// WiFi network to use for connections #define WIFI_SSID "Hackspace" #define WIFI_PASS "electronics" // This devices unique ID and shared auth secret #define DEVICE_ID "frontdoor" #define SECRET "abcdef" // URL of the API #define AUTH_HOST "swansea.hackspace.org.uk" #define AUTH_URL "/auth/log.php" // MFRC522 Pins #define RST_PIN 5 // MFRC522 Reset Pin #define SS_PIN 15 // MFRC522 Select Pin #define LED_PIN 2 #define LOCK_PIN 16 #define LOCK_TIME 3000 // unlock for 3 seconds // how long to try to connect the wifi #define WIFI_COUNT 20 #define WIFI_DELAY 250 // 20 x 250mS == 5s // how often to retry the connection #define WIFI_RETRY 60000 // filename on SPIFFS that stores key list #define KEYS_FILE "/keys" #undef DEBUG