsigned RA3 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 420: unsigned RA4 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 421: unsigned RA5 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 422: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 423: } PORTAbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 424: extern volatile PORTAbits_t PORTAbits @ 0x00C;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 458: extern volatile unsigned char PIR1 @ 0x011;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 460: asm("PIR1 equ 011h");
+[; <" PIR1 equ 011h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 463: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 464: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 465: unsigned TMR1IF :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 466: unsigned TMR2IF :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 467: unsigned CCP1IF :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 468: unsigned SSP1IF :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 469: unsigned TXIF :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 470: unsigned RCIF :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 471: unsigned ADIF :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 472: unsigned TMR1GIF :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 473: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 474: } PIR1bits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 475: extern volatile PIR1bits_t PIR1bits @ 0x011;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 519: extern volatile unsigned char PIR2 @ 0x012;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 521: asm("PIR2 equ 012h");
+[; <" PIR2 equ 012h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 524: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 525: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 526: unsigned :3;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 527: unsigned BCL1IF :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 528: unsigned EEIF :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 529: unsigned C1IF :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 530: unsigned :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 531: unsigned OSFIF :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 532: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 533: } PIR2bits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 534: extern volatile PIR2bits_t PIR2bits @ 0x012;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 558: extern volatile unsigned char TMR0 @ 0x015;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 560: asm("TMR0 equ 015h");
+[; <" TMR0 equ 015h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 563: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 564: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 565: unsigned TMR0 :8;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 566: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 567: } TMR0bits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 568: extern volatile TMR0bits_t TMR0bits @ 0x015;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 577: extern volatile unsigned short TMR1 @ 0x016;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 579: asm("TMR1 equ 016h");
+[; <" TMR1 equ 016h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 583: extern volatile unsigned char TMR1L @ 0x016;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 585: asm("TMR1L equ 016h");
+[; <" TMR1L equ 016h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 588: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 589: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 590: unsigned TMR1L :8;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 591: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 592: } TMR1Lbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 593: extern volatile TMR1Lbits_t TMR1Lbits @ 0x016;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 602: extern volatile unsigned char TMR1H @ 0x017;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 604: asm("TMR1H equ 017h");
+[; <" TMR1H equ 017h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 607: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 608: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 609: unsigned TMR1H :8;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 610: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 611: } TMR1Hbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 612: extern volatile TMR1Hbits_t TMR1Hbits @ 0x017;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 621: extern volatile unsigned char T1CON @ 0x018;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 623: asm("T1CON equ 018h");
+[; <" T1CON equ 018h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 626: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 627: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 628: unsigned TMR1ON :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 629: unsigned :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 630: unsigned nT1SYNC :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 631: unsigned T1OSCEN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 632: unsigned T1CKPS0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 633: unsigned T1CKPS1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 634: unsigned TMR1CS0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 635: unsigned TMR1CS1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 636: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 637: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 638: unsigned :4;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 639: unsigned T1CKPS :2;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 640: unsigned TMR1CS :2;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 641: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 642: } T1CONbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 643: extern volatile T1CONbits_t T1CONbits @ 0x018;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 692: extern volatile unsigned char T1GCON @ 0x019;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 694: asm("T1GCON equ 019h");
+[; <" T1GCON equ 019h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 697: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 698: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 699: unsigned T1GSS0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 700: unsigned T1GSS1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 701: unsigned T1GVAL :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 702: unsigned T1GGO_nDONE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 703: unsigned T1GSPM :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 704: unsigned T1GTM :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 705: unsigned T1GPOL :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 706: unsigned TMR1GE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 707: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 708: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 709: unsigned T1GSS :2;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 710: unsigned :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 711: unsigned T1GGO :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 712: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 713: } T1GCONbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 714: extern volatile T1GCONbits_t T1GCONbits @ 0x019;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 768: extern volatile unsigned char TMR2 @ 0x01A;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 770: asm("TMR2 equ 01Ah");
+[; <" TMR2 equ 01Ah ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 773: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 774: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 775: unsigned TMR2 :8;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 776: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 777: } TMR2bits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 778: extern volatile TMR2bits_t TMR2bits @ 0x01A;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 787: extern volatile unsigned char PR2 @ 0x01B;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 789: asm("PR2 equ 01Bh");
+[; <" PR2 equ 01Bh ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 792: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 793: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 794: unsigned PR2 :8;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 795: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 796: } PR2bits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 797: extern volatile PR2bits_t PR2bits @ 0x01B;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 806: extern volatile unsigned char T2CON @ 0x01C;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 808: asm("T2CON equ 01Ch");
+[; <" T2CON equ 01Ch ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 811: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 812: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 813: unsigned T2CKPS0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 814: unsigned T2CKPS1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 815: unsigned TMR2ON :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 816: unsigned T2OUTPS0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 817: unsigned T2OUTPS1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 818: unsigned T2OUTPS2 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 819: unsigned T2OUTPS3 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 820: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 821: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 822: unsigned T2CKPS :2;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 823: unsigned :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 824: unsigned T2OUTPS :4;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 825: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 826: } T2CONbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 827: extern volatile T2CONbits_t T2CONbits @ 0x01C;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 876: extern volatile unsigned char CPSCON0 @ 0x01E;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 878: asm("CPSCON0 equ 01Eh");
+[; <" CPSCON0 equ 01Eh ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 881: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 882: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 883: unsigned T0XCS :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 884: unsigned CPSOUT :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 885: unsigned CPSRNG0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 886: unsigned CPSRNG1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 887: unsigned :2;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 888: unsigned CPSRM :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 889: unsigned CPSON :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 890: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 891: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 892: unsigned :2;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 893: unsigned CPSRNG :2;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 894: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 895: } CPSCON0bits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 896: extern volatile CPSCON0bits_t CPSCON0bits @ 0x01E;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 935: extern volatile unsigned char CPSCON1 @ 0x01F;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 937: asm("CPSCON1 equ 01Fh");
+[; <" CPSCON1 equ 01Fh ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 940: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 941: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 942: unsigned CPSCH0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 943: unsigned CPSCH1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 944: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 945: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 946: unsigned CPSCH :2;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 947: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 948: } CPSCON1bits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 949: extern volatile CPSCON1bits_t CPSCON1bits @ 0x01F;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 968: extern volatile unsigned char TRISA @ 0x08C;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 970: asm("TRISA equ 08Ch");
+[; <" TRISA equ 08Ch ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 973: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 974: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 975: unsigned TRISA0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 976: unsigned TRISA1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 977: unsigned TRISA2 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 978: unsigned TRISA3 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 979: unsigned TRISA4 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 980: unsigned TRISA5 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 981: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 982: } TRISAbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 983: extern volatile TRISAbits_t TRISAbits @ 0x08C;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1017: extern volatile unsigned char PIE1 @ 0x091;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1019: asm("PIE1 equ 091h");
+[; <" PIE1 equ 091h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1022: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1023: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1024: unsigned TMR1IE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1025: unsigned TMR2IE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1026: unsigned CCP1IE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1027: unsigned SSP1IE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1028: unsigned TXIE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1029: unsigned RCIE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1030: unsigned ADIE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1031: unsigned TMR1GIE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1032: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1033: } PIE1bits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1034: extern volatile PIE1bits_t PIE1bits @ 0x091;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1078: extern volatile unsigned char PIE2 @ 0x092;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1080: asm("PIE2 equ 092h");
+[; <" PIE2 equ 092h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1083: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1084: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1085: unsigned :3;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1086: unsigned BCL1IE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1087: unsigned EEIE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1088: unsigned C1IE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1089: unsigned :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1090: unsigned OSFIE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1091: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1092: } PIE2bits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1093: extern volatile PIE2bits_t PIE2bits @ 0x092;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1117: extern volatile unsigned char OPTION_REG @ 0x095;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1119: asm("OPTION_REG equ 095h");
+[; <" OPTION_REG equ 095h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1122: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1123: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1124: unsigned PS0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1125: unsigned PS1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1126: unsigned PS2 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1127: unsigned PSA :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1128: unsigned TMR0SE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1129: unsigned TMR0CS :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1130: unsigned INTEDG :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1131: unsigned nWPUEN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1132: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1133: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1134: unsigned PS :3;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1135: unsigned :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1136: unsigned T0SE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1137: unsigned T0CS :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1138: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1139: } OPTION_REGbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1140: extern volatile OPTION_REGbits_t OPTION_REGbits @ 0x095;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1199: extern volatile unsigned char PCON @ 0x096;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1201: asm("PCON equ 096h");
+[; <" PCON equ 096h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1204: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1205: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1206: unsigned nBOR :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1207: unsigned nPOR :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1208: unsigned nRI :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1209: unsigned nRMCLR :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1210: unsigned :2;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1211: unsigned STKUNF :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1212: unsigned STKOVF :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1213: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1214: } PCONbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1215: extern volatile PCONbits_t PCONbits @ 0x096;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1249: extern volatile unsigned char WDTCON @ 0x097;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1251: asm("WDTCON equ 097h");
+[; <" WDTCON equ 097h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1254: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1255: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1256: unsigned SWDTEN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1257: unsigned WDTPS0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1258: unsigned WDTPS1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1259: unsigned WDTPS2 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1260: unsigned WDTPS3 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1261: unsigned WDTPS4 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1262: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1263: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1264: unsigned :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1265: unsigned WDTPS :5;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1266: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1267: } WDTCONbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1268: extern volatile WDTCONbits_t WDTCONbits @ 0x097;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1307: extern volatile unsigned char OSCTUNE @ 0x098;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1309: asm("OSCTUNE equ 098h");
+[; <" OSCTUNE equ 098h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1312: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1313: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1314: unsigned TUN0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1315: unsigned TUN1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1316: unsigned TUN2 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1317: unsigned TUN3 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1318: unsigned TUN4 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1319: unsigned TUN5 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1320: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1321: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1322: unsigned TUN :6;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1323: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1324: } OSCTUNEbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1325: extern volatile OSCTUNEbits_t OSCTUNEbits @ 0x098;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1364: extern volatile unsigned char OSCCON @ 0x099;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1366: asm("OSCCON equ 099h");
+[; <" OSCCON equ 099h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1369: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1370: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1371: unsigned SCS0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1372: unsigned SCS1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1373: unsigned :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1374: unsigned IRCF0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1375: unsigned IRCF1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1376: unsigned IRCF2 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1377: unsigned IRCF3 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1378: unsigned SPLLEN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1379: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1380: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1381: unsigned SCS :2;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1382: unsigned :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1383: unsigned IRCF :4;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1384: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1385: } OSCCONbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1386: extern volatile OSCCONbits_t OSCCONbits @ 0x099;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1435: extern volatile unsigned char OSCSTAT @ 0x09A;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1437: asm("OSCSTAT equ 09Ah");
