#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // MOSFET for door lock activation // ON/HIGH == ground the output screw terminal #define MOSFET 16 // Pin for LED / WS2812 #define STATUSLED 2 // Wiegand keyfob reader pins #define WD0 12 #define WD1 13 // Door lock sense pin #define SENSE 14 // emergency release switch #define ERELEASE 15 // Buzzer/LED on keyfob control #define BUZZER 4 // Gnd to beep #define DOORLED 5 // low = green, otherwise red // orientation of some signals #define DLED_GREEN LOW #define DLED_RED HIGH #define LOCK_OPEN HIGH #define LOCK_CLOSE LOW #define BUZZ_ON LOW #define BUZZ_OFF HIGH /*********************** * Configuration parameters */ // AP that it will apoear as for configuration #define MANAGER_AP "DoorLock" // Credentials required to reset or upload new info #define www_username "admin" #define www_password "wibble" // files to store card/fob data in #define CARD_TMPFILE "/cards.tmp" #define CARD_FILE "/cards.dat" // how long to hold the latch open in millis #define LATCH_HOLD 5000 /*************************** * code below */ WIEGAND wg; ESP8266WebServer server(80); int fileSize(const char *filename) { int ret = -1; File file = SPIFFS.open(filename, "r"); if (file) { ret = file.size(); file.close(); } return ret; } void handleRoot() { char mtime[16]; int sec = millis() / 1000; int mi = sec / 60; int hr = mi / 60; int day = hr / 24; snprintf(mtime, 16, "%dd %02d:%02d:%02d", day, hr % 24, mi % 60, sec % 60); String out = "\ \ Door Lock\ \ \ \

Door Lock!


Uptime: " + (String)mtime + "

"; if (SPIFFS.exists(CARD_FILE)) { out += "

Cardfile: " + String(CARD_FILE) + " is " + fileSize(CARD_FILE) + " bytes"; int count = sanityCheck(CARD_FILE); if (count <= 0) { out += ", in an invalid file"; } else { out += ", contains " + String(count) + " keyfob IDs"; out += " - Download"; } out += ".