+[; <" OSCSTAT equ 09Ah ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1440: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1441: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1442: unsigned HFIOFS :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1443: unsigned LFIOFR :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1444: unsigned MFIOFR :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1445: unsigned HFIOFL :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1446: unsigned HFIOFR :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1447: unsigned OSTS :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1448: unsigned PLLR :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1449: unsigned T1OSCR :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1450: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1451: } OSCSTATbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1452: extern volatile OSCSTATbits_t OSCSTATbits @ 0x09A;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1496: extern volatile unsigned short ADRES @ 0x09B;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1498: asm("ADRES equ 09Bh");
+[; <" ADRES equ 09Bh ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1502: extern volatile unsigned char ADRESL @ 0x09B;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1504: asm("ADRESL equ 09Bh");
+[; <" ADRESL equ 09Bh ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1507: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1508: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1509: unsigned ADRESL :8;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1510: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1511: } ADRESLbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1512: extern volatile ADRESLbits_t ADRESLbits @ 0x09B;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1521: extern volatile unsigned char ADRESH @ 0x09C;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1523: asm("ADRESH equ 09Ch");
+[; <" ADRESH equ 09Ch ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1526: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1527: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1528: unsigned ADRESH :8;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1529: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1530: } ADRESHbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1531: extern volatile ADRESHbits_t ADRESHbits @ 0x09C;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1540: extern volatile unsigned char ADCON0 @ 0x09D;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1542: asm("ADCON0 equ 09Dh");
+[; <" ADCON0 equ 09Dh ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1545: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1546: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1547: unsigned ADON :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1548: unsigned GO_nDONE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1549: unsigned CHS0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1550: unsigned CHS1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1551: unsigned CHS2 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1552: unsigned CHS3 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1553: unsigned CHS4 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1554: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1555: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1556: unsigned :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1557: unsigned ADGO :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1558: unsigned CHS :5;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1559: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1560: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1561: unsigned :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1562: unsigned GO :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1563: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1564: } ADCON0bits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1565: extern volatile ADCON0bits_t ADCON0bits @ 0x09D;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1619: extern volatile unsigned char ADCON1 @ 0x09E;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1621: asm("ADCON1 equ 09Eh");
+[; <" ADCON1 equ 09Eh ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1624: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1625: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1626: unsigned ADPREF0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1627: unsigned ADPREF1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1628: unsigned :2;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1629: unsigned ADCS0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1630: unsigned ADCS1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1631: unsigned ADCS2 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1632: unsigned ADFM :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1633: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1634: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1635: unsigned ADPREF :2;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1636: unsigned :2;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1637: unsigned ADCS :3;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1638: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1639: } ADCON1bits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1640: extern volatile ADCON1bits_t ADCON1bits @ 0x09E;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1684: extern volatile unsigned char LATA @ 0x10C;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1686: asm("LATA equ 010Ch");
+[; <" LATA equ 010Ch ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1689: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1690: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1691: unsigned LATA0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1692: unsigned LATA1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1693: unsigned LATA2 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1694: unsigned :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1695: unsigned LATA4 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1696: unsigned LATA5 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1697: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1698: } LATAbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1699: extern volatile LATAbits_t LATAbits @ 0x10C;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1728: extern volatile unsigned char CM1CON0 @ 0x111;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1730: asm("CM1CON0 equ 0111h");
+[; <" CM1CON0 equ 0111h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1733: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1734: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1735: unsigned C1SYNC :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1736: unsigned C1HYS :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1737: unsigned C1SP :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1738: unsigned :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1739: unsigned C1POL :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1740: unsigned C1OE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1741: unsigned C1OUT :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1742: unsigned C1ON :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1743: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1744: } CM1CON0bits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1745: extern volatile CM1CON0bits_t CM1CON0bits @ 0x111;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1784: extern volatile unsigned char CM1CON1 @ 0x112;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1786: asm("CM1CON1 equ 0112h");
+[; <" CM1CON1 equ 0112h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1789: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1790: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1791: unsigned C1NCH :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1792: unsigned :3;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1793: unsigned C1PCH0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1794: unsigned C1PCH1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1795: unsigned C1INTN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1796: unsigned C1INTP :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1797: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1798: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1799: unsigned C1NCH0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1800: unsigned :3;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1801: unsigned C1PCH :2;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1802: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1803: } CM1CON1bits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1804: extern volatile CM1CON1bits_t CM1CON1bits @ 0x112;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1843: extern volatile unsigned char CMOUT @ 0x115;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1845: asm("CMOUT equ 0115h");
+[; <" CMOUT equ 0115h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1848: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1849: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1850: unsigned MC1OUT :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1851: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1852: } CMOUTbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1853: extern volatile CMOUTbits_t CMOUTbits @ 0x115;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1862: extern volatile unsigned char BORCON @ 0x116;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1864: asm("BORCON equ 0116h");
+[; <" BORCON equ 0116h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1867: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1868: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1869: unsigned BORRDY :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1870: unsigned :5;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1871: unsigned BORFS :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1872: unsigned SBOREN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1873: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1874: } BORCONbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1875: extern volatile BORCONbits_t BORCONbits @ 0x116;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1894: extern volatile unsigned char FVRCON @ 0x117;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1896: asm("FVRCON equ 0117h");
+[; <" FVRCON equ 0117h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1899: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1900: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1901: unsigned ADFVR0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1902: unsigned ADFVR1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1903: unsigned CDAFVR0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1904: unsigned CDAFVR1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1905: unsigned TSRNG :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1906: unsigned TSEN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1907: unsigned FVRRDY :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1908: unsigned FVREN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1909: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1910: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1911: unsigned ADFVR :2;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1912: unsigned CDAFVR :2;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1913: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1914: } FVRCONbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1915: extern volatile FVRCONbits_t FVRCONbits @ 0x117;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1969: extern volatile unsigned char DACCON0 @ 0x118;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1971: asm("DACCON0 equ 0118h");
+[; <" DACCON0 equ 0118h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1974: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1975: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1976: unsigned :2;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1977: unsigned DACPSS0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1978: unsigned DACPSS1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1979: unsigned :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1980: unsigned DACOE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1981: unsigned DACLPS :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1982: unsigned DACEN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1983: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1984: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1985: unsigned :2;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1986: unsigned DACPSS :2;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1987: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1988: } DACCON0bits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 1989: extern volatile DACCON0bits_t DACCON0bits @ 0x118;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2023: extern volatile unsigned char DACCON1 @ 0x119;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2025: asm("DACCON1 equ 0119h");
+[; <" DACCON1 equ 0119h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2028: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2029: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2030: unsigned DACR0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2031: unsigned DACR1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2032: unsigned DACR2 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2033: unsigned DACR3 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2034: unsigned DACR4 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2035: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2036: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2037: unsigned DACR :5;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2038: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2039: } DACCON1bits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2040: extern volatile DACCON1bits_t DACCON1bits @ 0x119;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2074: extern volatile unsigned char SRCON0 @ 0x11A;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2076: asm("SRCON0 equ 011Ah");
+[; <" SRCON0 equ 011Ah ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2079: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2080: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2081: unsigned SRPR :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2082: unsigned SRPS :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2083: unsigned SRNQEN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2084: unsigned SRQEN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2085: unsigned SRCLK0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2086: unsigned SRCLK1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2087: unsigned SRCLK2 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2088: unsigned SRLEN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2089: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2090: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2091: unsigned :4;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2092: unsigned SRCLK :3;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2093: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2094: } SRCON0bits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2095: extern volatile SRCON0bits_t SRCON0bits @ 0x11A;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2144: extern volatile unsigned char SRCON1 @ 0x11B;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2146: asm("SRCON1 equ 011Bh");
+[; <" SRCON1 equ 011Bh ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2149: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2150: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2151: unsigned SRRC1E :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2152: unsigned :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2153: unsigned SRRCKE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2154: unsigned SRRPE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2155: unsigned SRSC1E :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2156: unsigned :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2157: unsigned SRSCKE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2158: unsigned SRSPE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2159: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2160: } SRCON1bits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2161: extern volatile SRCON1bits_t SRCON1bits @ 0x11B;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2195: extern volatile unsigned char APFCON @ 0x11D;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2197: asm("APFCON equ 011Dh");
+[; <" APFCON equ 011Dh ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2200: extern volatile unsigned char APFCON0 @ 0x11D;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2202: asm("APFCON0 equ 011Dh");
+[; <" APFCON0 equ 011Dh ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2205: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2206: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2207: unsigned CCP1SEL :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2208: unsigned P1BSEL :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2209: unsigned TXCKSEL :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2210: unsigned T1GSEL :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2211: unsigned :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2212: unsigned SSSEL :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2213: unsigned SDOSEL :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2214: unsigned RXDTSEL :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2215: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2216: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2217: unsigned :5;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2218: unsigned SS1SEL :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2219: unsigned SDO1SEL :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2220: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2221: } APFCONbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2222: extern volatile APFCONbits_t APFCONbits @ 0x11D;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2270: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2271: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2272: unsigned CCP1SEL :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2273: unsigned P1BSEL :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2274: unsigned TXCKSEL :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2275: unsigned T1GSEL :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2276: unsigned :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2277: unsigned SSSEL :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2278: unsigned SDOSEL :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2279: unsigned RXDTSEL :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2280: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2281: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2282: unsigned :5;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2283: unsigned SS1SEL :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2284: unsigned SDO1SEL :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2285: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2286: } APFCON0bits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2287: extern volatile APFCON0bits_t APFCON0bits @ 0x11D;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2336: extern volatile unsigned char ANSELA @ 0x18C;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2338: asm("ANSELA equ 018Ch");
+[; <" ANSELA equ 018Ch ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2341: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2342: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2343: unsigned ANSA0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2344: unsigned ANSA1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2345: unsigned ANSA2 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2346: unsigned :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2347: unsigned ANSA4 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2348: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2349: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2350: unsigned ANSELA :5;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2351: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2352: } ANSELAbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2353: extern volatile ANSELAbits_t ANSELAbits @ 0x18C;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2382: extern volatile unsigned short EEADR @ 0x191;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2384: asm("EEADR equ 0191h");
+[; <" EEADR equ 0191h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2388: extern volatile unsigned char EEADRL @ 0x191;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2390: asm("EEADRL equ 0191h");
+[; <" EEADRL equ 0191h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2393: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2394: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2395: unsigned EEADRL :8;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2396: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2397: } EEADRLbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2398: extern volatile EEADRLbits_t EEADRLbits @ 0x191;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2407: extern volatile unsigned char EEADRH @ 0x192;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2409: asm("EEADRH equ 0192h");
+[; <" EEADRH equ 0192h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2412: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2413: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2414: unsigned EEADRH :7;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2415: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2416: } EEADRHbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2417: extern volatile EEADRHbits_t EEADRHbits @ 0x192;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2426: extern volatile unsigned short EEDAT @ 0x193;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2428: asm("EEDAT equ 0193h");
+[; <" EEDAT equ 0193h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2432: extern volatile unsigned char EEDATL @ 0x193;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2434: asm("EEDATL equ 0193h");
+[; <" EEDATL equ 0193h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2437: extern volatile unsigned char EEDATA @ 0x193;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2439: asm("EEDATA equ 0193h");
+[; <" EEDATA equ 0193h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2442: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2443: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2444: unsigned EEDATL :8;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2445: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2446: } EEDATLbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2447: extern volatile EEDATLbits_t EEDATLbits @ 0x193;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2455: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2456: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2457: unsigned EEDATL :8;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2458: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2459: } EEDATAbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2460: extern volatile EEDATAbits_t EEDATAbits @ 0x193;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2469: extern volatile unsigned char EEDATH @ 0x194;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2471: asm("EEDATH equ 0194h");
+[; <" EEDATH equ 0194h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2474: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2475: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2476: unsigned EEDATH :6;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2477: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2478: } EEDATHbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2479: extern volatile EEDATHbits_t EEDATHbits @ 0x194;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2488: extern volatile unsigned char EECON1 @ 0x195;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2490: asm("EECON1 equ 0195h");
+[; <" EECON1 equ 0195h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2493: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2494: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2495: unsigned RD :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2496: unsigned WR :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2497: unsigned WREN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2498: unsigned WRERR :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2499: unsigned FREE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2500: unsigned LWLO :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2501: unsigned CFGS :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2502: unsigned EEPGD :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2503: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2504: } EECON1bits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2505: extern volatile EECON1bits_t EECON1bits @ 0x195;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2549: extern volatile unsigned char EECON2 @ 0x196;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2551: asm("EECON2 equ 0196h");
+[; <" EECON2 equ 0196h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2554: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2555: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2556: unsigned EECON2 :8;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2557: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2558: } EECON2bits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2559: extern volatile EECON2bits_t EECON2bits @ 0x196;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2568: extern volatile unsigned char VREGCON @ 0x197;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2570: asm("VREGCON equ 0197h");
+[; <" VREGCON equ 0197h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2573: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2574: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2575: unsigned VREGPM0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2576: unsigned VREGPM1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2577: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2578: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2579: unsigned VREGPM :2;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2580: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2581: } VREGCONbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2582: extern volatile VREGCONbits_t VREGCONbits @ 0x197;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2601: extern volatile unsigned char RCREG @ 0x199;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2603: asm("RCREG equ 0199h");
+[; <" RCREG equ 0199h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2606: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2607: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2608: unsigned RCREG :8;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2609: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2610: } RCREGbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2611: extern volatile RCREGbits_t RCREGbits @ 0x199;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2620: extern volatile unsigned char TXREG @ 0x19A;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2622: asm("TXREG equ 019Ah");
+[; <" TXREG equ 019Ah ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2625: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2626: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2627: unsigned TXREG :8;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2628: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2629: } TXREGbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2630: extern volatile TXREGbits_t TXREGbits @ 0x19A;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2639: extern volatile unsigned char SPBRGL @ 0x19B;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2641: asm("SPBRGL equ 019Bh");
+[; <" SPBRGL equ 019Bh ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2644: extern volatile unsigned char SPBRG @ 0x19B;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2646: asm("SPBRG equ 019Bh");
+[; <" SPBRG equ 019Bh ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2649: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2650: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2651: unsigned SPBRGL :8;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2652: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2653: } SPBRGLbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2654: extern volatile SPBRGLbits_t SPBRGLbits @ 0x19B;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2662: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2663: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2664: unsigned SPBRGL :8;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2665: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2666: } SPBRGbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2667: extern volatile SPBRGbits_t SPBRGbits @ 0x19B;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2676: extern volatile unsigned char SPBRGH @ 0x19C;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2678: asm("SPBRGH equ 019Ch");
+[; <" SPBRGH equ 019Ch ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2681: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2682: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2683: unsigned SPBRGH :8;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2684: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2685: } SPBRGHbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2686: extern volatile SPBRGHbits_t SPBRGHbits @ 0x19C;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2695: extern volatile unsigned char RCSTA @ 0x19D;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2697: asm("RCSTA equ 019Dh");
+[; <" RCSTA equ 019Dh ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2700: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2701: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2702: unsigned RX9D :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2703: unsigned OERR :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2704: unsigned FERR :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2705: unsigned ADDEN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2706: unsigned CREN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2707: unsigned SREN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2708: unsigned RX9 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2709: unsigned SPEN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2710: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2711: } RCSTAbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2712: extern volatile RCSTAbits_t RCSTAbits @ 0x19D;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2756: extern volatile unsigned char TXSTA @ 0x19E;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2758: asm("TXSTA equ 019Eh");
+[; <" TXSTA equ 019Eh ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2761: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2762: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2763: unsigned TX9D :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2764: unsigned TRMT :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2765: unsigned BRGH :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2766: unsigned SENDB :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2767: unsigned SYNC :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2768: unsigned TXEN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2769: unsigned TX9 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2770: unsigned CSRC :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2771: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2772: } TXSTAbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2773: extern volatile TXSTAbits_t TXSTAbits @ 0x19E;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2817: extern volatile unsigned char BAUDCON @ 0x19F;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2819: asm("BAUDCON equ 019Fh");
+[; <" BAUDCON equ 019Fh ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2822: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2823: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2824: unsigned ABDEN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2825: unsigned WUE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2826: unsigned :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2827: unsigned BRG16 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2828: unsigned SCKP :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2829: unsigned :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2830: unsigned RCIDL :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2831: unsigned ABDOVF :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2832: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2833: } BAUDCONbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2834: extern volatile BAUDCONbits_t BAUDCONbits @ 0x19F;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2868: extern volatile unsigned char WPUA @ 0x20C;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2870: asm("WPUA equ 020Ch");
+[; <" WPUA equ 020Ch ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2873: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2874: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2875: unsigned WPUA0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2876: unsigned WPUA1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2877: unsigned WPUA2 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2878: unsigned WPUA3 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2879: unsigned WPUA4 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2880: unsigned WPUA5 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2881: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2882: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2883: unsigned WPUA :6;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2884: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2885: } WPUAbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2886: extern volatile WPUAbits_t WPUAbits @ 0x20C;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2925: extern volatile unsigned char SSP1BUF @ 0x211;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2927: asm("SSP1BUF equ 0211h");
+[; <" SSP1BUF equ 0211h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2930: extern volatile unsigned char SSPBUF @ 0x211;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2932: asm("SSPBUF equ 0211h");
+[; <" SSPBUF equ 0211h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2935: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2936: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2937: unsigned SSPBUF :8;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2938: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2939: } SSP1BUFbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2940: extern volatile SSP1BUFbits_t SSP1BUFbits @ 0x211;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2948: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2949: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2950: unsigned SSPBUF :8;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2951: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2952: } SSPBUFbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2953: extern volatile SSPBUFbits_t SSPBUFbits @ 0x211;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2962: extern volatile unsigned char SSP1ADD @ 0x212;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2964: asm("SSP1ADD equ 0212h");
+[; <" SSP1ADD equ 0212h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2967: extern volatile unsigned char SSPADD @ 0x212;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2969: asm("SSPADD equ 0212h");
+[; <" SSPADD equ 0212h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2972: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2973: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2974: unsigned SSPADD :8;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2975: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2976: } SSP1ADDbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2977: extern volatile SSP1ADDbits_t SSP1ADDbits @ 0x212;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2985: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2986: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2987: unsigned SSPADD :8;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2988: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2989: } SSPADDbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2990: extern volatile SSPADDbits_t SSPADDbits @ 0x212;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 2999: extern volatile unsigned char SSP1MSK @ 0x213;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3001: asm("SSP1MSK equ 0213h");
+[; <" SSP1MSK equ 0213h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3004: extern volatile unsigned char SSPMSK @ 0x213;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3006: asm("SSPMSK equ 0213h");
+[; <" SSPMSK equ 0213h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3009: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3010: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3011: unsigned SSPMSK :8;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3012: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3013: } SSP1MSKbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3014: extern volatile SSP1MSKbits_t SSP1MSKbits @ 0x213;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3022: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3023: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3024: unsigned SSPMSK :8;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3025: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3026: } SSPMSKbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3027: extern volatile SSPMSKbits_t SSPMSKbits @ 0x213;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3036: extern volatile unsigned char SSP1STAT @ 0x214;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3038: asm("SSP1STAT equ 0214h");
+[; <" SSP1STAT equ 0214h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3041: extern volatile unsigned char SSPSTAT @ 0x214;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3043: asm("SSPSTAT equ 0214h");
+[; <" SSPSTAT equ 0214h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3046: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3047: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3048: unsigned BF :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3049: unsigned UA :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3050: unsigned R_nW :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3051: unsigned S :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3052: unsigned P :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3053: unsigned D_nA :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3054: unsigned CKE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3055: unsigned SMP :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3056: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3057: } SSP1STATbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3058: extern volatile SSP1STATbits_t SSP1STATbits @ 0x214;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3101: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3102: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3103: unsigned BF :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3104: unsigned UA :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3105: unsigned R_nW :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3106: unsigned S :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3107: unsigned P :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3108: unsigned D_nA :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3109: unsigned CKE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3110: unsigned SMP :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3111: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3112: } SSPSTATbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3113: extern volatile SSPSTATbits_t SSPSTATbits @ 0x214;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3157: extern volatile unsigned char SSP1CON1 @ 0x215;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3159: asm("SSP1CON1 equ 0215h");
+[; <" SSP1CON1 equ 0215h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3162: extern volatile unsigned char SSPCON1 @ 0x215;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3164: asm("SSPCON1 equ 0215h");
+[; <" SSPCON1 equ 0215h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3166: extern volatile unsigned char SSPCON @ 0x215;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3168: asm("SSPCON equ 0215h");
+[; <" SSPCON equ 0215h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3171: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3172: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3173: unsigned SSPM0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3174: unsigned SSPM1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3175: unsigned SSPM2 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3176: unsigned SSPM3 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3177: unsigned CKP :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3178: unsigned SSPEN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3179: unsigned SSPOV :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3180: unsigned WCOL :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3181: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3182: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3183: unsigned SSPM :4;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3184: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3185: } SSP1CON1bits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3186: extern volatile SSP1CON1bits_t SSP1CON1bits @ 0x215;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3234: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3235: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3236: unsigned SSPM0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3237: unsigned SSPM1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3238: unsigned SSPM2 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3239: unsigned SSPM3 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3240: unsigned CKP :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3241: unsigned SSPEN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3242: unsigned SSPOV :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3243: unsigned WCOL :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3244: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3245: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3246: unsigned SSPM :4;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3247: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3248: } SSPCON1bits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3249: extern volatile SSPCON1bits_t SSPCON1bits @ 0x215;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3296: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3297: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3298: unsigned SSPM0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3299: unsigned SSPM1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3300: unsigned SSPM2 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3301: unsigned SSPM3 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3302: unsigned CKP :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3303: unsigned SSPEN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3304: unsigned SSPOV :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3305: unsigned WCOL :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3306: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3307: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3308: unsigned SSPM :4;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3309: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3310: } SSPCONbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3311: extern volatile SSPCONbits_t SSPCONbits @ 0x215;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3360: extern volatile unsigned char SSP1CON2 @ 0x216;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3362: asm("SSP1CON2 equ 0216h");