"; } out += "
  • Reset Configuration\
  • Upload Cardlist"; FSInfo fs_info; if (SPIFFS.info(fs_info)) { out += "
  • Format SPIFFS - Size:"+String(fs_info.totalBytes)+" Used:"+String(fs_info.usedBytes); } out += "
  • Lock is currently "; if (digitalRead(SENSE) == HIGH) out += "LOCKED"; else out += "OPEN"; out += "
\ \ "; server.send( 200, "text/html", out); } void handleDownload() { if (!server.authenticate(www_username, www_password)) return server.requestAuthentication(); if (!SPIFFS.exists(CARD_FILE)) { server.send(404, "text/plain", "Card file not found"); return; } File f = SPIFFS.open(CARD_FILE, "r"); server.streamFile(f, "text/csv"); f.close(); } void handleNotFound() { String out = "File Not found\n\n"; server.send(404, "text/plain", out); } // User wants to reset config void handleReset() { if (!server.authenticate(www_username, www_password)) return server.requestAuthentication(); server.send(200, "text/plain", "Rebooting to config manager...\n\n"); WiFiManager wfm; wfm.resetSettings(); WiFi.disconnect(); ESP.reset(); delay(5000); } void handleUploadRequest() { String out = "Upload Keyfob list\
\ \ Select file to upload: \ \
"; server.send(200, "text/html", out); } File uploadFile; String upload_error; int upload_code = 200; void handleFileUpload() { if (server.uri() != "/upload") return; if (!server.authenticate(www_username, www_password)) return server.requestAuthentication(); HTTPUpload& upload = server.upload(); if (upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_START) { upload_error = ""; upload_code = 200; uploadFile = SPIFFS.open(CARD_TMPFILE, "w"); if (!uploadFile) { upload_error = "error opening file"; Serial.println("Opening tmpfile failed!"); upload_code = 403; } }else if (upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_WRITE) { if (uploadFile) { if (uploadFile.write(upload.buf, upload.currentSize) != upload.currentSize) { upload_error = "write error"; upload_code = 409; } } }else if (upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_END) { if (uploadFile) { uploadFile.close(); } } } void handleUploadComplete() { String out = "Upload finished."; if (upload_code != 200) { out += "Error: "+upload_error; } else { out += " Success"; // upload with no errors, replace old one SPIFFS.remove(CARD_FILE); SPIFFS.rename(CARD_TMPFILE, CARD_FILE); } server.send(upload_code, "text/plain", out); } void returnOK() { server.send(200, "text/plain", ""); } static InputDebounce release_button; void setup() { // some serial, for debug Serial.begin(115200); // The lock mechanism, set HIGH to turn on and connect ground to output pin pinMode(MOSFET, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(MOSFET, LOCK_CLOSE); // lock sense microswitch pinMode(SENSE, INPUT_PULLUP); // emergency door release switch pinMode(ERELEASE, INPUT); // indicators on the keyfob reader pinMode(BUZZER, OUTPUT); pinMode(DOORLED, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(BUZZER, BUZZ_OFF); digitalWrite(DOORLED, DLED_RED); Serial.println("DoorLock. Testing WiFi config..."); // if we have no config, enter config mode WiFiManager wfm; wfm.autoConnect(MANAGER_AP); // we have config, enable web server server.on( "/", handleRoot ); server.on( "/reset", handleReset ); server.onFileUpload( handleFileUpload); server.on( "/upload", HTTP_GET, handleUploadRequest); server.on( "/upload", HTTP_POST, handleUploadComplete); server.on( "/download", handleDownload ); server.onNotFound( handleNotFound ); server.begin(); // advertise we exist via MDNS if (!MDNS.begin("doorlock")) { Serial.println("Error setting up MDNS responder."); } else { MDNS.addService("http", "tcp", 80); } // enable internal flash filesystem SPIFFS.begin(); // init wiegand keyfob reader Serial.println("Starting Wiegand test reader"); wg.begin(WD0, WD0, WD1, WD1); // setup button debounce for the release switch release_button.setup(ERELEASE, 20, InputDebounce::PIM_EXT_PULL_DOWN_RES); } unsigned long locktime = 0; void unlock_door() { digitalWrite(DOORLED, DLED_GREEN); digitalWrite(MOSFET, LOCK_OPEN); if (locktime == 0) { digitalWrite(BUZZER, BUZZ_ON); delay(100); digitalWrite(BUZZER, BUZZ_OFF); delay(50); digitalWrite(BUZZER, BUZZ_ON); delay(100); digitalWrite(BUZZER, BUZZ_OFF); } locktime = millis(); } int sanityCheck(const char * filename) { int count = 0; File f = SPIFFS.open(filename, "r"); if (!f) { Serial.print("Sanity Check: Could not open "); Serial.println(filename); return -1; } while (f.available()) { char c = f.peek(); // skip comment lines if (c == '#') { f.find("\n"); continue; } String wcode = f.readStringUntil(','); String wname = f.readStringUntil('\n'); unsigned int newcode = wcode.toInt(); if (newcode != 0) count++; } f.close(); return count; } String findKeyfob(unsigned int code) { File f = SPIFFS.open(CARD_FILE, "r"); if (!f) { Serial.println("Error opening card file " CARD_FILE); return ""; } String answer = ""; while (f.available()) { char c = f.peek(); // skip comment lines if (c == '#') { f.find("\n"); continue; } String wcode = f.readStringUntil(','); String wname = f.readStringUntil('\n'); unsigned int newcode = wcode.toInt(); /* debug Serial.print("Line: code='"); Serial.print(wcode); Serial.print("' ("); Serial.print(newcode); Serial.print(") name='"); Serial.print(wname); Serial.print("'"); */ if (code == newcode) { // Serial.println(" - FOUND IT"); answer = wname; break; } //Serial.println(); } f.close(); return answer; } void loop() { unsigned long now = millis(); // is the latch held open ? if (locktime != 0) { if (locktime + LATCH_HOLD < now) { locktime = 0; digitalWrite(MOSFET, LOCK_CLOSE); digitalWrite(DOORLED, DLED_RED); } } // handle web requests server.handleClient(); unsigned int ertime = release_button.process(now); unsigned int count = release_button.getStateOnCount(); static unsigned last_count = 0; if (ertime > 0) { if (count != last_count) { last_count = count; Serial.println("Door Release button triggered."); unlock_door(); } else { // buttons is still pressed, do nothing } } // handle card swipes if (wg.available()) { unsigned long code = wg.getCode(); Serial.print("wiegand HEX = "); Serial.print(code,HEX); Serial.print(", DECIMAL= "); Serial.print(code); Serial.print(", TYPE W"); Serial.println(wg.getWiegandType()); String who = findKeyfob(code); if (who != NULL) { Serial.print("Unlocking door for "); Serial.println(who); unlock_door(); } } }