+[; <" SSP1CON2 equ 0216h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3365: extern volatile unsigned char SSPCON2 @ 0x216;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3367: asm("SSPCON2 equ 0216h");
+[; <" SSPCON2 equ 0216h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3370: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3371: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3372: unsigned SEN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3373: unsigned RSEN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3374: unsigned PEN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3375: unsigned RCEN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3376: unsigned ACKEN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3377: unsigned ACKDT :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3378: unsigned ACKSTAT :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3379: unsigned GCEN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3380: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3381: } SSP1CON2bits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3382: extern volatile SSP1CON2bits_t SSP1CON2bits @ 0x216;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3425: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3426: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3427: unsigned SEN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3428: unsigned RSEN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3429: unsigned PEN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3430: unsigned RCEN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3431: unsigned ACKEN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3432: unsigned ACKDT :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3433: unsigned ACKSTAT :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3434: unsigned GCEN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3435: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3436: } SSPCON2bits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3437: extern volatile SSPCON2bits_t SSPCON2bits @ 0x216;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3481: extern volatile unsigned char SSP1CON3 @ 0x217;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3483: asm("SSP1CON3 equ 0217h");
+[; <" SSP1CON3 equ 0217h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3486: extern volatile unsigned char SSPCON3 @ 0x217;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3488: asm("SSPCON3 equ 0217h");
+[; <" SSPCON3 equ 0217h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3491: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3492: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3493: unsigned DHEN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3494: unsigned AHEN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3495: unsigned SBCDE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3496: unsigned SDAHT :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3497: unsigned BOEN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3498: unsigned SCIE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3499: unsigned PCIE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3500: unsigned ACKTIM :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3501: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3502: } SSP1CON3bits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3503: extern volatile SSP1CON3bits_t SSP1CON3bits @ 0x217;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3546: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3547: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3548: unsigned DHEN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3549: unsigned AHEN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3550: unsigned SBCDE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3551: unsigned SDAHT :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3552: unsigned BOEN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3553: unsigned SCIE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3554: unsigned PCIE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3555: unsigned ACKTIM :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3556: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3557: } SSPCON3bits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3558: extern volatile SSPCON3bits_t SSPCON3bits @ 0x217;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3602: extern volatile unsigned char CCPR1L @ 0x291;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3604: asm("CCPR1L equ 0291h");
+[; <" CCPR1L equ 0291h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3607: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3608: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3609: unsigned CCPR1L :8;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3610: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3611: } CCPR1Lbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3612: extern volatile CCPR1Lbits_t CCPR1Lbits @ 0x291;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3621: extern volatile unsigned char CCPR1H @ 0x292;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3623: asm("CCPR1H equ 0292h");
+[; <" CCPR1H equ 0292h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3626: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3627: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3628: unsigned CCPR1H :8;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3629: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3630: } CCPR1Hbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3631: extern volatile CCPR1Hbits_t CCPR1Hbits @ 0x292;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3640: extern volatile unsigned char CCP1CON @ 0x293;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3642: asm("CCP1CON equ 0293h");
+[; <" CCP1CON equ 0293h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3645: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3646: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3647: unsigned CCP1M0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3648: unsigned CCP1M1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3649: unsigned CCP1M2 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3650: unsigned CCP1M3 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3651: unsigned DC1B0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3652: unsigned DC1B1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3653: unsigned P1M0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3654: unsigned P1M1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3655: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3656: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3657: unsigned CCP1M :4;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3658: unsigned DC1B :2;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3659: unsigned P1M :2;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3660: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3661: } CCP1CONbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3662: extern volatile CCP1CONbits_t CCP1CONbits @ 0x293;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3721: extern volatile unsigned char PWM1CON @ 0x294;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3723: asm("PWM1CON equ 0294h");
+[; <" PWM1CON equ 0294h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3726: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3727: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3728: unsigned P1DC0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3729: unsigned P1DC1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3730: unsigned P1DC2 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3731: unsigned P1DC3 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3732: unsigned P1DC4 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3733: unsigned P1DC5 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3734: unsigned P1DC6 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3735: unsigned P1RSEN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3736: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3737: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3738: unsigned P1DC :7;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3739: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3740: } PWM1CONbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3741: extern volatile PWM1CONbits_t PWM1CONbits @ 0x294;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3790: extern volatile unsigned char CCP1AS @ 0x295;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3792: asm("CCP1AS equ 0295h");
+[; <" CCP1AS equ 0295h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3795: extern volatile unsigned char ECCP1AS @ 0x295;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3797: asm("ECCP1AS equ 0295h");
+[; <" ECCP1AS equ 0295h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3800: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3801: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3802: unsigned PSS1BD0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3803: unsigned PSS1BD1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3804: unsigned PSS1AC0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3805: unsigned PSS1AC1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3806: unsigned CCP1AS0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3807: unsigned CCP1AS1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3808: unsigned CCP1AS2 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3809: unsigned CCP1ASE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3810: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3811: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3812: unsigned PSS1BD :2;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3813: unsigned PSS1AC :2;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3814: unsigned CCP1AS :3;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3815: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3816: } CCP1ASbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3817: extern volatile CCP1ASbits_t CCP1ASbits @ 0x295;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3875: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3876: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3877: unsigned PSS1BD0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3878: unsigned PSS1BD1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3879: unsigned PSS1AC0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3880: unsigned PSS1AC1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3881: unsigned CCP1AS0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3882: unsigned CCP1AS1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3883: unsigned CCP1AS2 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3884: unsigned CCP1ASE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3885: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3886: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3887: unsigned PSS1BD :2;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3888: unsigned PSS1AC :2;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3889: unsigned CCP1AS :3;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3890: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3891: } ECCP1ASbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3892: extern volatile ECCP1ASbits_t ECCP1ASbits @ 0x295;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3951: extern volatile unsigned char PSTR1CON @ 0x296;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3953: asm("PSTR1CON equ 0296h");
+[; <" PSTR1CON equ 0296h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3956: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3957: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3958: unsigned STR1A :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3959: unsigned STR1B :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3960: unsigned :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3961: unsigned :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3962: unsigned STR1SYNC :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3963: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3964: } PSTR1CONbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3965: extern volatile PSTR1CONbits_t PSTR1CONbits @ 0x296;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3984: extern volatile unsigned char IOCAP @ 0x391;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3986: asm("IOCAP equ 0391h");
+[; <" IOCAP equ 0391h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3989: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3990: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3991: unsigned IOCAP0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3992: unsigned IOCAP1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3993: unsigned IOCAP2 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3994: unsigned IOCAP3 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3995: unsigned IOCAP4 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3996: unsigned IOCAP5 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3997: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3998: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 3999: unsigned IOCAP :6;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4000: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4001: } IOCAPbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4002: extern volatile IOCAPbits_t IOCAPbits @ 0x391;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4041: extern volatile unsigned char IOCAN @ 0x392;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4043: asm("IOCAN equ 0392h");
+[; <" IOCAN equ 0392h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4046: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4047: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4048: unsigned IOCAN0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4049: unsigned IOCAN1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4050: unsigned IOCAN2 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4051: unsigned IOCAN3 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4052: unsigned IOCAN4 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4053: unsigned IOCAN5 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4054: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4055: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4056: unsigned IOCAN :6;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4057: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4058: } IOCANbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4059: extern volatile IOCANbits_t IOCANbits @ 0x392;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4098: extern volatile unsigned char IOCAF @ 0x393;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4100: asm("IOCAF equ 0393h");
+[; <" IOCAF equ 0393h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4103: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4104: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4105: unsigned IOCAF0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4106: unsigned IOCAF1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4107: unsigned IOCAF2 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4108: unsigned IOCAF3 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4109: unsigned IOCAF4 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4110: unsigned IOCAF5 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4111: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4112: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4113: unsigned IOCAF :6;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4114: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4115: } IOCAFbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4116: extern volatile IOCAFbits_t IOCAFbits @ 0x393;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4155: extern volatile unsigned char CLKRCON @ 0x39A;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4157: asm("CLKRCON equ 039Ah");
+[; <" CLKRCON equ 039Ah ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4160: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4161: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4162: unsigned CLKRDIV0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4163: unsigned CLKRDIV1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4164: unsigned CLKRDIV2 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4165: unsigned CLKRDC0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4166: unsigned CLKRDC1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4167: unsigned CLKRSLR :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4168: unsigned CLKROE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4169: unsigned CLKREN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4170: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4171: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4172: unsigned CLKRDIV :3;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4173: unsigned CLKRDC :2;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4174: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4175: } CLKRCONbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4176: extern volatile CLKRCONbits_t CLKRCONbits @ 0x39A;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4230: extern volatile unsigned char MDCON @ 0x39C;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4232: asm("MDCON equ 039Ch");
+[; <" MDCON equ 039Ch ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4235: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4236: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4237: unsigned MDBIT :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4238: unsigned :2;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4239: unsigned MDOUT :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4240: unsigned MDOPOL :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4241: unsigned MDSLR :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4242: unsigned MDOE :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4243: unsigned MDEN :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4244: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4245: } MDCONbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4246: extern volatile MDCONbits_t MDCONbits @ 0x39C;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4280: extern volatile unsigned char MDSRC @ 0x39D;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4282: asm("MDSRC equ 039Dh");
+[; <" MDSRC equ 039Dh ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4285: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4286: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4287: unsigned MDMS0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4288: unsigned MDMS1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4289: unsigned MDMS2 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4290: unsigned MDMS3 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4291: unsigned :3;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4292: unsigned MDMSODIS :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4293: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4294: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4295: unsigned MDMS :4;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4296: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4297: } MDSRCbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4298: extern volatile MDSRCbits_t MDSRCbits @ 0x39D;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4332: extern volatile unsigned char MDCARL @ 0x39E;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4334: asm("MDCARL equ 039Eh");
+[; <" MDCARL equ 039Eh ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4337: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4338: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4339: unsigned MDCL0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4340: unsigned MDCL1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4341: unsigned MDCL2 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4342: unsigned MDCL3 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4343: unsigned :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4344: unsigned MDCLSYNC :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4345: unsigned MDCLPOL :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4346: unsigned MDCLODIS :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4347: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4348: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4349: unsigned MDCL :4;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4350: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4351: } MDCARLbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4352: extern volatile MDCARLbits_t MDCARLbits @ 0x39E;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4396: extern volatile unsigned char MDCARH @ 0x39F;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4398: asm("MDCARH equ 039Fh");
+[; <" MDCARH equ 039Fh ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4401: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4402: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4403: unsigned MDCH0 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4404: unsigned MDCH1 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4405: unsigned MDCH2 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4406: unsigned MDCH3 :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4407: unsigned :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4408: unsigned MDCHSYNC :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4409: unsigned MDCHPOL :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4410: unsigned MDCHODIS :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4411: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4412: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4413: unsigned MDCH :4;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4414: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4415: } MDCARHbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4416: extern volatile MDCARHbits_t MDCARHbits @ 0x39F;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4460: extern volatile unsigned char STATUS_SHAD @ 0xFE4;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4462: asm("STATUS_SHAD equ 0FE4h");
+[; <" STATUS_SHAD equ 0FE4h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4465: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4466: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4467: unsigned C_SHAD :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4468: unsigned DC_SHAD :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4469: unsigned Z_SHAD :1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4470: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4471: } STATUS_SHADbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4472: extern volatile STATUS_SHADbits_t STATUS_SHADbits @ 0xFE4;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4491: extern volatile unsigned char WREG_SHAD @ 0xFE5;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4493: asm("WREG_SHAD equ 0FE5h");
+[; <" WREG_SHAD equ 0FE5h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4496: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4497: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4498: unsigned WREG_SHAD :8;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4499: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4500: } WREG_SHADbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4501: extern volatile WREG_SHADbits_t WREG_SHADbits @ 0xFE5;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4510: extern volatile unsigned char BSR_SHAD @ 0xFE6;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4512: asm("BSR_SHAD equ 0FE6h");
+[; <" BSR_SHAD equ 0FE6h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4515: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4516: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4517: unsigned BSR_SHAD :5;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4518: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4519: } BSR_SHADbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4520: extern volatile BSR_SHADbits_t BSR_SHADbits @ 0xFE6;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4529: extern volatile unsigned char PCLATH_SHAD @ 0xFE7;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4531: asm("PCLATH_SHAD equ 0FE7h");
+[; <" PCLATH_SHAD equ 0FE7h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4534: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4535: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4536: unsigned PCLATH_SHAD :7;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4537: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4538: } PCLATH_SHADbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4539: extern volatile PCLATH_SHADbits_t PCLATH_SHADbits @ 0xFE7;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4548: extern volatile unsigned char FSR0L_SHAD @ 0xFE8;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4550: asm("FSR0L_SHAD equ 0FE8h");
+[; <" FSR0L_SHAD equ 0FE8h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4553: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4554: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4555: unsigned FSR0L_SHAD :8;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4556: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4557: } FSR0L_SHADbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4558: extern volatile FSR0L_SHADbits_t FSR0L_SHADbits @ 0xFE8;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4567: extern volatile unsigned char FSR0H_SHAD @ 0xFE9;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4569: asm("FSR0H_SHAD equ 0FE9h");
+[; <" FSR0H_SHAD equ 0FE9h ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4572: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4573: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4574: unsigned FSR0H_SHAD :8;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4575: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4576: } FSR0H_SHADbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4577: extern volatile FSR0H_SHADbits_t FSR0H_SHADbits @ 0xFE9;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4586: extern volatile unsigned char FSR1L_SHAD @ 0xFEA;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4588: asm("FSR1L_SHAD equ 0FEAh");
+[; <" FSR1L_SHAD equ 0FEAh ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4591: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4592: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4593: unsigned FSR1L_SHAD :8;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4594: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4595: } FSR1L_SHADbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4596: extern volatile FSR1L_SHADbits_t FSR1L_SHADbits @ 0xFEA;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4605: extern volatile unsigned char FSR1H_SHAD @ 0xFEB;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4607: asm("FSR1H_SHAD equ 0FEBh");
+[; <" FSR1H_SHAD equ 0FEBh ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4610: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4611: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4612: unsigned FSR1H_SHAD :8;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4613: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4614: } FSR1H_SHADbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4615: extern volatile FSR1H_SHADbits_t FSR1H_SHADbits @ 0xFEB;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4624: extern volatile unsigned char STKPTR @ 0xFED;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4626: asm("STKPTR equ 0FEDh");
+[; <" STKPTR equ 0FEDh ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4629: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4630: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4631: unsigned STKPTR :5;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4632: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4633: } STKPTRbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4634: extern volatile STKPTRbits_t STKPTRbits @ 0xFED;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4643: extern volatile unsigned char TOSL @ 0xFEE;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4645: asm("TOSL equ 0FEEh");
+[; <" TOSL equ 0FEEh ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4648: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4649: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4650: unsigned TOSL :8;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4651: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4652: } TOSLbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4653: extern volatile TOSLbits_t TOSLbits @ 0xFEE;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4662: extern volatile unsigned char TOSH @ 0xFEF;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4664: asm("TOSH equ 0FEFh");
+[; <" TOSH equ 0FEFh ;# ">
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4667: typedef union {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4668: struct {
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4669: unsigned TOSH :7;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4670: };
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4671: } TOSHbits_t;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4672: extern volatile TOSHbits_t TOSHbits @ 0xFEF;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4687: extern volatile __bit ABDEN @ (((unsigned) &BAUDCON)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4689: extern volatile __bit ABDOVF @ (((unsigned) &BAUDCON)*8) + 7;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4691: extern volatile __bit ACKDT @ (((unsigned) &SSP1CON2)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4693: extern volatile __bit ACKEN @ (((unsigned) &SSP1CON2)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4695: extern volatile __bit ACKSTAT @ (((unsigned) &SSP1CON2)*8) + 6;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4697: extern volatile __bit ACKTIM @ (((unsigned) &SSP1CON3)*8) + 7;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4699: extern volatile __bit ADCS0 @ (((unsigned) &ADCON1)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4701: extern volatile __bit ADCS1 @ (((unsigned) &ADCON1)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4703: extern volatile __bit ADCS2 @ (((unsigned) &ADCON1)*8) + 6;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4705: extern volatile __bit ADDEN @ (((unsigned) &RCSTA)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4707: extern volatile __bit ADFM @ (((unsigned) &ADCON1)*8) + 7;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4709: extern volatile __bit ADFVR0 @ (((unsigned) &FVRCON)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4711: extern volatile __bit ADFVR1 @ (((unsigned) &FVRCON)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4713: extern volatile __bit ADGO @ (((unsigned) &ADCON0)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4715: extern volatile __bit ADIE @ (((unsigned) &PIE1)*8) + 6;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4717: extern volatile __bit ADIF @ (((unsigned) &PIR1)*8) + 6;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4719: extern volatile __bit ADON @ (((unsigned) &ADCON0)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4721: extern volatile __bit ADPREF0 @ (((unsigned) &ADCON1)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4723: extern volatile __bit ADPREF1 @ (((unsigned) &ADCON1)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4725: extern volatile __bit AHEN @ (((unsigned) &SSP1CON3)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4727: extern volatile __bit ANSA0 @ (((unsigned) &ANSELA)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4729: extern volatile __bit ANSA1 @ (((unsigned) &ANSELA)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4731: extern volatile __bit ANSA2 @ (((unsigned) &ANSELA)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4733: extern volatile __bit ANSA4 @ (((unsigned) &ANSELA)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4735: extern volatile __bit BCL1IE @ (((unsigned) &PIE2)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4737: extern volatile __bit BCL1IF @ (((unsigned) &PIR2)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4739: extern volatile __bit BF @ (((unsigned) &SSP1STAT)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4741: extern volatile __bit BOEN @ (((unsigned) &SSP1CON3)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4743: extern volatile __bit BORFS @ (((unsigned) &BORCON)*8) + 6;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4745: extern volatile __bit BORRDY @ (((unsigned) &BORCON)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4747: extern volatile __bit BRG16 @ (((unsigned) &BAUDCON)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4749: extern volatile __bit BRGH @ (((unsigned) &TXSTA)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4751: extern volatile __bit BSR0 @ (((unsigned) &BSR)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4753: extern volatile __bit BSR1 @ (((unsigned) &BSR)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4755: extern volatile __bit BSR2 @ (((unsigned) &BSR)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4757: extern volatile __bit BSR3 @ (((unsigned) &BSR)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4759: extern volatile __bit BSR4 @ (((unsigned) &BSR)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4761: extern volatile __bit C1HYS @ (((unsigned) &CM1CON0)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4763: extern volatile __bit C1IE @ (((unsigned) &PIE2)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4765: extern volatile __bit C1IF @ (((unsigned) &PIR2)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4767: extern volatile __bit C1INTN @ (((unsigned) &CM1CON1)*8) + 6;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4769: extern volatile __bit C1INTP @ (((unsigned) &CM1CON1)*8) + 7;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4771: extern volatile __bit C1NCH @ (((unsigned) &CM1CON1)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4773: extern volatile __bit C1NCH0 @ (((unsigned) &CM1CON1)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4775: extern volatile __bit C1OE @ (((unsigned) &CM1CON0)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4777: extern volatile __bit C1ON @ (((unsigned) &CM1CON0)*8) + 7;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4779: extern volatile __bit C1OUT @ (((unsigned) &CM1CON0)*8) + 6;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4781: extern volatile __bit C1PCH0 @ (((unsigned) &CM1CON1)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4783: extern volatile __bit C1PCH1 @ (((unsigned) &CM1CON1)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4785: extern volatile __bit C1POL @ (((unsigned) &CM1CON0)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4787: extern volatile __bit C1SP @ (((unsigned) &CM1CON0)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4789: extern volatile __bit C1SYNC @ (((unsigned) &CM1CON0)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4791: extern volatile __bit CARRY @ (((unsigned) &STATUS)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4793: extern volatile __bit CCP1AS0 @ (((unsigned) &CCP1AS)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4795: extern volatile __bit CCP1AS1 @ (((unsigned) &CCP1AS)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4797: extern volatile __bit CCP1AS2 @ (((unsigned) &CCP1AS)*8) + 6;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4799: extern volatile __bit CCP1ASE @ (((unsigned) &CCP1AS)*8) + 7;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4801: extern volatile __bit CCP1IE @ (((unsigned) &PIE1)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4803: extern volatile __bit CCP1IF @ (((unsigned) &PIR1)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4805: extern volatile __bit CCP1M0 @ (((unsigned) &CCP1CON)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4807: extern volatile __bit CCP1M1 @ (((unsigned) &CCP1CON)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4809: extern volatile __bit CCP1M2 @ (((unsigned) &CCP1CON)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4811: extern volatile __bit CCP1M3 @ (((unsigned) &CCP1CON)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4813: extern volatile __bit CCP1SEL @ (((unsigned) &APFCON)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4815: extern volatile __bit CDAFVR0 @ (((unsigned) &FVRCON)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4817: extern volatile __bit CDAFVR1 @ (((unsigned) &FVRCON)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4819: extern volatile __bit CFGS @ (((unsigned) &EECON1)*8) + 6;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4821: extern volatile __bit CHS0 @ (((unsigned) &ADCON0)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4823: extern volatile __bit CHS1 @ (((unsigned) &ADCON0)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4825: extern volatile __bit CHS2 @ (((unsigned) &ADCON0)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4827: extern volatile __bit CHS3 @ (((unsigned) &ADCON0)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4829: extern volatile __bit CHS4 @ (((unsigned) &ADCON0)*8) + 6;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4831: extern volatile __bit CKE @ (((unsigned) &SSP1STAT)*8) + 6;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4833: extern volatile __bit CKP @ (((unsigned) &SSP1CON1)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4835: extern volatile __bit CLKRDC0 @ (((unsigned) &CLKRCON)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4837: extern volatile __bit CLKRDC1 @ (((unsigned) &CLKRCON)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4839: extern volatile __bit CLKRDIV0 @ (((unsigned) &CLKRCON)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4841: extern volatile __bit CLKRDIV1 @ (((unsigned) &CLKRCON)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4843: extern volatile __bit CLKRDIV2 @ (((unsigned) &CLKRCON)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4845: extern volatile __bit CLKREN @ (((unsigned) &CLKRCON)*8) + 7;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4847: extern volatile __bit CLKROE @ (((unsigned) &CLKRCON)*8) + 6;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4849: extern volatile __bit CLKRSLR @ (((unsigned) &CLKRCON)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4851: extern volatile __bit CPSCH0 @ (((unsigned) &CPSCON1)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4853: extern volatile __bit CPSCH1 @ (((unsigned) &CPSCON1)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4855: extern volatile __bit CPSON @ (((unsigned) &CPSCON0)*8) + 7;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4857: extern volatile __bit CPSOUT @ (((unsigned) &CPSCON0)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4859: extern volatile __bit CPSRM @ (((unsigned) &CPSCON0)*8) + 6;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4861: extern volatile __bit CPSRNG0 @ (((unsigned) &CPSCON0)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4863: extern volatile __bit CPSRNG1 @ (((unsigned) &CPSCON0)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4865: extern volatile __bit CREN @ (((unsigned) &RCSTA)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4867: extern volatile __bit CSRC @ (((unsigned) &TXSTA)*8) + 7;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4869: extern volatile __bit C_SHAD @ (((unsigned) &STATUS_SHAD)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4871: extern volatile __bit DACEN @ (((unsigned) &DACCON0)*8) + 7;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4873: extern volatile __bit DACLPS @ (((unsigned) &DACCON0)*8) + 6;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4875: extern volatile __bit DACOE @ (((unsigned) &DACCON0)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4877: extern volatile __bit DACPSS0 @ (((unsigned) &DACCON0)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4879: extern volatile __bit DACPSS1 @ (((unsigned) &DACCON0)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4881: extern volatile __bit DACR0 @ (((unsigned) &DACCON1)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4883: extern volatile __bit DACR1 @ (((unsigned) &DACCON1)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4885: extern volatile __bit DACR2 @ (((unsigned) &DACCON1)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4887: extern volatile __bit DACR3 @ (((unsigned) &DACCON1)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4889: extern volatile __bit DACR4 @ (((unsigned) &DACCON1)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4891: extern volatile __bit DC @ (((unsigned) &STATUS)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4893: extern volatile __bit DC1B0 @ (((unsigned) &CCP1CON)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4895: extern volatile __bit DC1B1 @ (((unsigned) &CCP1CON)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4897: extern volatile __bit DC_SHAD @ (((unsigned) &STATUS_SHAD)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4899: extern volatile __bit DHEN @ (((unsigned) &SSP1CON3)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4901: extern volatile __bit D_nA @ (((unsigned) &SSP1STAT)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4903: extern volatile __bit EEIE @ (((unsigned) &PIE2)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4905: extern volatile __bit EEIF @ (((unsigned) &PIR2)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4907: extern volatile __bit EEPGD @ (((unsigned) &EECON1)*8) + 7;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4909: extern volatile __bit FERR @ (((unsigned) &RCSTA)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4911: extern volatile __bit FREE @ (((unsigned) &EECON1)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4913: extern volatile __bit FVREN @ (((unsigned) &FVRCON)*8) + 7;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4915: extern volatile __bit FVRRDY @ (((unsigned) &FVRCON)*8) + 6;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4917: extern volatile __bit GCEN @ (((unsigned) &SSP1CON2)*8) + 7;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4919: extern volatile __bit GIE @ (((unsigned) &INTCON)*8) + 7;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4921: extern volatile __bit GO @ (((unsigned) &ADCON0)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4923: extern volatile __bit GO_nDONE @ (((unsigned) &ADCON0)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4925: extern volatile __bit HFIOFL @ (((unsigned) &OSCSTAT)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4927: extern volatile __bit HFIOFR @ (((unsigned) &OSCSTAT)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4929: extern volatile __bit HFIOFS @ (((unsigned) &OSCSTAT)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4931: extern volatile __bit INTE @ (((unsigned) &INTCON)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4933: extern volatile __bit INTEDG @ (((unsigned) &OPTION_REG)*8) + 6;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4935: extern volatile __bit INTF @ (((unsigned) &INTCON)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4937: extern volatile __bit IOCAF0 @ (((unsigned) &IOCAF)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4939: extern volatile __bit IOCAF1 @ (((unsigned) &IOCAF)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4941: extern volatile __bit IOCAF2 @ (((unsigned) &IOCAF)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4943: extern volatile __bit IOCAF3 @ (((unsigned) &IOCAF)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4945: extern volatile __bit IOCAF4 @ (((unsigned) &IOCAF)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4947: extern volatile __bit IOCAF5 @ (((unsigned) &IOCAF)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4949: extern volatile __bit IOCAN0 @ (((unsigned) &IOCAN)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4951: extern volatile __bit IOCAN1 @ (((unsigned) &IOCAN)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4953: extern volatile __bit IOCAN2 @ (((unsigned) &IOCAN)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4955: extern volatile __bit IOCAN3 @ (((unsigned) &IOCAN)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4957: extern volatile __bit IOCAN4 @ (((unsigned) &IOCAN)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4959: extern volatile __bit IOCAN5 @ (((unsigned) &IOCAN)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4961: extern volatile __bit IOCAP0 @ (((unsigned) &IOCAP)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4963: extern volatile __bit IOCAP1 @ (((unsigned) &IOCAP)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4965: extern volatile __bit IOCAP2 @ (((unsigned) &IOCAP)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4967: extern volatile __bit IOCAP3 @ (((unsigned) &IOCAP)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4969: extern volatile __bit IOCAP4 @ (((unsigned) &IOCAP)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4971: extern volatile __bit IOCAP5 @ (((unsigned) &IOCAP)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4973: extern volatile __bit IOCIE @ (((unsigned) &INTCON)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4975: extern volatile __bit IOCIF @ (((unsigned) &INTCON)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4977: extern volatile __bit IRCF0 @ (((unsigned) &OSCCON)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4979: extern volatile __bit IRCF1 @ (((unsigned) &OSCCON)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4981: extern volatile __bit IRCF2 @ (((unsigned) &OSCCON)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4983: extern volatile __bit IRCF3 @ (((unsigned) &OSCCON)*8) + 6;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4985: extern volatile __bit LATA0 @ (((unsigned) &LATA)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4987: extern volatile __bit LATA1 @ (((unsigned) &LATA)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4989: extern volatile __bit LATA2 @ (((unsigned) &LATA)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4991: extern volatile __bit LATA4 @ (((unsigned) &LATA)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4993: extern volatile __bit LATA5 @ (((unsigned) &LATA)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4995: extern volatile __bit LFIOFR @ (((unsigned) &OSCSTAT)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4997: extern volatile __bit LWLO @ (((unsigned) &EECON1)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 4999: extern volatile __bit MC1OUT @ (((unsigned) &CMOUT)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5001: extern volatile __bit MDBIT @ (((unsigned) &MDCON)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5003: extern volatile __bit MDCH0 @ (((unsigned) &MDCARH)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5005: extern volatile __bit MDCH1 @ (((unsigned) &MDCARH)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5007: extern volatile __bit MDCH2 @ (((unsigned) &MDCARH)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5009: extern volatile __bit MDCH3 @ (((unsigned) &MDCARH)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5011: extern volatile __bit MDCHODIS @ (((unsigned) &MDCARH)*8) + 7;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5013: extern volatile __bit MDCHPOL @ (((unsigned) &MDCARH)*8) + 6;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5015: extern volatile __bit MDCHSYNC @ (((unsigned) &MDCARH)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5017: extern volatile __bit MDCL0 @ (((unsigned) &MDCARL)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5019: extern volatile __bit MDCL1 @ (((unsigned) &MDCARL)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5021: extern volatile __bit MDCL2 @ (((unsigned) &MDCARL)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5023: extern volatile __bit MDCL3 @ (((unsigned) &MDCARL)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5025: extern volatile __bit MDCLODIS @ (((unsigned) &MDCARL)*8) + 7;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5027: extern volatile __bit MDCLPOL @ (((unsigned) &MDCARL)*8) + 6;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5029: extern volatile __bit MDCLSYNC @ (((unsigned) &MDCARL)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5031: extern volatile __bit MDEN @ (((unsigned) &MDCON)*8) + 7;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5033: extern volatile __bit MDMS0 @ (((unsigned) &MDSRC)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5035: extern volatile __bit MDMS1 @ (((unsigned) &MDSRC)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5037: extern volatile __bit MDMS2 @ (((unsigned) &MDSRC)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5039: extern volatile __bit MDMS3 @ (((unsigned) &MDSRC)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5041: extern volatile __bit MDMSODIS @ (((unsigned) &MDSRC)*8) + 7;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5043: extern volatile __bit MDOE @ (((unsigned) &MDCON)*8) + 6;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5045: extern volatile __bit MDOPOL @ (((unsigned) &MDCON)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5047: extern volatile __bit MDOUT @ (((unsigned) &MDCON)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5049: extern volatile __bit MDSLR @ (((unsigned) &MDCON)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5051: extern volatile __bit MFIOFR @ (((unsigned) &OSCSTAT)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5053: extern volatile __bit OERR @ (((unsigned) &RCSTA)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5055: extern volatile __bit OSFIE @ (((unsigned) &PIE2)*8) + 7;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5057: extern volatile __bit OSFIF @ (((unsigned) &PIR2)*8) + 7;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5059: extern volatile __bit OSTS @ (((unsigned) &OSCSTAT)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5061: extern volatile __bit P1BSEL @ (((unsigned) &APFCON)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5063: extern volatile __bit P1DC0 @ (((unsigned) &PWM1CON)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5065: extern volatile __bit P1DC1 @ (((unsigned) &PWM1CON)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5067: extern volatile __bit P1DC2 @ (((unsigned) &PWM1CON)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5069: extern volatile __bit P1DC3 @ (((unsigned) &PWM1CON)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5071: extern volatile __bit P1DC4 @ (((unsigned) &PWM1CON)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5073: extern volatile __bit P1DC5 @ (((unsigned) &PWM1CON)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5075: extern volatile __bit P1DC6 @ (((unsigned) &PWM1CON)*8) + 6;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5077: extern volatile __bit P1M0 @ (((unsigned) &CCP1CON)*8) + 6;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5079: extern volatile __bit P1M1 @ (((unsigned) &CCP1CON)*8) + 7;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5081: extern volatile __bit P1RSEN @ (((unsigned) &PWM1CON)*8) + 7;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5083: extern volatile __bit PCIE @ (((unsigned) &SSP1CON3)*8) + 6;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5085: extern volatile __bit PEIE @ (((unsigned) &INTCON)*8) + 6;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5087: extern volatile __bit PEN @ (((unsigned) &SSP1CON2)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5089: extern volatile __bit PLLR @ (((unsigned) &OSCSTAT)*8) + 6;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5091: extern volatile __bit PS0 @ (((unsigned) &OPTION_REG)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5093: extern volatile __bit PS1 @ (((unsigned) &OPTION_REG)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5095: extern volatile __bit PS2 @ (((unsigned) &OPTION_REG)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5097: extern volatile __bit PSA @ (((unsigned) &OPTION_REG)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5099: extern volatile __bit PSS1AC0 @ (((unsigned) &CCP1AS)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5101: extern volatile __bit PSS1AC1 @ (((unsigned) &CCP1AS)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5103: extern volatile __bit PSS1BD0 @ (((unsigned) &CCP1AS)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5105: extern volatile __bit PSS1BD1 @ (((unsigned) &CCP1AS)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5107: extern volatile __bit RA0 @ (((unsigned) &PORTA)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5109: extern volatile __bit RA1 @ (((unsigned) &PORTA)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5111: extern volatile __bit RA2 @ (((unsigned) &PORTA)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5113: extern volatile __bit RA3 @ (((unsigned) &PORTA)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5115: extern volatile __bit RA4 @ (((unsigned) &PORTA)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5117: extern volatile __bit RA5 @ (((unsigned) &PORTA)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5119: extern volatile __bit RCEN @ (((unsigned) &SSP1CON2)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5121: extern volatile __bit RCIDL @ (((unsigned) &BAUDCON)*8) + 6;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5123: extern volatile __bit RCIE @ (((unsigned) &PIE1)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5125: extern volatile __bit RCIF @ (((unsigned) &PIR1)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5127: extern volatile __bit RD @ (((unsigned) &EECON1)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5129: extern volatile __bit RSEN @ (((unsigned) &SSP1CON2)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5131: extern volatile __bit RX9 @ (((unsigned) &RCSTA)*8) + 6;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5133: extern volatile __bit RX9D @ (((unsigned) &RCSTA)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5135: extern volatile __bit RXDTSEL @ (((unsigned) &APFCON)*8) + 7;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5137: extern volatile __bit R_nW @ (((unsigned) &SSP1STAT)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5139: extern volatile __bit SBCDE @ (((unsigned) &SSP1CON3)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5141: extern volatile __bit SBOREN @ (((unsigned) &BORCON)*8) + 7;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5143: extern volatile __bit SCIE @ (((unsigned) &SSP1CON3)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5145: extern volatile __bit SCKP @ (((unsigned) &BAUDCON)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5147: extern volatile __bit SCS0 @ (((unsigned) &OSCCON)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5149: extern volatile __bit SCS1 @ (((unsigned) &OSCCON)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5151: extern volatile __bit SDAHT @ (((unsigned) &SSP1CON3)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5153: extern volatile __bit SDO1SEL @ (((unsigned) &APFCON)*8) + 6;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5155: extern volatile __bit SDOSEL @ (((unsigned) &APFCON)*8) + 6;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5157: extern volatile __bit SEN @ (((unsigned) &SSP1CON2)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5159: extern volatile __bit SENDB @ (((unsigned) &TXSTA)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5161: extern volatile __bit SMP @ (((unsigned) &SSP1STAT)*8) + 7;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5163: extern volatile __bit SPEN @ (((unsigned) &RCSTA)*8) + 7;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5165: extern volatile __bit SPLLEN @ (((unsigned) &OSCCON)*8) + 7;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5167: extern volatile __bit SRCLK0 @ (((unsigned) &SRCON0)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5169: extern volatile __bit SRCLK1 @ (((unsigned) &SRCON0)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5171: extern volatile __bit SRCLK2 @ (((unsigned) &SRCON0)*8) + 6;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5173: extern volatile __bit SREN @ (((unsigned) &RCSTA)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5175: extern volatile __bit SRLEN @ (((unsigned) &SRCON0)*8) + 7;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5177: extern volatile __bit SRNQEN @ (((unsigned) &SRCON0)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5179: extern volatile __bit SRPR @ (((unsigned) &SRCON0)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5181: extern volatile __bit SRPS @ (((unsigned) &SRCON0)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5183: extern volatile __bit SRQEN @ (((unsigned) &SRCON0)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5185: extern volatile __bit SRRC1E @ (((unsigned) &SRCON1)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5187: extern volatile __bit SRRCKE @ (((unsigned) &SRCON1)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5189: extern volatile __bit SRRPE @ (((unsigned) &SRCON1)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5191: extern volatile __bit SRSC1E @ (((unsigned) &SRCON1)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5193: extern volatile __bit SRSCKE @ (((unsigned) &SRCON1)*8) + 6;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5195: extern volatile __bit SRSPE @ (((unsigned) &SRCON1)*8) + 7;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5197: extern volatile __bit SS1SEL @ (((unsigned) &APFCON)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5199: extern volatile __bit SSP1IE @ (((unsigned) &PIE1)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5201: extern volatile __bit SSP1IF @ (((unsigned) &PIR1)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5203: extern volatile __bit SSPEN @ (((unsigned) &SSP1CON1)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5205: extern volatile __bit SSPM0 @ (((unsigned) &SSP1CON1)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5207: extern volatile __bit SSPM1 @ (((unsigned) &SSP1CON1)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5209: extern volatile __bit SSPM2 @ (((unsigned) &SSP1CON1)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5211: extern volatile __bit SSPM3 @ (((unsigned) &SSP1CON1)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5213: extern volatile __bit SSPOV @ (((unsigned) &SSP1CON1)*8) + 6;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5215: extern volatile __bit SSSEL @ (((unsigned) &APFCON)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5217: extern volatile __bit STKOVF @ (((unsigned) &PCON)*8) + 7;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5219: extern volatile __bit STKUNF @ (((unsigned) &PCON)*8) + 6;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5221: extern volatile __bit STR1A @ (((unsigned) &PSTR1CON)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5223: extern volatile __bit STR1B @ (((unsigned) &PSTR1CON)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5225: extern volatile __bit STR1SYNC @ (((unsigned) &PSTR1CON)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5227: extern volatile __bit SWDTEN @ (((unsigned) &WDTCON)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5229: extern volatile __bit SYNC @ (((unsigned) &TXSTA)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5231: extern volatile __bit T0CS @ (((unsigned) &OPTION_REG)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5233: extern volatile __bit T0IE @ (((unsigned) &INTCON)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5235: extern volatile __bit T0IF @ (((unsigned) &INTCON)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5237: extern volatile __bit T0SE @ (((unsigned) &OPTION_REG)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5239: extern volatile __bit T0XCS @ (((unsigned) &CPSCON0)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5241: extern volatile __bit T1CKPS0 @ (((unsigned) &T1CON)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5243: extern volatile __bit T1CKPS1 @ (((unsigned) &T1CON)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5245: extern volatile __bit T1GGO @ (((unsigned) &T1GCON)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5247: extern volatile __bit T1GGO_nDONE @ (((unsigned) &T1GCON)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5249: extern volatile __bit T1GPOL @ (((unsigned) &T1GCON)*8) + 6;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5251: extern volatile __bit T1GSEL @ (((unsigned) &APFCON)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5253: extern volatile __bit T1GSPM @ (((unsigned) &T1GCON)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5255: extern volatile __bit T1GSS0 @ (((unsigned) &T1GCON)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5257: extern volatile __bit T1GSS1 @ (((unsigned) &T1GCON)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5259: extern volatile __bit T1GTM @ (((unsigned) &T1GCON)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5261: extern volatile __bit T1GVAL @ (((unsigned) &T1GCON)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5263: extern volatile __bit T1OSCEN @ (((unsigned) &T1CON)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5265: extern volatile __bit T1OSCR @ (((unsigned) &OSCSTAT)*8) + 7;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5267: extern volatile __bit T2CKPS0 @ (((unsigned) &T2CON)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5269: extern volatile __bit T2CKPS1 @ (((unsigned) &T2CON)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5271: extern volatile __bit T2OUTPS0 @ (((unsigned) &T2CON)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5273: extern volatile __bit T2OUTPS1 @ (((unsigned) &T2CON)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5275: extern volatile __bit T2OUTPS2 @ (((unsigned) &T2CON)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5277: extern volatile __bit T2OUTPS3 @ (((unsigned) &T2CON)*8) + 6;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5279: extern volatile __bit TMR0CS @ (((unsigned) &OPTION_REG)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5281: extern volatile __bit TMR0IE @ (((unsigned) &INTCON)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5283: extern volatile __bit TMR0IF @ (((unsigned) &INTCON)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5285: extern volatile __bit TMR0SE @ (((unsigned) &OPTION_REG)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5287: extern volatile __bit TMR1CS0 @ (((unsigned) &T1CON)*8) + 6;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5289: extern volatile __bit TMR1CS1 @ (((unsigned) &T1CON)*8) + 7;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5291: extern volatile __bit TMR1GE @ (((unsigned) &T1GCON)*8) + 7;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5293: extern volatile __bit TMR1GIE @ (((unsigned) &PIE1)*8) + 7;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5295: extern volatile __bit TMR1GIF @ (((unsigned) &PIR1)*8) + 7;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5297: extern volatile __bit TMR1IE @ (((unsigned) &PIE1)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5299: extern volatile __bit TMR1IF @ (((unsigned) &PIR1)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5301: extern volatile __bit TMR1ON @ (((unsigned) &T1CON)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5303: extern volatile __bit TMR2IE @ (((unsigned) &PIE1)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5305: extern volatile __bit TMR2IF @ (((unsigned) &PIR1)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5307: extern volatile __bit TMR2ON @ (((unsigned) &T2CON)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5309: extern volatile __bit TRISA0 @ (((unsigned) &TRISA)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5311: extern volatile __bit TRISA1 @ (((unsigned) &TRISA)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5313: extern volatile __bit TRISA2 @ (((unsigned) &TRISA)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5315: extern volatile __bit TRISA3 @ (((unsigned) &TRISA)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5317: extern volatile __bit TRISA4 @ (((unsigned) &TRISA)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5319: extern volatile __bit TRISA5 @ (((unsigned) &TRISA)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5321: extern volatile __bit TRMT @ (((unsigned) &TXSTA)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5323: extern volatile __bit TSEN @ (((unsigned) &FVRCON)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5325: extern volatile __bit TSRNG @ (((unsigned) &FVRCON)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5327: extern volatile __bit TUN0 @ (((unsigned) &OSCTUNE)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5329: extern volatile __bit TUN1 @ (((unsigned) &OSCTUNE)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5331: extern volatile __bit TUN2 @ (((unsigned) &OSCTUNE)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5333: extern volatile __bit TUN3 @ (((unsigned) &OSCTUNE)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5335: extern volatile __bit TUN4 @ (((unsigned) &OSCTUNE)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5337: extern volatile __bit TUN5 @ (((unsigned) &OSCTUNE)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5339: extern volatile __bit TX9 @ (((unsigned) &TXSTA)*8) + 6;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5341: extern volatile __bit TX9D @ (((unsigned) &TXSTA)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5343: extern volatile __bit TXCKSEL @ (((unsigned) &APFCON)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5345: extern volatile __bit TXEN @ (((unsigned) &TXSTA)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5347: extern volatile __bit TXIE @ (((unsigned) &PIE1)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5349: extern volatile __bit TXIF @ (((unsigned) &PIR1)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5351: extern volatile __bit UA @ (((unsigned) &SSP1STAT)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5353: extern volatile __bit VREGPM0 @ (((unsigned) &VREGCON)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5355: extern volatile __bit VREGPM1 @ (((unsigned) &VREGCON)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5357: extern volatile __bit WCOL @ (((unsigned) &SSP1CON1)*8) + 7;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5359: extern volatile __bit WDTPS0 @ (((unsigned) &WDTCON)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5361: extern volatile __bit WDTPS1 @ (((unsigned) &WDTCON)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5363: extern volatile __bit WDTPS2 @ (((unsigned) &WDTCON)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5365: extern volatile __bit WDTPS3 @ (((unsigned) &WDTCON)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5367: extern volatile __bit WDTPS4 @ (((unsigned) &WDTCON)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5369: extern volatile __bit WPUA0 @ (((unsigned) &WPUA)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5371: extern volatile __bit WPUA1 @ (((unsigned) &WPUA)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5373: extern volatile __bit WPUA2 @ (((unsigned) &WPUA)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5375: extern volatile __bit WPUA3 @ (((unsigned) &WPUA)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5377: extern volatile __bit WPUA4 @ (((unsigned) &WPUA)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5379: extern volatile __bit WPUA5 @ (((unsigned) &WPUA)*8) + 5;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5381: extern volatile __bit WR @ (((unsigned) &EECON1)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5383: extern volatile __bit WREN @ (((unsigned) &EECON1)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5385: extern volatile __bit WRERR @ (((unsigned) &EECON1)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5387: extern volatile __bit WUE @ (((unsigned) &BAUDCON)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5389: extern volatile __bit ZERO @ (((unsigned) &STATUS)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5391: extern volatile __bit Z_SHAD @ (((unsigned) &STATUS_SHAD)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5393: extern volatile __bit nBOR @ (((unsigned) &PCON)*8) + 0;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5395: extern volatile __bit nPD @ (((unsigned) &STATUS)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5397: extern volatile __bit nPOR @ (((unsigned) &PCON)*8) + 1;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5399: extern volatile __bit nRI @ (((unsigned) &PCON)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5401: extern volatile __bit nRMCLR @ (((unsigned) &PCON)*8) + 3;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5403: extern volatile __bit nT1SYNC @ (((unsigned) &T1CON)*8) + 2;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5405: extern volatile __bit nTO @ (((unsigned) &STATUS)*8) + 4;
+[; ;pic12f1840.h: 5407: extern volatile __bit nWPUEN @ (((unsigned) &OPTION_REG)*8) + 7;
+[; ;system.h: 31: void ConfigureOscillator(void);
+[; ;user.h: 13: void InitApp(void);
+[; ;user.h: 14: bool msg_empty(void);
+[; ;user.h: 15: void msg_write(const char *msg);
+[; ;user.h: 16: void msg_writebyte(const char msg);
+[; ;user.h: 17: void msg_sendnext(void);
+[; ;user.h: 18: void tohex(char val[3], char i);
+[; ;user.h: 19: void msg_recvnext(void);
+[; ;user.h: 20: bool msg_recvready(void);
+[; ;user.h: 21: char msg_recv(void);
+[; ;user.h: 22: void putch(char);
+[; ;user.h: 24: void int_disable(void);
+[; ;user.h: 25: void int_enable(void);
+[; ;onewire.h: 11: bool OW_reset(void);
+[; ;onewire.h: 12: void OW_write_bit(bool val);
+[; ;onewire.h: 13: bool OW_read_bit();
+[; ;onewire.h: 14: void OW_write_byte(unsigned char byte);
+[; ;onewire.h: 15: unsigned char OW_read_byte(void);
+[; ;onewire.h: 17: void OW_search_init();
+[; ;onewire.h: 18: bool OW_search(void);
+[; ;onewire.h: 19: void OW_start(void);
+[; ;onewire.h: 21: void OW_identify();
+[; ;onewire.h: 22: bool OW_parasite(void);
+[; ;onewire.h: 23: void OW_read_block(uint8_t code, uint8_t * data, uint8_t len);
+[; ;onewire.h: 24: void OW_convert();
+[; ;onewire.h: 27: inline void drive_OW_low(void);
+[; ;onewire.h: 28: inline void drive_OW_high(void);
+[; ;onewire.h: 29: inline void float_OW(void);
+[; ;onewire.h: 30: inline bool read_OW(void);
+[; ;onewire.h: 32: extern unsigned char romid[8];
+"27 main.c
+[v _outbuff `uc ~T0 @X0 -> 60 `i e ]
+[; ;main.c: 27: char outbuff[60];
+[v _outp `*uc ~T0 @X0 1 e ]
+[i _outp
+-> -> 0 `i `*uc
+[; ;main.c: 28: char * outp = 0;
+[v _outlen `uc ~T0 @X0 1 e ]
+[i _outlen
+-> -> 0 `i `uc
+[; ;main.c: 29: uint8_t outlen = 0;
+[v _inbuff `uc ~T0 @X0 -> 10 `i e ]
+[; ;main.c: 31: char inbuff[10];
+[v _inlen `uc ~T0 @X0 1 e ]
+[i _inlen
+-> -> 0 `i `uc
+[; ;main.c: 32: uint8_t inlen = 0;
+[v _prompt `uc ~T0 @X0 -> 9 `i e ]
+[; ;main.c: 38: char prompt[9];
+[v _banner `*Cuc ~T0 @X0 1 e ]
+[i _banner
+:s 1C
+[; ;main.c: 40: const char * banner = "\r\n\n\nPIC 1-Wire Bridge system. Press 'H' for help.\r\n";
+[v _main `(v ~T0 @X0 1 ef ]
+[; ;main.c: 42: void main(void)
+[; ;main.c: 43: {
+[e :U _main ]
+[f ]
+[; ;main.c: 44: prompt[0] = 'c';
+[e = *U + &U _prompt * -> -> -> 0 `i `ui `ux -> -> # *U &U _prompt `ui `ux -> -> 99 `ui `uc ]
+[; ;main.c: 45: prompt[1] = 'm';
+[e = *U + &U _prompt * -> -> -> 1 `i `ui `ux -> -> # *U &U _prompt `ui `ux -> -> 109 `ui `uc ]
+[; ;main.c: 46: prompt[2] = 'd';
+[e = *U + &U _prompt * -> -> -> 2 `i `ui `ux -> -> # *U &U _prompt `ui `ux -> -> 100 `ui `uc ]
+[; ;main.c: 47: prompt[3] = ' ';
+[e = *U + &U _prompt * -> -> -> 3 `i `ui `ux -> -> # *U &U _prompt `ui `ux -> -> 32 `ui `uc ]
+[; ;main.c: 48: prompt[4] = '?';
+[e = *U + &U _prompt * -> -> -> 4 `i `ui `ux -> -> # *U &U _prompt `ui `ux -> -> 63 `ui `uc ]
+[; ;main.c: 49: prompt[5] = '?';
+[e = *U + &U _prompt * -> -> -> 5 `i `ui `ux -> -> # *U &U _prompt `ui `ux -> -> 63 `ui `uc ]
+[; ;main.c: 50: prompt[6] = '>';
+[e = *U + &U _prompt * -> -> -> 6 `i `ui `ux -> -> # *U &U _prompt `ui `ux -> -> 62 `ui `uc ]
+[; ;main.c: 51: prompt[7] = ' ';
+[e = *U + &U _prompt * -> -> -> 7 `i `ui `ux -> -> # *U &U _prompt `ui `ux -> -> 32 `ui `uc ]
+[; ;main.c: 52: prompt[8] = 0;
+[e = *U + &U _prompt * -> -> -> 8 `i `ui `ux -> -> # *U &U _prompt `ui `ux -> -> 0 `i `uc ]
+[v _usermode `uc ~T0 @X0 1 a ]
+[; ;main.c: 54: bool usermode = 0;
+[e = _usermode -> -> 0 `i `uc ]
+[; ;main.c: 57: ConfigureOscillator();
+[e ( _ConfigureOscillator .. ]
+[; ;main.c: 60: InitApp();
+[e ( _InitApp .. ]
+[; ;main.c: 62: OW_start();
+[e ( _OW_start .. ]
+[; ;main.c: 63: msg_write(banner);
+[e ( _msg_write (1 _banner ]
+[; ;main.c: 66: while(1)
+[e :U 527 ]
+[; ;main.c: 67: {
+[; ;main.c: 68: asm("clrwdt");
+[; <" clrwdt ;# ">
+[; ;main.c: 70: if (TRISAbits.TRISA5 == 1) {
+[e $ ! == -> . . _TRISAbits 0 5 `i -> 1 `i 529 ]
+[; ;main.c: 71: prompt[4] = 'i';
+[e = *U + &U _prompt * -> -> -> 4 `i `ui `ux -> -> # *U &U _prompt `ui `ux -> -> 105 `ui `uc ]
+[; ;main.c: 72: prompt[5] = PORTAbits.RA5 ? '1':'0';
+[e = *U + &U _prompt * -> -> -> 5 `i `ui `ux -> -> # *U &U _prompt `ui `ux -> ? != -> . . _PORTAbits 0 5 `i -> -> -> 0 `i `Vuc `i : -> 49 `ui -> 48 `ui `uc ]
+[; ;main.c: 73: } else {
+[e $U 530 ]
+[e :U 529 ]
+[; ;main.c: 74: prompt[4] = 'o';
+[e = *U + &U _prompt * -> -> -> 4 `i `ui `ux -> -> # *U &U _prompt `ui `ux -> -> 111 `ui `uc ]
+[; ;main.c: 75: prompt[5] = PORTAbits.RA5 ? '1':'0';
+[e = *U + &U _prompt * -> -> -> 5 `i `ui `ux -> -> # *U &U _prompt `ui `ux -> ? != -> . . _PORTAbits 0 5 `i -> -> -> 0 `i `Vuc `i : -> 49 `ui -> 48 `ui `uc ]
+[e :U 530 ]
+[; ;main.c: 76: }
+[; ;main.c: 78: if (!msg_empty()) continue;
+[e $ ! ! != -> ( _msg_empty .. `i -> -> -> 0 `i `uc `i 531 ]
+[e $U 526 ]
+[e :U 531 ]
+[; ;main.c: 80: if (!msg_recvready()) continue;
+[e $ ! ! != -> ( _msg_recvready .. `i -> -> -> 0 `i `uc `i 532 ]
+[e $U 526 ]
+[e :U 532 ]
+[v _cmd `uc ~T0 @X0 1 a ]
+[; ;main.c: 82: char cmd = msg_recv();
+[e = _cmd ( _msg_recv .. ]
+[; ;main.c: 84: if (cmd == '\r' || cmd == '\n') {
+[e $ ! || == -> _cmd `ui -> 13 `ui == -> _cmd `ui -> 10 `ui 533 ]
+[; ;main.c: 85: if (usermode) msg_write("\r\n");
+[e $ ! != -> _usermode `i -> -> -> 0 `i `uc `i 534 ]
+[e ( _msg_write (1 :s 2C ]
+[e :U 534 ]
+[; ;main.c: 86: }else
+[e $U 535 ]
+[e :U 533 ]
+[; ;main.c: 87: if (cmd == 'h' || cmd == 'H') {
+[e $ ! || == -> _cmd `ui -> 104 `ui == -> _cmd `ui -> 72 `ui 536 ]
+[; ;main.c: 88: msg_write(banner);
+[e ( _msg_write (1 _banner ]
+[; ;main.c: 89: msg_write("\nHelp:\r\n");
+[e ( _msg_write (1 :s 3C ]
+[; ;main.c: 90: while (!msg_empty());
+[e $U 537 ]
+[e :U 538 ]
+[e :U 537 ]
+[e $ ! != -> ( _msg_empty .. `i -> -> -> 0 `i `uc `i 538 ]
+[e :U 539 ]
+[; ;main.c: 91: msg_write("E - Enumerate the Bus\r\n");
+[e ( _msg_write (1 :s 4C ]
+[; ;main.c: 92: msg_write("R - Reset Bus\r\n");
+[e ( _msg_write (1 :s 5C ]
+[; ;main.c: 93: while (!msg_empty());
+[e $U 540 ]
+[e :U 541 ]
+[e :U 540 ]
+[e $ ! != -> ( _msg_empty .. `i -> -> -> 0 `i `uc `i 541 ]
+[e :U 542 ]
+[; ;main.c: 94: msg_write("0,1,3 - bus to Low, High, Tristate\r\n");
+[e ( _msg_write (1 :s 6C ]
+[; ;main.c: 95: msg_write("I - Read (one) Device ID\r\n");
+[e ( _msg_write (1 :s 7C ]
+[; ;main.c: 96: while (!msg_empty());
+[e $U 543 ]
+[e :U 544 ]
+[e :U 543 ]
+[e $ ! != -> ( _msg_empty .. `i -> -> -> 0 `i `uc `i 544 ]
+[e :U 545 ]
+[; ;main.c: 97: msg_write("P - Any device parasitic powered?\r\n");
+[e ( _msg_write (1 :s 8C ]
+[; ;main.c: 98: msg_write("S - Read scratchpad memory\r\n");
+[e ( _msg_write (1 :s 9C ]
+[; ;main.c: 99: while (!msg_empty());
+[e $U 546 ]
+[e :U 547 ]
+[e :U 546 ]
+[e $ ! != -> ( _msg_empty .. `i -> -> -> 0 `i `uc `i 547 ]
+[e :U 548 ]
+[; ;main.c: 100: msg_write("T - read temperature of all devices\r\n");
+[e ( _msg_write (1 :s 10C ]
+[; ;main.c: 101: usermode = 1;
+[e = _usermode -> -> 1 `i `uc ]
+[; ;main.c: 102: } else
+[e $U 549 ]
+[e :U 536 ]
+[; ;main.c: 103: if (cmd == 'r' || cmd == 'R') {
+[e $ ! || == -> _cmd `ui -> 114 `ui == -> _cmd `ui -> 82 `ui 550 ]
+[; ;main.c: 104: int_disable();
+[e ( _int_disable .. ]
+[v _present `uc ~T0 @X0 1 a ]
+[; ;main.c: 105: bool present = OW_reset();
+[e = _present ( _OW_reset .. ]
+[; ;main.c: 106: int_enable();
+[e ( _int_enable .. ]
+[; ;main.c: 107: if (usermode) msg_write("\r");
+[e $ ! != -> _usermode `i -> -> -> 0 `i `uc `i 551 ]
+[e ( _msg_write (1 :s 11C ]
+[e :U 551 ]
+[; ;main.c: 108: if (present)
+[e $ ! != -> _present `i -> -> -> 0 `i `uc `i 552 ]
+[; ;main.c: 109: msg_write("RESET Device detected.\r\n");
+[e ( _msg_write (1 :s 12C ]
+[e $U 553 ]
+[e :U 552 ]
+[; ;main.c: 110: else
+[; ;main.c: 111: msg_write("RESET No Devices detected.\r\n");
+[e ( _msg_write (1 :s 13C ]
+[e :U 553 ]
+[; ;main.c: 112: } else
+[e $U 554 ]
+[e :U 550 ]
+[; ;main.c: 113: if (cmd == 'e' || cmd == 'E')
+[e $ ! || == -> _cmd `ui -> 101 `ui == -> _cmd `ui -> 69 `ui 555 ]
+[; ;main.c: 114: {
+[v _count `uc ~T0 @X0 1 a ]
+[; ;main.c: 115: char count = 0;
+[e = _count -> -> 0 `i `uc ]
+[; ;main.c: 116: if (usermode) msg_write("\r");
+[e $ ! != -> _usermode `i -> -> -> 0 `i `uc `i 556 ]
+[e ( _msg_write (1 :s 14C ]
+[e :U 556 ]
+[; ;main.c: 117: OW_search_init();
+[e ( _OW_search_init .. ]
+[; ;main.c: 118: while (OW_search())
+[e $U 557 ]
+[e :U 558 ]
+[; ;main.c: 119: {
+[v _val `uc ~T0 @X0 -> 3 `i a ]
+[; ;main.c: 120: char val[3];
+[; ;main.c: 121: if (usermode) msg_write("ENUM ");
+[e $ ! != -> _usermode `i -> -> -> 0 `i `uc `i 560 ]
+[e ( _msg_write (1 :s 15C ]
+[e :U 560 ]
+[; ;main.c: 122: for (char j=0; j<8; j++) {
+[v _j `uc ~T0 @X0 1 a ]
+[e = _j -> -> 0 `i `uc ]
+[e $ < -> _j `i -> 8 `i 561 ]
+[e $U 562 ]
+[e :U 561 ]
+[; ;main.c: 123: tohex(val, romid[j]);
+[e ( _tohex (2 , &U _val *U + &U _romid * -> _j `ux -> -> # *U &U _romid `ui `ux ]
+[; ;main.c: 124: msg_write(val);
+[e ( _msg_write (1 -> &U _val `*Cuc ]
+[e ++ _j -> -> 1 `i `uc ]
+[e $ < -> _j `i -> 8 `i 561 ]
+[e :U 562 ]
+[; ;main.c: 125: }
+[; ;main.c: 126: if (usermode) msg_write("\r\n"); else msg_write("\n");
+[e $ ! != -> _usermode `i -> -> -> 0 `i `uc `i 564 ]
+[e ( _msg_write (1 :s 16C ]
+[e $U 565 ]
+[e :U 564 ]
+[e ( _msg_write (1 :s 17C ]
+[e :U 565 ]
+[; ;main.c: 127: count++;
+[e ++ _count -> -> 1 `i `uc ]
+[e :U 557 ]
+[e $ != -> ( _OW_search .. `i -> -> -> 0 `i `uc `i 558 ]
+[e :U 559 ]
+[; ;main.c: 128: }
+[; ;main.c: 129: if (usermode) {
+[e $ ! != -> _usermode `i -> -> -> 0 `i `uc `i 566 ]
+[; ;main.c: 130: if (count==0) msg_write("ERROR No devices found\r\n");
+[e $ ! == -> _count `i -> 0 `i 567 ]
+[e ( _msg_write (1 :s 18C ]
+[e :U 567 ]
+[; ;main.c: 131: } else {
+[e $U 568 ]
+[e :U 566 ]
+[; ;main.c: 132: msg_write("END\n");
+[e ( _msg_write (1 :s 19C ]
+[e :U 568 ]
+[; ;main.c: 133: }
+[; ;main.c: 134: }else
+[e $U 569 ]
+[e :U 555 ]
+[; ;main.c: 135: if (cmd == 'i' || cmd == 'I') {
+[e $ ! || == -> _cmd `ui -> 105 `ui == -> _cmd `ui -> 73 `ui 570 ]
+[; ;main.c: 136: OW_identify();
+[e ( _OW_identify .. ]
+[v _val `uc ~T0 @X0 -> 3 `i a ]
+[; ;main.c: 137: char val[3];
+[; ;main.c: 138: if (usermode) msg_write("\rID ");
+[e $ ! != -> _usermode `i -> -> -> 0 `i `uc `i 571 ]
+[e ( _msg_write (1 :s 20C ]
+[e :U 571 ]
+[; ;main.c: 139: for (char j=0; j<8; j++) {
+[v _j `uc ~T0 @X0 1 a ]
+[e = _j -> -> 0 `i `uc ]
+[e $ < -> _j `i -> 8 `i 572 ]
+[e $U 573 ]
+[e :U 572 ]
+[; ;main.c: 140: tohex(val, romid[j]);
+[e ( _tohex (2 , &U _val *U + &U _romid * -> _j `ux -> -> # *U &U _romid `ui `ux ]
+[; ;main.c: 141: msg_write(val);
+[e ( _msg_write (1 -> &U _val `*Cuc ]
+[e ++ _j -> -> 1 `i `uc ]
+[e $ < -> _j `i -> 8 `i 572 ]
+[e :U 573 ]
+[; ;main.c: 142: }
+[; ;main.c: 143: if (usermode) msg_write("\r\n"); else msg_write("\n");
+[e $ ! != -> _usermode `i -> -> -> 0 `i `uc `i 575 ]
+[e ( _msg_write (1 :s 21C ]
+[e $U 576 ]
+[e :U 575 ]
+[e ( _msg_write (1 :s 22C ]
+[e :U 576 ]
+[; ;main.c: 144: }else
+[e $U 577 ]
+[e :U 570 ]
+[; ;main.c: 145: if (cmd == 'p' || cmd == 'P') {
+[e $ ! || == -> _cmd `ui -> 112 `ui == -> _cmd `ui -> 80 `ui 578 ]
+[; ;main.c: 146: if (usermode) msg_write("\r");
+[e $ ! != -> _usermode `i -> -> -> 0 `i `uc `i 579 ]
+[e ( _msg_write (1 :s 23C ]
+[e :U 579 ]
+[v _para `uc ~T0 @X0 1 a ]
+[; ;main.c: 147: bool para = OW_parasite();
+[e = _para ( _OW_parasite .. ]
+[; ;main.c: 148: if (usermode) {
+[e $ ! != -> _usermode `i -> -> -> 0 `i `uc `i 580 ]
+[; ;main.c: 149: if (para)
+[e $ ! != -> _para `i -> -> -> 0 `i `uc `i 581 ]
+[; ;main.c: 150: msg_write("PARA A Device is parasite powered\r\n");
+[e ( _msg_write (1 :s 24C ]
+[e $U 582 ]
+[e :U 581 ]
+[; ;main.c: 151: else
+[; ;main.c: 152: msg_write("PARA No Device is parasite powered.\r\n");
+[e ( _msg_write (1 :s 25C ]
+[e :U 582 ]
+[; ;main.c: 153: } else {
+[e $U 583 ]
+[e :U 580 ]
+[; ;main.c: 154: if (para) msg_write("PARA\n"); else msg_write("DIRECT\n");
+[e $ ! != -> _para `i -> -> -> 0 `i `uc `i 584 ]
+[e ( _msg_write (1 :s 26C ]
+[e $U 585 ]
+[e :U 584 ]
+[e ( _msg_write (1 :s 27C ]
+[e :U 585 ]
+[e :U 583 ]
+[; ;main.c: 155: }
+[; ;main.c: 156: }else
+[e $U 586 ]
+[e :U 578 ]
+[; ;main.c: 157: if (cmd == 's' || cmd =='S') {
+[e $ ! || == -> _cmd `ui -> 115 `ui == -> _cmd `ui -> 83 `ui 587 ]
+[v _scratch `uc ~T0 @X0 -> 9 `i a ]
+[; ;main.c: 158: uint8_t scratch[9];
+[; ;main.c: 159: romid[0] = 0;
+[e = *U + &U _romid * -> -> -> 0 `i `ui `ux -> -> # *U &U _romid `ui `ux -> -> 0 `i `uc ]
+[; ;main.c: 160: OW_read_block(0xBE, scratch, 9);
+[e ( _OW_read_block (3 , , -> -> 190 `i `uc &U _scratch -> -> 9 `i `uc ]
+[; ;main.c: 161: if (usermode) msg_write("\rSCRATCH");
+[e $ ! != -> _usermode `i -> -> -> 0 `i `uc `i 588 ]
+[e ( _msg_write (1 :s 28C ]
+[e :U 588 ]
+[; ;main.c: 162: for (char j=0; j<9; j++) {
+[v _j `uc ~T0 @X0 1 a ]
+[e = _j -> -> 0 `i `uc ]
+[e $ < -> _j `i -> 9 `i 589 ]
+[e $U 590 ]
+[e :U 589 ]
+[v _val `uc ~T0 @X0 -> 3 `i a ]
+[; ;main.c: 163: char val[3];
+[; ;main.c: 164: tohex(val, scratch[j]);
+[e ( _tohex (2 , &U _val *U + &U _scratch * -> _j `ux -> -> # *U &U _scratch `ui `ux ]
+[; ;main.c: 165: msg_write(" ");
+[e ( _msg_write (1 :s 29C ]
+[; ;main.c: 166: msg_write(val);
+[e ( _msg_write (1 -> &U _val `*Cuc ]
+[e ++ _j -> -> 1 `i `uc ]
+[e $ < -> _j `i -> 9 `i 589 ]
+[e :U 590 ]
+[; ;main.c: 167: }
+[; ;main.c: 168: if (usermode) msg_write("\r\n"); else msg_write("\n");
+[e $ ! != -> _usermode `i -> -> -> 0 `i `uc `i 592 ]
+[e ( _msg_write (1 :s 30C ]
+[e $U 593 ]
+[e :U 592 ]
+[e ( _msg_write (1 :s 31C ]
+[e :U 593 ]
+[; ;main.c: 169: }else
+[e $U 594 ]
+[e :U 587 ]
+[; ;main.c: 170: if (cmd == 't' || cmd == 'T') {
+[e $ ! || == -> _cmd `ui -> 116 `ui == -> _cmd `ui -> 84 `ui 595 ]
+[v _val `uc ~T0 @X0 -> 3 `i a ]
+[v _scratch `uc ~T0 @X0 -> 9 `i a ]
+[; ;main.c: 171: char val[3];
+[; ;main.c: 172: uint8_t scratch[9];
+[; ;main.c: 178: OW_search_init();
+[e ( _OW_search_init .. ]
+[; ;main.c: 179: while (OW_search())
+[e $U 596 ]
+[e :U 597 ]
+[; ;main.c: 180: {
+[; ;main.c: 182: asm("clrwdt");
+[; <" clrwdt ;# ">
+[; ;main.c: 184: OW_convert();
+[e ( _OW_convert .. ]
+[; ;main.c: 185: asm("clrwdt");
+[; <" clrwdt ;# ">
+[; ;main.c: 188: for (char j=0; j<9; j++) scratch[j]=0;
+[v _j `uc ~T0 @X0 1 a ]
+[e = _j -> -> 0 `i `uc ]
+[e $ < -> _j `i -> 9 `i 599 ]
+[e $U 600 ]
+[e :U 599 ]
+[e = *U + &U _scratch * -> _j `ux -> -> # *U &U _scratch `ui `ux -> -> 0 `i `uc ]
+[e ++ _j -> -> 1 `i `uc ]
+[e $ < -> _j `i -> 9 `i 599 ]
+[e :U 600 ]
+[; ;main.c: 191: OW_read_block(0xBE, scratch, 9);
+[e ( _OW_read_block (3 , , -> -> 190 `i `uc &U _scratch -> -> 9 `i `uc ]
+[; ;main.c: 194: if (usermode) msg_write("\r");
+[e $ ! != -> _usermode `i -> -> -> 0 `i `uc `i 602 ]
+[e ( _msg_write (1 :s 32C ]
+[e :U 602 ]
+[; ;main.c: 195: msg_write("TEMP ");
+[e ( _msg_write (1 :s 33C ]
+[; ;main.c: 196: for (char j=0;j<8;j++) {
+[v _j `uc ~T0 @X0 1 a ]
+[e = _j -> -> 0 `i `uc ]
+[e $ < -> _j `i -> 8 `i 603 ]
+[e $U 604 ]
+[e :U 603 ]
+[; ;main.c: 197: tohex(val, romid[j]);
+[e ( _tohex (2 , &U _val *U + &U _romid * -> _j `ux -> -> # *U &U _romid `ui `ux ]
+[; ;main.c: 198: msg_write(val);
+[e ( _msg_write (1 -> &U _val `*Cuc ]
+[e ++ _j -> -> 1 `i `uc ]
+[e $ < -> _j `i -> 8 `i 603 ]
+[e :U 604 ]
+[; ;main.c: 199: }
+[; ;main.c: 200: msg_write(" ");
+[e ( _msg_write (1 :s 34C ]
+[; ;main.c: 201: tohex(val, scratch[1]);
+[e ( _tohex (2 , &U _val *U + &U _scratch * -> -> -> 1 `i `ui `ux -> -> # *U &U _scratch `ui `ux ]
+[; ;main.c: 202: msg_write(val);
+[e ( _msg_write (1 -> &U _val `*Cuc ]
+[; ;main.c: 203: tohex(val, scratch[0]);
+[e ( _tohex (2 , &U _val *U + &U _scratch * -> -> -> 0 `i `ui `ux -> -> # *U &U _scratch `ui `ux ]
+[; ;main.c: 204: msg_write(val);
+[e ( _msg_write (1 -> &U _val `*Cuc ]
+[; ;main.c: 205: if (usermode) msg_write("\r\n"); else msg_write("\n");
+[e $ ! != -> _usermode `i -> -> -> 0 `i `uc `i 606 ]
+[e ( _msg_write (1 :s 35C ]
+[e $U 607 ]
+[e :U 606 ]
+[e ( _msg_write (1 :s 36C ]
+[e :U 607 ]
+[e :U 596 ]
+[e $ != -> ( _OW_search .. `i -> -> -> 0 `i `uc `i 597 ]
+[e :U 598 ]
+[; ;main.c: 206: }
+[; ;main.c: 208: if (!usermode) msg_write("END\n");
+[e $ ! ! != -> _usermode `i -> -> -> 0 `i `uc `i 608 ]
+[e ( _msg_write (1 :s 37C ]
+[e :U 608 ]
+[; ;main.c: 210: }else
+[e $U 609 ]
+[e :U 595 ]
+[; ;main.c: 211: if (cmd == '0')
+[e $ ! == -> _cmd `ui -> 48 `ui 610 ]
+[; ;main.c: 212: {
+[; ;main.c: 213: drive_OW_low();
+[e ( _drive_OW_low .. ]
+[; ;main.c: 214: if (usermode)
+[e $ ! != -> _usermode `i -> -> -> 0 `i `uc `i 611 ]
+[; ;main.c: 215: msg_write("\rBUS 1-Wire set low\r\n");
+[e ( _msg_write (1 :s 38C ]
+[e $U 612 ]
+[e :U 611 ]
+[; ;main.c: 216: else
+[; ;main.c: 217: msg_write("LOW\n");
+[e ( _msg_write (1 :s 39C ]
+[e :U 612 ]
+[; ;main.c: 218: }else
+[e $U 613 ]
+[e :U 610 ]
+[; ;main.c: 219: if (cmd == '1')
+[e $ ! == -> _cmd `ui -> 49 `ui 614 ]
+[; ;main.c: 220: {
+[; ;main.c: 221: drive_OW_high();
+[e ( _drive_OW_high .. ]
+[; ;main.c: 222: if (usermode)
+[e $ ! != -> _usermode `i -> -> -> 0 `i `uc `i 615 ]
+[; ;main.c: 223: msg_write("\rBUS 1-wire set high\r\n");
+[e ( _msg_write (1 :s 40C ]
+[e $U 616 ]
+[e :U 615 ]
+[; ;main.c: 224: else
+[; ;main.c: 225: msg_write("HIGH\n");
+[e ( _msg_write (1 :s 41C ]
+[e :U 616 ]
+[; ;main.c: 226: }else
+[e $U 617 ]
+[e :U 614 ]
+[; ;main.c: 227: if (cmd == '3')
+[e $ ! == -> _cmd `ui -> 51 `ui 618 ]
+[; ;main.c: 228: {
+[; ;main.c: 229: float_OW();
+[e ( _float_OW .. ]
+[; ;main.c: 230: if (usermode)
+[e $ ! != -> _usermode `i -> -> -> 0 `i `uc `i 619 ]
+[; ;main.c: 231: msg_write("\rBUS 1-wire set to tri-state\r\n");
+[e ( _msg_write (1 :s 42C ]
+[e $U 620 ]
+[e :U 619 ]
+[; ;main.c: 232: else
+[; ;main.c: 233: msg_write("TRISTATE\n");
+[e ( _msg_write (1 :s 43C ]
+[e :U 620 ]
+[; ;main.c: 234: }else
+[e $U 621 ]
+[e :U 618 ]
+[; ;main.c: 235: if (cmd == '!')
+[e $ ! == -> _cmd `ui -> 33 `ui 622 ]
+[; ;main.c: 236: {
+[; ;main.c: 238: msg_write("Play dead.\r\n");
+[e ( _msg_write (1 :s 44C ]
+[; ;main.c: 239: while (1) { _nop(); }
+[e :U 624 ]
+[e ( __nop .. ]
+[e :U 623 ]
+[e $U 624 ]
+[e :U 625 ]
+[; ;main.c: 240: }else
+[e $U 626 ]
+[e :U 622 ]
+[; ;main.c: 241: if (cmd == '?')
+[e $ ! == -> _cmd `ui -> 63 `ui 627 ]
+[; ;main.c: 242: {
+[v _line `uc ~T0 @X0 1 a ]
+[; ;main.c: 243: bool line = read_OW();
+[e = _line ( _read_OW .. ]
+[; ;main.c: 244: if (line) {
+[e $ ! != -> _line `i -> -> -> 0 `i `uc `i 628 ]
+[; ;main.c: 245: if (usermode) msg_write("\rBUS HIGH\r\n");
+[e $ ! != -> _usermode `i -> -> -> 0 `i `uc `i 629 ]
+[e ( _msg_write (1 :s 45C ]
+[e $U 630 ]
+[e :U 629 ]
+[; ;main.c: 246: else
+[; ;main.c: 247: msg_write("HIGH\n");
+[e ( _msg_write (1 :s 46C ]
+[e :U 630 ]
+[; ;main.c: 248: } else {
+[e $U 631 ]
+[e :U 628 ]
+[; ;main.c: 249: if (usermode) msg_write("\rBUS LOW\r\n");
+[e $ ! != -> _usermode `i -> -> -> 0 `i `uc `i 632 ]
+[e ( _msg_write (1 :s 47C ]
+[e $U 633 ]
+[e :U 632 ]
+[; ;main.c: 250: else msg_write("LOW\n");
+[e ( _msg_write (1 :s 48C ]
+[e :U 633 ]
+[e :U 631 ]
+[; ;main.c: 251: }
+[; ;main.c: 252: }else
+[e $U 634 ]
+[e :U 627 ]
+[; ;main.c: 253: {
+[; ;main.c: 254: if (usermode) {
+[e $ ! != -> _usermode `i -> -> -> 0 `i `uc `i 635 ]
+[; ;main.c: 255: msg_write("ERROR Press H for Help\n");
+[e ( _msg_write (1 :s 49C ]
+[; ;main.c: 256: } else {
+[e $U 636 ]
+[e :U 635 ]
+[; ;main.c: 257: msg_write("\rERROR Unknown command '");
+[e ( _msg_write (1 :s 50C ]
+[; ;main.c: 258: msg_writebyte(cmd);
+[e ( _msg_writebyte (1 _cmd ]
+[; ;main.c: 259: msg_write("' Press 'H' for help.\r\n");
+[e ( _msg_write (1 :s 51C ]
+[e :U 636 ]
+[e :U 634 ]
+[e :U 626 ]
+[e :U 621 ]
+[e :U 617 ]
+[e :U 613 ]
+[e :U 609 ]
+[e :U 594 ]
+[e :U 586 ]
+[e :U 577 ]
+[e :U 569 ]
+[e :U 554 ]
+[e :U 549 ]
+[e :U 535 ]
+[; ;main.c: 260: }
+[; ;main.c: 261: }
+[; ;main.c: 263: if (usermode) msg_write(prompt);
+[e $ ! != -> _usermode `i -> -> -> 0 `i `uc `i 637 ]
+[e ( _msg_write (1 -> &U _prompt `*Cuc ]
+[e :U 637 ]
+[e :U 526 ]
+[e $U 527 ]
+[e :U 528 ]
+[; ;main.c: 264: }
+[; ;main.c: 265: }
+[e :UE 525 ]
+[v _tohex `(v ~T0 @X0 1 ef2`*uc`uc ]
+[; ;main.c: 269: void tohex(char val[], char i)
+[; ;main.c: 270: {
+[e :U _tohex ]
+[v _val `*uc ~T0 @X0 1 r1 ]
+[v _i `uc ~T0 @X0 1 r2 ]
+[f ]
+[v _bt `uc ~T0 @X0 1 a ]
+[; ;main.c: 271: char bt = i >> 4;
+[e = _bt -> >> -> _i `i -> 4 `i `uc ]
+[; ;main.c: 272: if (bt > 9)
+[e $ ! > -> _bt `i -> 9 `i 639 ]
+[; ;main.c: 273: val[0] = 'A' + (bt - 10);
+[e = *U + _val * -> -> 0 `i `x -> -> # *U _val `i `x -> + -> 65 `ui -> - -> _bt `i -> 10 `i `ui `uc ]
+[e $U 640 ]
+[e :U 639 ]
+[; ;main.c: 274: else
+[; ;main.c: 275: val[0] = '0' + bt;
+[e = *U + _val * -> -> 0 `i `x -> -> # *U _val `i `x -> + -> 48 `ui -> _bt `ui `uc ]
+[e :U 640 ]
+[; ;main.c: 276: bt = i & 0x0F;
+[e = _bt -> & -> _i `i -> 15 `i `uc ]
+[; ;main.c: 277: if (bt > 9)
+[e $ ! > -> _bt `i -> 9 `i 641 ]
+[; ;main.c: 278: val[1] = 'A' + (bt - 10);
+[e = *U + _val * -> -> 1 `i `x -> -> # *U _val `i `x -> + -> 65 `ui -> - -> _bt `i -> 10 `i `ui `uc ]
+[e $U 642 ]
+[e :U 641 ]
+[; ;main.c: 279: else
+[; ;main.c: 280: val[1] = '0' + bt;
+[e = *U + _val * -> -> 1 `i `x -> -> # *U _val `i `x -> + -> 48 `ui -> _bt `ui `uc ]
+[e :U 642 ]
+[; ;main.c: 281: val[2] = 0;
+[e = *U + _val * -> -> 2 `i `x -> -> # *U _val `i `x -> -> 0 `i `uc ]
+[; ;main.c: 282: }
+[e :UE 638 ]
+[v _msg_empty `(uc ~T0 @X0 1 ef ]
+[; ;main.c: 286: bool msg_empty(void)
+[; ;main.c: 287: {
+[e :U _msg_empty ]
+[f ]
+[; ;main.c: 288: if (outp == 0) return 1;
+[e $ ! == _outp -> -> 0 `i `*uc 644 ]
+[e ) -> -> 1 `i `uc ]
+[e $UE 643 ]
+[e :U 644 ]
+[; ;main.c: 289: return 0;
+[e ) -> -> 0 `i `uc ]
+[e $UE 643 ]
+[; ;main.c: 290: }
+[e :UE 643 ]
+[v _msg_write `(v ~T0 @X0 1 ef1`*Cuc ]
+[; ;main.c: 293: void msg_write(const char *msg)
+[; ;main.c: 294: {
+[e :U _msg_write ]
+[v _msg `*Cuc ~T0 @X0 1 r1 ]
+[f ]
+[v _p `*uc ~T0 @X0 1 a ]
+[; ;main.c: 295: char * p = outbuff + outlen;
+[e = _p + &U _outbuff * -> _outlen `ux -> -> # *U &U _outbuff `ui `ux ]
+[; ;main.c: 296: while (outlen < sizeof(outbuff) && *msg != 0) {
+[e $U 646 ]
+[e :U 647 ]
+[; ;main.c: 297: *(p++) = *(msg++);
+[e = *U ++ _p * -> -> 1 `i `x -> -> # *U _p `i `x *U ++ _msg * -> -> 1 `i `x -> -> # *U _msg `i `x ]
+[; ;main.c: 298: outlen++;
+[e ++ _outlen -> -> 1 `i `uc ]
+[e :U 646 ]
+[e $ && < -> _outlen `ui -> # _outbuff `ui != -> *U _msg `i -> 0 `i 647 ]
+[e :U 648 ]
+[; ;main.c: 299: }
+[; ;main.c: 300: *p = 0;
+[e = *U _p -> -> 0 `i `uc ]
+[; ;main.c: 301: if (outp == 0) {
+[e $ ! == _outp -> -> 0 `i `*uc 649 ]
+[; ;main.c: 302: outp = outbuff;
+[e = _outp &U _outbuff ]
+[; ;main.c: 303: PIE1bits.TXIE = 1;
+[e = . . _PIE1bits 0 4 -> -> 1 `i `uc ]
+[e :U 649 ]
+[; ;main.c: 304: }
+[; ;main.c: 305: }
+[e :UE 645 ]
+[v _msg_writebyte `(v ~T0 @X0 1 ef1`Cuc ]
+[; ;main.c: 307: void msg_writebyte(const char msg)
+[; ;main.c: 308: {
+[e :U _msg_writebyte ]
+[v _msg `Cuc ~T0 @X0 1 r1 ]
+[f ]
+[; ;main.c: 309: if (outlen+1 >= (uint8_t)sizeof(outbuff)) return;
+[e $ ! >= + -> _outlen `i -> 1 `i -> -> -> # _outbuff `ui `uc `i 651 ]
+[e $UE 650 ]
+[e :U 651 ]
+[; ;main.c: 310: outbuff[outlen++] = msg;
+[e = *U + &U _outbuff * -> ++ _outlen -> -> 1 `i `uc `ux -> -> # *U &U _outbuff `ui `ux _msg ]
+[; ;main.c: 311: outbuff[outlen] = 0;
+[e = *U + &U _outbuff * -> _outlen `ux -> -> # *U &U _outbuff `ui `ux -> -> 0 `i `uc ]
+[; ;main.c: 312: if (outp == 0) {
+[e $ ! == _outp -> -> 0 `i `*uc 652 ]
+[; ;main.c: 313: outp = outbuff;
+[e = _outp &U _outbuff ]
+[; ;main.c: 314: PIE1bits.TXIE = 1;
+[e = . . _PIE1bits 0 4 -> -> 1 `i `uc ]
+[e :U 652 ]
+[; ;main.c: 315: }
+[; ;main.c: 316: }
+[e :UE 650 ]
+[v _putch `(v ~T0 @X0 1 ef1`uc ]
+[; ;main.c: 318: void putch(char data)
+[; ;main.c: 319: {
+[e :U _putch ]
+[v _data `uc ~T0 @X0 1 r1 ]
+[f ]
+[; ;main.c: 320: msg_writebyte(data);
+[e ( _msg_writebyte (1 _data ]
+[; ;main.c: 321: }
+[e :UE 653 ]
+[v _msg_sendnext `(v ~T0 @X0 1 ef ]
+[; ;main.c: 324: void msg_sendnext(void)
+[; ;main.c: 325: {
+[e :U _msg_sendnext ]
+[f ]
+[; ;main.c: 327: if (outp == 0 || *outp == 0) {
+[e $ ! || == _outp -> -> 0 `i `*uc == -> *U _outp `i -> 0 `i 655 ]
+[; ;main.c: 328: PIE1bits.TXIE = 0;
+[e = . . _PIE1bits 0 4 -> -> 0 `i `uc ]
+[; ;main.c: 329: outp = 0;
+[e = _outp -> -> 0 `i `*uc ]
+[; ;main.c: 330: outlen = 0;
+[e = _outlen -> -> 0 `i `uc ]
+[; ;main.c: 331: return;
+[e $UE 654 ]
+[e :U 655 ]
+[; ;main.c: 332: }
+[; ;main.c: 333: TXREG = *outp;
+[e = _TXREG *U _outp ]
+[; ;main.c: 334: outp++;
+[e ++ _outp * -> -> 1 `i `x -> -> # *U _outp `i `x ]
+[; ;main.c: 335: }
+[e :UE 654 ]
+[v _msg_recvnext `(v ~T0 @X0 1 ef ]
+[; ;main.c: 338: void msg_recvnext(void)
+[; ;main.c: 339: {
+[e :U _msg_recvnext ]
+[f ]
+[; ;main.c: 340: while (PIR1bits.RCIF) {
+[e $U 657 ]
+[e :U 658 ]
+[v _err `uc ~T0 @X0 1 a ]
+[; ;main.c: 341: bool err = RCSTAbits.FERR;
+[e = _err . . _RCSTAbits 0 2 ]
+[v _new `uc ~T0 @X0 1 a ]
+[; ;main.c: 342: char new = RCREG;
+[e = _new _RCREG ]
+[; ;main.c: 345: if (err) continue;
+[e $ ! != -> _err `i -> -> -> 0 `i `uc `i 660 ]
+[e $U 657 ]
+[e :U 660 ]
+[; ;main.c: 348: if (inlen > sizeof(inbuff)) return;
+[e $ ! > -> _inlen `ui -> # _inbuff `ui 661 ]
+[e $UE 656 ]
+[e :U 661 ]
+[; ;main.c: 351: inbuff[inlen++] = new;
+[e = *U + &U _inbuff * -> ++ _inlen -> -> 1 `i `uc `ux -> -> # *U &U _inbuff `ui `ux _new ]
+[e :U 657 ]
+[e $ != -> . . _PIR1bits 0 5 `i -> -> -> 0 `i `Vuc `i 658 ]
+[e :U 659 ]
+[; ;main.c: 352: }
+[; ;main.c: 353: }
+[e :UE 656 ]
+[v _msg_recvready `(uc ~T0 @X0 1 ef ]
+[; ;main.c: 355: bool msg_recvready(void)
+[; ;main.c: 356: {
+[e :U _msg_recvready ]
+[f ]
+[; ;main.c: 357: if (inlen > 0) return 1;
+[e $ ! > -> _inlen `i -> 0 `i 663 ]
+[e ) -> -> 1 `i `uc ]
+[e $UE 662 ]
+[e :U 663 ]
+[; ;main.c: 358: return 0;
+[e ) -> -> 0 `i `uc ]
+[e $UE 662 ]
+[; ;main.c: 359: }
+[e :UE 662 ]
+[v _msg_recv `(uc ~T0 @X0 1 ef ]
+[; ;main.c: 361: char msg_recv(void)
+[; ;main.c: 362: {
+[e :U _msg_recv ]
+[f ]
+[; ;main.c: 363: if (inlen == 0) return 0;
+[e $ ! == -> _inlen `i -> 0 `i 665 ]
+[e ) -> -> 0 `i `uc ]
+[e $UE 664 ]
+[e :U 665 ]
+[v _in `uc ~T0 @X0 1 a ]
+[; ;main.c: 366: bool in = PIE1bits.RCIE;
+[e = _in . . _PIE1bits 0 5 ]
+[; ;main.c: 367: PIE1bits.RCIE = 0;
+[e = . . _PIE1bits 0 5 -> -> 0 `i `uc ]
+[v _new `uc ~T0 @X0 1 a ]
+[; ;main.c: 369: char new = inbuff[0];
+[e = _new *U + &U _inbuff * -> -> -> 0 `i `ui `ux -> -> # *U &U _inbuff `ui `ux ]
+[; ;main.c: 370: inlen--;
+[e -- _inlen -> -> 1 `i `uc ]
+[; ;main.c: 373: for (char i=0;i<inlen;i++)
+[v _i `uc ~T0 @X0 1 a ]
+[e = _i -> -> 0 `i `uc ]
+[e $U 669 ]
+[e :U 666 ]
+[; ;main.c: 374: inbuff[i] = inbuff[i+1];
+[e = *U + &U _inbuff * -> _i `ux -> -> # *U &U _inbuff `ui `ux *U + &U _inbuff * -> -> + -> _i `i -> 1 `i `ui `ux -> -> # *U &U _inbuff `ui `ux ]
+[e ++ _i -> -> 1 `i `uc ]
+[e :U 669 ]
+[e $ < -> _i `i -> _inlen `i 666 ]
+[e :U 667 ]
+[; ;main.c: 377: PIE1bits.RCIE = in;
+[e = . . _PIE1bits 0 5 _in ]
+[; ;main.c: 378: return new;
+[e ) _new ]
+[e $UE 664 ]
+[; ;main.c: 379: }
+[e :UE 664 ]
+[v _int_disable `(v ~T0 @X0 1 ef ]
+[; ;main.c: 382: void int_disable(void)
+[; ;main.c: 383: {
+[e :U _int_disable ]
+[f ]
+[; ;main.c: 384: INTCONbits.GIE = 0;
+[e = . . _INTCONbits 0 7 -> -> 0 `i `uc ]
+[; ;main.c: 385: }
+[e :UE 670 ]
+[v _int_enable `(v ~T0 @X0 1 ef ]
+[; ;main.c: 387: void int_enable(void)
+[; ;main.c: 388: {
+[e :U _int_enable ]
+[f ]
+[; ;main.c: 389: INTCONbits.GIE = 1;
+[e = . . _INTCONbits 0 7 -> -> 1 `i `uc ]
+[; ;main.c: 390: }
+[e :UE 671 ]
+[a 28C 13 83 67 82 65 84 67 72 0 ]
+[a 50C 13 69 82 82 79 82 32 85 110 107 110 111 119 110 32 99 111 109 109 97 110 100 32 39 0 ]
+[a 33C 84 69 77 80 32 0 ]
+[a 15C 69 78 85 77 32 0 ]
+[a 20C 13 73 68 32 0 ]
+[a 29C 32 0 ]
+[a 34C 32 0 ]
+[a 11C 13 0 ]
+[a 14C 13 0 ]
+[a 23C 13 0 ]
+[a 32C 13 0 ]
+[a 49C 69 82 82 79 82 32 80 114 101 115 115 32 72 32 102 111 114 32 72 101 108 112 10 0 ]
+[a 39C 76 79 87 10 0 ]
+[a 48C 76 79 87 10 0 ]
+[a 27C 68 73 82 69 67 84 10 0 ]
+[a 41C 72 73 71 72 10 0 ]
+[a 46C 72 73 71 72 10 0 ]
+[a 43C 84 82 73 83 84 65 84 69 10 0 ]
+[a 19C 69 78 68 10 0 ]
+[a 37C 69 78 68 10 0 ]
+[a 26C 80 65 82 65 10 0 ]
+[a 9C 83 32 45 32 82 101 97 100 32 115 99 114 97 116 99 104 112 97 100 32 109 101 109 111 114 121 13 10 0 ]
+[a 38C 13 66 85 83 32 49 45 87 105 114 101 32 115 101 116 32 108 111 119 13 10 0 ]
+[a 5C 82 32 45 32 82 101 115 101 116 32 66 117 115 13 10 0 ]
+[a 4C 69 32 45 32 69 110 117 109 101 114 97 116 101 32 116 104 101 32 66 117 115 13 10 0 ]
+[a 10C 84 32 45 32 114 101 97 100 32 116 101 109 112 101 114 97 116 117 114 101 32 111 102 32 97 108 108 32 100 101 118 105 99 101 115 13 10 0 ]
+[a 40C 13 66 85 83 32 49 45 119 105 114 101 32 115 101 116 32 104 105 103 104 13 10 0 ]
+[a 6C 48 44 49 44 51 32 45 32 98 117 115 32 116 111 32 76 111 119 44 32 72 105 103 104 44 32 84 114 105 115 116 97 116 101 13 10 0 ]
+[a 42C 13 66 85 83 32 49 45 119 105 114 101 32 115 101 116 32 116 111 32 116 114 105 45 115 116 97 116 101 13 10 0 ]
+[a 18C 69 82 82 79 82 32 78 111 32 100 101 118 105 99 101 115 32 102 111 117 110 100 13 10 0 ]
+[a 24C 80 65 82 65 32 65 32 68 101 118 105 99 101 32 105 115 32 112 97 114 97 115 105 116 101 32 112 111 119 101 114 101 100 13 10 0 ]
+[a 47C 13 66 85 83 32 76 79 87 13 10 0 ]
+[a 45C 13 66 85 83 32 72 73 71 72 13 10 0 ]
+[a 7C 73 32 45 32 82 101 97 100 32 40 111 110 101 41 32 68 101 118 105 99 101 32 73 68 13 10 0 ]
+[a 8C 80 32 45 32 65 110 121 32 100 101 118 105 99 101 32 112 97 114 97 115 105 116 105 99 32 112 111 119 101 114 101 100 63 13 10 0 ]
+[a 3C 10 72 101 108 112 58 13 10 0 ]
+[a 51C 39 32 80 114 101 115 115 32 39 72 39 32 102 111 114 32 104 101 108 112 46 13 10 0 ]
+[a 1C 13 10 10 10 80 73 67 32 49 45 87 105 114 101 32 66 114 105 100 103 101 32 115 121 115 116 101 109 46 32 32 80 114 101 115 115 32 39 72 39 32 102 111 114 32 104 101 108 112 46 13 10 0 ]
+[a 13C 82 69 83 69 84 32 78 111 32 68 101 118 105 99 101 115 32 100 101 116 101 99 116 101 100 46 13 10 0 ]
+[a 12C 82 69 83 69 84 32 68 101 118 105 99 101 32 100 101 116 101 99 116 101 100 46 13 10 0 ]
+[a 25C 80 65 82 65 32 78 111 32 68 101 118 105 99 101 32 105 115 32 112 97 114 97 115 105 116 101 32 112 111 119 101 114 101 100 46 13 10 0 ]
+[a 44C 80 108 97 121 32 100 101 97 100 46 13 10 0 ]
+[a 2C 13 10 0 ]
+[a 16C 13 10 0 ]
+[a 21C 13 10 0 ]
+[a 30C 13 10 0 ]
+[a 35C 13 10 0 ]
+[a 17C 10 0 ]
+[a 22C 10 0 ]
+[a 31C 10 0 ]
+[a 36C 10 0 ]